
shú liào
  • clinker;grog;chamotte
熟料 [shú liào]
  • [chamotte] 加工过的原料,特指用高温煅烧的粘土

熟料[shú liào]
  1. 影响硬质粘土熟料体积密度的因素及改进措施

    Influence Factors and Improvement Measures on Volumn Density of Hard Clay Grog

  2. 熟料窑滚圈开裂的焊接修复

    Welding repair of the cracks of rolling ring of the grog kiln

  3. 硅酸盐水泥熟料中A矿和B矿的晶体形貌特征

    Characteristics of crystal morphology for Alite and belite in Portland Cement Clinker

  4. 用外部标准的水泥熟料矿物X射线定量分析法

    The quantitative analysis of cement clinker minerals by XRD using an external standard

  5. 使用压片法利用X荧光分析仪分析熟料成分

    Clinker Composition Analysis by Tableting Process and X-ray

  6. V2O5对水泥熟料煅烧和性能的影响

    Effect of V_2O_5 , on clinker burning and clinker properties

  7. 高C3S含量硅酸盐水泥熟料极限石灰率值选择及控制方法的探讨

    Discussion on selection and control method of lime saturation factor of Alite-rich Portland cement clinker

  8. 用铅锌尾矿和页岩制备高C3S硅酸盐水泥熟料的研究

    Study on Production of High Tricalcium Silicate Portland Cement Clinker by Lead-Zinc Tailing and Shale

  9. 掺ZnO快烧波特兰水泥熟料形貌及ZnO固溶情况的研究

    A study the pattern and ZnO solubility of Quick - burning adding-ZnO Portland clinker

  10. 本文介绍一种基于CCD比色法的水泥篦冷机熟料温度场测量系统。

    This article introduces a measuring system of temperature field using CCD for cement cooler clinker .

  11. 氟硫对高含量MgO水泥熟料的影响

    Effect of fluorine and sulfur on high MgO content cement clinker

  12. 减少或保持现有硅酸盐水泥熟料的产量,以减少向大气排放CO2;

    Decreasing or maintaining the present output of clinker may reduce discharge of CO2 to atmosphere .

  13. 普通升温煅烧熟料中C3S形成动力学也属扩散范围;

    The process of formation of C3S in the clinker with ordinary burning belongs to it , to .

  14. 利用X射线衍射、扫描电镜与能谱分析等测试手段分析了阿利特硫铝酸钡钙水泥熟料的组成和结构。

    The mineral constituents and the structures of the clinker were analyzed by X-ray diffraction , scanning electron microscope and energy depressive spectrum .

  15. 熟料中P2O5含量超过一定范围时,水泥凝结变慢,早期强度显著下降。

    When P_2O_5 in the clinker exceeds a certain limit , the setting time of cement becomes longer and the early strength is reduced significantly .

  16. 熟料中Ni以酸性盐酸羟胺溶液提取态和残渣态为主(65.6%、20.3%)。

    Ni in the clinker mainly exists as the acidified hydroxylamine hydrochloride extractable and residual form ( 65.6 % , 20.3 % ) .

  17. 分解排放的CO2约占熟料产量的55%,要从配料方面降低环境负荷需要减少石灰石用量。

    The quantity of CO_2 produced about equal to the 55 % of clinker output . Reducing environmental load in matching demand to reduce limestone .

  18. BaSO4活化C2S水泥熟料锻烧工艺的探讨

    Burning Process of BaSO_4 Activated C_2S Cement Clinker

  19. 在工业回转窑正常煅烧温度下烧成了C3S含量达70.71%的熟料。

    In industrial rotary kiln , a clinker was produced in which the content of tricalcium silicate is 70.71 % under normal calcining temperature .

  20. 以莫来石&刚玉质瓷为材质,采用多熟料配方和热压铸成型方法制备SHF陶瓷衬垫。

    SHF ceramic lining is produced based on the material of mullite corundumporcelain by the method of multi-filler formula and hot-press casting .

  21. 用高岭土的碱焙烧熟料合成4A分子筛的水热转化机理

    The Hydrothermal Conversion Mechanism of Synthesis of 4A Molecular Sieve from Kaolin Alkali Roasting Clinkers

  22. 对河南济源五星集团水泥厂立窑熟料进行岩相检验和XRD分析。

    The XRD and petrographic analysis on the shaft kiln clinker from the cement plant under Jiyuan wuxing group , were taken in this paper .

  23. MnO2对水泥熟料矿物烧成及组分的影响

    Influence of MnO_2 on Cement Clinker Firing and Components

  24. 以G级水泥为例阐述了油井水泥质量检测的标准,讨论了水泥化学组成、熟料矿物组成及物理性能对水泥浆工程性能的影响。

    The paper tries to explain the standards with Grade G cement as an example , and discusses the influence of chemical and mineral composition and physical characteristics on cement slurry performance .

  25. Ca2SiO4和NaFeO2的反应和铝酸盐熟料配方的优化

    Reaction between ca_2sio_4 and nafeo_2 and optimization of composition of sinter in alumina production

  26. 研究了采用铅锌尾矿和页岩配制的高C3S硅酸盐水泥生料的易烧性及所得熟料的性能。

    The burnability of the high tricalcium silicate Portland cement raw meal produced by lead-zinc tailing and shale and property of the resulting clinker were studied in this work .

  27. 结果表明,稀土元素La和Y在熟料煅烧过程中更多地分布在硅酸盐相中形成固溶体;

    The results show that in the sintering process of clinker more La and Ce are distributed in the silicate phase , which form into solid solution with it ;

  28. 在水泥混凝土技术中,每生产一吨水泥熟料则同时排放一吨CO2气体,众所周知,CO2气体对温室效应的影响很大。

    Ton CO_2 gas will be let off when 1 ton cement clinker is manufactured in the technology of cement and concrete . Coming to light , CO_2 will results in greenhouse effect seriously .

  29. 设计了18个熟料组成并分别在1350℃,1400℃,1450℃和1500℃下进行煅烧,对所得熟料作游离氧化钙及X射线衍射测试。

    18 clinker compositions were designed and burned at 1350 ℃, 1400 ℃, 1450 ℃ and 1500 ℃ . The resultant clinker was analyzed of the content of free lime , and X-ray diffraction analysis was done .

  30. 利用XRD、IR、SEM、对高岭土碱焙烧熟料的活性组份及所合成的4A分子筛的结构与形态进行了研究。

    XRD , IR and SEM have been used to study the active ingredients of clinkers formed by alkali roasting of kaolin and the structure and morphological characteristics of4A molecular sieves synthesized .