
  • Mr. Fashion;【电影】Mr. Mode
  1. 格兰杰谈到了《时尚先生》与百货公司JCPenny新近成立的合资企业&一个名为Clad的男性时尚电子商务网站。

    Granger talked up a new venture between Esquire and JC penny , called clad , an e-commerce fashion site for men .

  2. LadyGaga上周还身穿“肉制比基尼”登上日本《时尚先生》封面,这招致了动物权利保护组织的批评。

    Meanwhile , last week Lady Gaga appeared on the cover of Japanese Men 's Vogue wearing a meat bikini and attracting criticism from animal rights groups .

  3. 如今,《时尚先生》(Esquire)、《男人装》(FHM)、《绅士季刊》(CQ)则给读者提供了夏洛克风格的绅士范穿搭指南。

    More recently , Esquire , FHM , and GQ have advised readers on how to get the Sherlock look .

  4. 弗兰克·里奇(FrankRich)甚至在1987年给《时尚先生》(Esquire)杂志写了一篇纪念文章,称那是“美国同性恋化”时期。然而1981年的疫情爆发改变了一切。

    Frank Rich even wrote a retrospective article for Esquire in 1987 in which he looked back at " the homosexualization of America . " " But the outbreak of the plague in 1981 changed all that .

  5. 《时尚先生》编辑AlexBilmes已承认该杂志在为男性读者提供很酷的汽车照片的同时,也使用养眼美女的图片。

    Esquire editor Alex Bilmes has admitted that the magazine uses pictures of ornamental women for male readers in the same way we provide pictures of cool cars .

  6. 《时尚先生》编辑AlexBilmes已承认该杂志在为男性读者提供很酷的汽车照片的同时,也使用“养眼”美女的图片。

    Esquire editor Alex Bilmes has admitted that the magazine uses pictures of " ornamental " women for male readers " in the same way we provide pictures of cool cars . "

  7. Bilmes,2010年他从男士杂志竞争对手的《绅士季刊》跳到编辑《时尚先生》,谈到他的杂志策略是比女性杂志业拥有更多的诚实,为此他声称延续了女性的负面形象。

    Bilmes , who moved from rival men 's title GQ to edit Esquire in 2010 , said that his magazine 's policy was more honest than that of the women 's magazine industry , which he claimed perpetuate negative images of women .

  8. Bilmes,2010年他从男士杂志竞争对手的《绅士季刊》跳到编辑《时尚先生》,谈到他的杂志策略是比女性杂志业拥有“更多的诚实”,为此他声称延续了女性的负面形象。

    Bilmes , who moved from rival men 's title GQ to edit Esquire in 2010 , said that his magazine 's policy was " more honest " than that of the women 's magazine industry , which he claimed perpetuate negative images of women .

  9. 《时尚先生》(Esquire)杂志编辑2012年在其网站上写道:“如果几年前你问我们工装裤是不是时髦,我们的回答肯定是否。”但是在接下来那句话中,他们却承认他们的态度正在改变。

    If you asked us if cargo pants were stylish just a few seasons back , we would have answered with a resounding , ' No , ' ' wrote the editors at Esquire on the magazine 's site in 2012 . In the next sentence , however , they confessed to changing their tune .

  10. 而我们也很有幸受邀请为这期时尚先生副刊设计封面。

    We are really appreciated that we were invited to design the cover for this issue .

  11. 他认为《时尚先生》事实上在其女性形象上比女性杂志缺少刚性。

    He argued that Esquire was , in fact , less rigid in its portrayal of women than women 's magazines .

  12. (《时尚先生》)以向我们提供很酷的汽车图片一样的方式提供美女的照片,他说。

    [ Esquire ] provide pictures of girls in the same way we provide pictures of cool cars , he said .

  13. 他认为《时尚先生》事实上在其女性形象上比女性杂志“缺少刚性”。

    He argued that Esquire was , in fact , " less rigid " in its portrayal of women than women 's magazines .

  14. 到目前为止还不是为她准备的,她告诉11月的英国版时尚先生,10月4日星期四出售。

    Not for her - so far , she tells November 's U.K. edition of Esquire , on sale Thurs , Oct. 4 .

  15. 美国版《时尚先生》的写手安德路·路耶克说,哈佛的这项研究不能成为不顾形象者的借口。

    Andrew Luecke , a writer for the lifestyle magazine Esquire , said Harvard 's research should not be used as an excuse for not caring about one 's style and grooming .

  16. 他接着举了女星卡梅隆•迪亚兹的例子,她现在40多岁,作为一个老女人出现在最近一期的《时尚先生》封面上。

    He went on to cite the example of actress Cameron Diaz , who is in her 40s , as an older women used on the cover of a recent issue of Esquire .

  17. 他接着举了女星卡梅隆•迪亚兹的例子,她现在40多岁,作为一个“老”女人出现在最近一期的《时尚先生》封面上。

    He went on to cite the example of actress Cameron Diaz , who is in her 40s , as an " older " women used on the cover of a recent issue of Esquire .

  18. 《时尚先生》杂志的一名作者发表了一篇稍显沉重的文章:“我能理解赛尼斯,有时候,当外面的整个世界都在肆虐的时候,你唯一能做的就是做好你自己的事情”。

    A writer for Esquire magazine struck a pensive note : " I can empathize with Theunis , sometimes when the world is raging outside , the only thing you can do is maintain your small patch of it . "

  19. 他表示在他看来《时尚先生》比许多杂志更诚实的,援引报纸上用模特娜奥米•坎贝尔反女权主义的事例因为她曾在玛莎百货购物。

    He said that in his view Esquire was more honest than many titles , citing the anti-feminist example of a newspaper using a picture of model Naomi Campbell next to a financial story because she shopped at Marks Spencer once .

  20. 他表示在他看来《时尚先生》比许多杂志更诚实的,援引报纸上用模特娜奥米•坎贝尔“反女权主义”的事例“因为她曾在玛莎百货购物”。

    He said that in his view Esquire was " more honest " than many titles , citing the " anti-feminist " example of a newspaper using a picture of model Naomi Campbell next to a financial story " because she shopped at Marks & Spencer once . "

  21. 《时尚·先生》自诩为中国成熟男性的最好的全面的生活类杂志。

    Trends Esquire boasts the best general-interest lifestyle magazine for sophisticated man in China .