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  • isosceles
等腰 [děng yāo]
  • [isosceles] 具有两条等边的

  • 等腰三角形

等腰[děng yāo]
  1. 等腰三角形的底角相等。

    The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal .

  2. Fuzzy聚类的等腰直角三角形法

    Method of isosceles right triangle on Fuzzy clustering

  3. 资本权论&一种经济法的分析路径等腰直角三角形波导中的TM波

    A discussion on the TM modes of isosceles - right triangular waveguide

  4. 双等腰三角形凸起地形在SH波入射时的地表位移函数

    Surface displacement function of two isosceles-triangular hills during incidence of SH-wave

  5. SH波入射时柔性基础上等腰三角形坝体结构的出平面反应

    Antiplane response of isosceles triangular dike to incident SH waves

  6. 称一平面点集F是k-等腰集(k≥3),如果F的任一k-元子集中均含有三个点,使得其中一点到另外两点的距离相等。

    A finite planar set is k-isosceles for k ≥ 3 , if every k-point subset of the set contains a point equidistant from other two .

  7. 也许我会加入“误差因素”,和delta一起来确定是等腰三角形还是等边三角形。

    Perhaps I will want to add a " fuzz factor " with deltas for determining whether I have an isosceles or equilateral triangle , respectively .

  8. 每个Patch由两个等腰直角三角形组成,称之为二元三角树,作为绘制每一帧时剖分的基础。

    Each Patch consists of two isosceles triangle formed , known as Binary Triangle Tree , as the rendering of each frame split basis .

  9. 当实现对等边三角形和等腰三角形的测试时,我认识到我只用了delta值来用于直角三角形的计算。

    As I implemented the tests for equilateral and isosceles triangles , I realized that I was using only the delta value for calculations in right triangles .

  10. 非等腰梯形映射族MSS序列的唯一性

    Uniqueness of MSS sequences for nonisosceles trapezoidal maps

  11. 重载梯形摩擦离合器等腰Heron三角形


  12. 等腰三角形Mindlin板的自由振动分析

    Free Vibration of Triangular Mindlin Plates

  13. 等腰Heron三角形的充要条件

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Heron Isosceles Triangles

  14. 闭合复位20例,切开复位3例,在C形臂X线机监视下,将3枚空心螺丝钉呈等腰三角形平行打入。

    Close reduction was done in 20 cases and open reduction was in 3 cases . The fractures were fixated by 3 parallel hollow screws in the form of isosceles triangle under monitoring of type C arm X-ray machine .

  15. 利用“契合”思想,给出SH波作用下浅埋圆孔附近等腰三角形凸起地形表面地震动的解析解答。

    In this paper , the ground motion of an isosceles triangular hill above a subsurface cavity with incident SH waves is studied based on conjunction .

  16. 本文主要利用对称Minkowski平面单位圆上等腰正交的特性,研究对称的Minkowski平面上的非方常数的取值。

    In this paper , by making use of characteristics of isosceles orthogonality , non-square constants in symmetric Minkowski planes are studied .

  17. 本文建立了求解等腰三角形凸起地形附近浅埋单个圆形孔洞对SH波散射的解析方法。

    In this paper , an analytic method is developed for the problem of scattering of steady SH-wave by single shallow-embedded circular cavity , which is near an interface isosceles triangular hill .

  18. 通过具体算例,讨论了等腰三角形、不规则三角形凸起地形的散射,柔性基础上的等腰三角形、不规则三角形坝体结构对SH波的散射,给出了数值结果。

    Numerical examples are provided to show the effects of SH waves on isosceles and scalene triangular hill together with the effects on isosceles and scalene triangular dike with flexible soil-structure interface .

  19. VS新型垂直摆倾斜仪,由于其机械本体更稳定,仪器底板采用等腰三角形结构,增加了仪器的基线长度,进而减小了安装误差对仪器性能的影响;

    The VS new vertical pendulum tilt meter has more stable mechanical body . Its bedplate uses the isosceles triangle structure , which increases the baseline length of the apparatus , as a result , the influence of install error reduces .

  20. 自然坐标系中的等腰直角三角形母元被均匀划分为N2个等腰直角子三角形,根据映射到屏幕上的子三角形形心处的温度计算颜色,然后进行填充。

    After an isosceles right triangular parent element in rectangular coordinate system is subdivided into N 2 sub-triangles , the mapping sub-triangles on the screen are filled with colors calculated according to the central temperatures of them .

  21. 同时,还结合经典赋范空间的一些重要理论,得到了满足Birkhoff正交和等腰正交的条件。

    At the same time , based on some important results in classical normed spaces , some sufficient conditions for Birkhoff orthogonality and the isosceles orthogonality are obtained .

  22. 用有限差分法计算等腰直角三角形波导和五边形波导的截止频率和衰减常数,用Fortran进行编程,计算结果与参考值非常吻合。

    This paper describes the application of finite difference method and Fortran program to obtaining the cutoff frequency and attenuation coefficient in isosceles right triangular waveguide and pentagonal waveguide . The result of calculation agrees very well with the reference value .

  23. 讨论了Birkhoff正交性与对偶映射、等腰正交性、勾股正交性和Roberts正交性之间联系,给出了内积空间的特征性质。

    In this paper we carefully investigated some relationships between Birkhoff orthogonality duality map , and isosceles orthogonality , pythagorean orthogonality , and Roberts orthogonality , some characteristics of inner product spaces are also given .

  24. Fishburn提出是否存在无4点共圆、无3点共线的4等腰6元集。

    Fishburn raised a problem that whether there exists a 4-isosceles 6-point with no 4-point on a circle and no 3-point on a line .

  25. 以及采用等腰三角形,组合系数为1.2R,工作压力为0.3MPa左右时能达到最佳的均匀系数。

    When the isosceles triangle layout is applied , combination distance is 1.2 R and work pressure is 0.35 MPa , then the best uniformity coefficient will be got .

  26. 对于等腰三角形的两边相等的边长进行统计,边长在240~650km范围内。

    Statistics have been performed on the lengths of the sides of isosceles triangles which are considered equilateral . These side lengths are distributed in a range from 240-650 km .

  27. 用垂直入射法测非等腰三棱镜的折射率

    Measuring Refractivity of Irregular Triangular Prism with Method of Vertical Incidence

  28. 等腰三角形刚体平板绕质心轴的转动惯量

    Rotational inertia of an isosceles triangle rigid plane around centroid axis

  29. 拟协调等腰梯形薄板弯曲元和薄壳元

    Quasi-conformal trapezoidal element for orthotropic thin plate and thin shell

  30. 等腰梯形板弯曲问题的康托洛维奇解

    Kantorovich Solution for the Problem of Bending of an Equicrural Ladder Plate