
  1. 用离子注入的半绝缘GaAs晶片作为吸收体和输出镜,在双包层掺镱光纤激光器上实现了调Q锁模。

    We report the technique of the ion_implanted semi_insulating GaAs wafer used for passive Q_ switched mode locking in double_cladding Yb : fiber laser .

  2. 结合双包层掺镱光纤(YDCF)和主振荡功率放大(MOPA)技术,利用熔融拉锥的光纤侧面耦合器,设计和实验研究了全光纤结构的脉冲光纤放大器。

    Using the side-pumped coupler made from fused tapered fiber , the Yb-doped double-cladding fiber ( YDCF ) master oscillation power amplification ( MOPA ) with all-fiber structure is experimentally studied .

  3. 近年来掺镱光纤激光器的研究有了较大发展,出现了用于高功率光纤激光器的双包层掺镱光纤(DCYDF)。

    Recently ytterbium-doped fiber laser has been widely developed . DCYDF ( Double-Cladding Ytterbium Doped Fiber ) was designed to meet rising demand for high-power laser .

  4. 脉冲型双包层掺镱光纤激光器及相关器件的研究

    Research on the Pulsed Yb-doped Double-cladding Fiber Laser and Relevant Components

  5. 双包层掺镱光纤的制备研究

    Fabrication and research of double-cladding ytterbium doped fiber

  6. 双包层掺镱光纤技术使高功率光纤激光器和放大器成为可能。

    The advent of double cladding fiber technology has made high power fiber lasers and amplifiers possible .

  7. 双包层掺镱光纤的纤芯作为单模波导用于传输信号光,内包层设计为多模波导用于传输泵浦光。

    Fiber core of DCYDF is designed as signal waveguide , and inner-cladding is designed as pump waveguide .

  8. 双包层铒镱光纤加上两个6.5瓦的半导体激光器作泵浦源为激光腔提供了足够大的增益。

    Er / Yb co-doped DC fiber and two LDs with maximal power of 6.5 W provide a high gain .

  9. 论文针对小芯径双包层掺镱光纤实现高功率光纤激光输出方案展开了理论与实验研究,分析了小芯径光纤激光器的必要性、可行性、实现方案。

    This dissertation performs a theoretical and experimental study focusing on implementation of high power laser output with small core diameter fiber .

  10. 级联双包层铒镱共掺光纤放大器的性能分析铒/镱共掺光纤放大器的设计和优化

    Performance Analysis of Two-stage Double-clad Er ~ ( 3 + ) / Yb ~ ( 3 + ) Co-doped Fiber Amplifier The Design and Optimization of EYDFA

  11. 双包层掺镱光纤是制作大功率光纤激光器的关键部件,是稀土掺杂光纤中最重要的分支之一。

    Ytterbium doped double clad fiber is the critical component of the fiber laser , and it is one of the most important branches of rare-earth doped fibers .

  12. 在此基础上,对双包层掺镱连续光纤激光器进行了研究,分析了激光器各个参数对输出功率的影响。

    Base on the principles , the influence of different conditions of the double cladding Yb3 + - doped continuous-output fiber laser on the output power has been analyzed .

  13. 利用设计和制备的线性光纤光栅F-P腔结构,以及端面泵浦耦合方式,建立了全光纤型包层泵浦掺镱离子光纤激光器的实验装置及测试方法。

    We established test system of all fiber Yb ~ ( 3 + ) doped fiber laser based on fiber grating resonance cavity and cladding pumping method .