
shú ān
  • be familiar with;be good at
熟谙 [shú ān]
  • [be good at;be familiar with] 熟悉;清楚地了解

  • 熟谙史实

  • 汝自幼饱读兵法,熟谙战法。--《三国演义》

  • 酒瓮琴书伴病身,熟谙时事乐於贫。--唐. 杜荀鹤《自叙》

熟谙[shú ān]
  1. 英语中文学的翻译有别于其它文体的翻译,须注意以下几个原则:熟谙原语的背景知识,尊重原民族文化个性,透视原作意图。

    Literature style translate differs from other style translation , so some principles as the following should be noticed : to be familiar with the background of source language , to respect the native cultural character and to penetrate the real intention of the original works .

  2. 她对日语的熟谙使我惊奇。

    Her familiarity with Japanese surprised me .

  3. 这种暗示立刻熟谙历史的观察人士回想起了一个原型:总统富兰克林•德拉诺•罗斯福(FranklinDelanoRoosevelt)上世纪30年代的新政(NewDeal)。

    The hints to this effect immediately made historically conscious observers look back to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt 's New Deal of the 1930s as a prototype .

  4. 难怪贝莱德喜欢聘用熟谙政策的人才。

    Little wonder it likes hiring people with senior policy knowledge .

  5. 他有文学爱好,也熟谙科学。

    He had a literary taste and was well read in science .

  6. 他们相当熟谙黑人解放运动的那套豪言壮语。

    They were relatively well versed in the rhetoric of black liberation .

  7. 他熟谙各种自然学科。

    He 's at home in all the sciences .

  8. 他对革命理论的熟谙精通。

    His supreme command of revolutionary theory .

  9. 本文首先介绍了需求链管理的研究背景、含义与内容,并将需求链管理与我们目前所熟谙的供应链管理间的关系和异同做了分析和比较。

    Firstly , this article introduces the background , definition and content of demand chain management .

  10. 他们与夜晚交好,与运气交好,与命运交好,熟谙船到桥头自然直的道理。

    They are the ones acquainted with the night , with luck , with fate , with playing it by ear .

  11. 深入进去,沉浸其中,熟谙这一切,你会很快发现,书的作者正在,

    Steep yourself in this , acquaint yourself with this , and soon you will find that your author is giving you ,

  12. 现年33岁的肯兹自从出生以来就完全融入了人类世界,也熟谙英语。

    Kanzi , now 33 , has been fully immersed in the human world , and the English language , since birth .

  13. 宋代的古物研究者们普遍相信:了解古器物的用途需要熟谙礼法。

    It was the common belief of the Sung antiquarians that it needed men versed in rituals to know the usage of antiques .

  14. 他熟谙中国的历史、地理、社会、文化等方面,不啻是一部活的中国近代史词典。

    He had a sound knowledge of Chinese history , geography , society and culture , like a living dictionary of Chinese contemporary history .

  15. 父亲听了,十分生气,因为儿子本来是熟谙庄稼的。于是,把儿子狠揍了一气。

    His father was very angry with him because the son was familiar with crops , so he gave his son a hard blow .

  16. 出现严重的经济衰退时,仍可能伴随着两位数的通货膨胀&任何熟谙拉美经历的人都能证明这一点。

    And you can have a severe slump while inflation is still in double digits , as any veteran of Latin American experience will confirm .

  17. 马里奥是拍摄杂志封面的专业户,也是戴安娜王妃生前喜爱的摄影师,跟威廉王子同样很熟谙。

    Mr Testino who regularly shoots cover images for the title , and was a favourite with Princess Diana , has long been friends with Prince William .

  18. 被录用的人未必是最合格的候选人,而是懂得如何熟谙并搞定面试的人。

    The person who gets the job is not necessarily the best qualified candidate . It 's the person who knows how to best nail the interview !

  19. 作为“交替性诗人”的弗罗斯特熟谙古希腊文化,善于从古希腊文学中吸取创作素材。

    As a poet of now and then , Frost is familiar with ancient Greek culture and accomplished in adopting persona and subject matter from the ancient literature .

  20. 要写好歌曲主题,不仅应把握歌词的主题、体裁、风格及其节奏、声韵,熟谙歌词所表达的情感、所塑造的形象以及所创造的意境,还应把握词曲关系。

    In composition of the theme of song , the theme , literary genre , style and rhythm of lyrics should be grasped correctly as well as the emotion and mood .

  21. 熟谙生命系统的自组织性,恰当运用医学思维模式,对于开拓诊疗思维、提高诊疗效果会提供有益尝试和多元选择。

    Learning about the self-organizing nature of life system and applying it on the medical thought will benefit the quality of diagnosis and treatment as the result of multi-exploration and alternatives .

  22. 他讲一口流利的英文,并熟谙西方科学方法,但他辩称,传统中药在疾病防治方面可以发挥重要作用不仅是在中国。

    He speaks fluent English and is well versed in western scientific methods , but he argues TCM can have an important role in disease prevention and not just in China .

  23. 与此同时,他熟谙宗教文化,在创作中大量地运用《圣经》的典故和意象,使作品透露出一股浓重的宗教气息。

    In the meantime , his perfect familiarity with the Bible results in a great use of the biblical idioms and images that imbue his works with a heavy religious atmosphere .

  24. 熟谙生活的人,不是懂得享受快乐的人,而是懂得品尝痛苦的人。

    The one who has a good command of life is not the one who knows to enjoy happiness , but the one who knows to taste and enjoy the pain .

  25. 中国熟谙于各种仪式,擅长利用欧盟对于峰会的热情,它同意进行讨论,但却将峰会变成毫无意义的空谈场所。

    China knows a rite when it sees one and has become adept at exploiting the EU 's passion for summitry , agreeing to discussions but turning them into pointless talking shops .

  26. 这棵耸立在悬崖之上的大树径直俯瞰着菲利普国王池塘,那些熟谙树木知识的人一定会说,这棵树至少已有八百或者一千年的历史了。

    It stands on a bluff overlooking King Philip 's Pond , and those who are wise in tree lore say it must have stood there eight hundred or a thousand years .

  27. 在艺术创造的过程中,他们熟谙视觉形象的心理暗示,善于将散乱的材料组织成可信的画面。

    During the course of the artistic creation , they are quite familiar with the psychological indications of visual images and they are expert at sorting the messy materials into believable paintings .

  28. 深入进去,沉浸其中,熟谙这一切,你会很快发现,书的作者正在,或努力在给予你一些十分明确的东西。

    Steep yourself in this , acquaint yourself with this , and soon you will find that your author is giving you , or attempting to give you , something far more definite .

  29. 培养形式型思维模式而慎待实质型思维模式,熟谙程序型思维模式而兼顾实体型思维模式;

    Educate form type of thought mode but the needs the substance type thought mode , familiar procedure type of thought mode but look after both sides the entity type of thought mode ;

  30. 他对儿争心理洞微察幽的熟谙,对美国人民与美国社会力透纸背的剖析,以及对美国英语卓越无比的贡献,赢得了世界人民的尊敬与爱戴。

    His delicate familiarity with children 's psychology , his thorough understanding of Americans and American society , and his great contributions to American English , have won great respect and reputation among the people around the world .