
  • 网络Bao Tianxiao;Pao T'ien-hsiao
  1. 他在民初小说界的地位仅次于包天笑。

    His position in the fiction world of early Republic of China ranks only second to Bao Tianxiao .

  2. 本文第四、五两章分别研究包天笑与刘半侬,他们是中国小说现代转型期跨文学代际的著名作家。

    They are the famous cross-literary intergenerational writers in the period of the modern transformation of Chinese novel .

  3. 包天笑既是清末小说界革命中的名小说家,又是民初兴味派的盟主。

    Bao Tianxiao not only is a well-known novelist in Novel Revolution in Late Qing Dynasty , but is the leader of " Xingwei School " in Early Republic of China .