
jiāng hú yì rén
  • itinerant entertainer;wandering performer;joculator
江湖艺人 [jiāng hú yì rén]
  • [joculator;itinerant entertainers] 中世纪欧洲流浪艺人,受人雇用,表演吟唱、讲故事、舞蹈、变戏法和哑剧等艺术

江湖艺人[jiāng hú yì rén]
  1. 午夜月亮大河斯科特江湖艺人路易斯纳什赢了38场的那位

    Jr Midnight Moon . River Scott . Louise Barnstormer Nash . She had 38 wins

  2. 他是个说书的江湖艺人。

    He was a wandering storyteller .

  3. 热闹的场面变成了他最热衷的主题,在他的《江湖艺人》中,粉红色取代了蓝色作为最常见的色彩。

    Circus theme became a favorite subject , and pink replaced blue as the predominant color , as in the Family of Saltimbanques .

  4. 而这种失去她的宿命,在多数阿富汗人看来,简直比死了老娘还要糟糕:她跟着一群江湖艺人跑了。

    Lost her to a fate most Afghans considered far worse than death : She ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers .

  5. 那两个孩子,也许是被什么警察收留关进拘留所了,或是被什么江湖艺人拐走了,或者压根儿就是迷失在这个无边无际的巴黎迷宫里了,他们没有回来。

    The two children , picked up by some policeman and placed in the refuge , or stolen by some mountebank , or having simply strayed off in that immense Chinese puzzle of a Paris , did not return .