
yì lǐ
  • argumentation
义理 [yì lǐ]
  • [argumentation ] 言辞、文章的含义和观点

  • 以义理咨访。--清. 刘开《问说》

义理[yì lǐ]
  1. 主张义理、考据与词章相结合,体现了诗学与学术的同构;

    The combination of argumentation , textual research and art of writing is advocated ;

  2. 在科学理性日益向考据派渗透的今天,义理派应该大胆地向审美的领域拓展。

    Today , when scientific rationality " is penetrating the textual criticism school , the argumentation school should expand bravely to " aesthetic territories .

  3. 论文第三部分主要介绍赵汝棵的义理之学。

    The third part introduces ZHAO Ru Mei Yi Li Theory .

  4. 论语境因素与商务文本翻译的择义理据

    The Contextual Factors and Meaning-Determination in the Business Text Translation

  5. 名山宫观的规划布局与道教义理&以长江流域的道教名山为例

    The Planning and Taoist Doctrine of Temples in Famous Mountains

  6. 日语中的“义理”用英文怎么说?

    How do you say " giri " in English ?

  7. 《童心说》的义理结构与中国非理性主义文学思想之发轫

    On Childishness and the Birth of Literary Thought of Irrationalism

  8. 而这种义理是我们观察自然运行得到的启示。

    The principle enlightens us when we observe the operation of Nature .

  9. 这就决定了宋代经学的义理取向。

    Those views determined the orientation of studying Confucian classics in Song dynasty .

  10. 公忠,是中国传统道德的重要规范。在中国封建社会伦理纲常中,公忠被看作为国之本,天下大公之道,是社会的最高道德准则,义理之归。

    Upholding Common Loyalty is a good moral tradition of the Chinese nation .

  11. 遇见可以取得的利益时,要想想是不是合乎义理?

    When he sees gain to be got , he thinks of righteousness .

  12. 戴震义理之学中的人性结构模式

    The Human Nature Structure Mode of Dai Zhen about Kindheartedness and Righteousness and Neo-Confucianism

  13. 大足石刻《牧牛图》艺术的美与宗教义理的结合

    The Combination of Artistic Beauty and Religious Implication in the Stone Carving Entitled Cattle Herding

  14. 义理易学研究范仲淹与《易》学

    Studies of I Ching Learning on Philosophical Connotations Fan Zhongyan and the Theory of Changes

  15. 语言符号衍生义理据探索

    Motivations for Derived Meanings of Linguistic Signs

  16. 戴震义理之学的历史评价及近代启蒙意义略论不可知论的历史评价问题

    Dai Zhen 's Theory of Principle with Righteousness : Its Historical Evaluation and Modern Significance of Enlightenment

  17. 本文从横渠文本的义理脉络出发,讨论了横渠思想中所蕴涵的生态伦理观念。

    The paper have discussed and explained ecological ethics from three aspects implying ir Hengqu s thought .

  18. 第二节戴震思想的基本内涵,分别从五个方面加以论述。1.戴震义理思想&承传元典儒学,匡正程朱流弊。

    The second quarter the basic connotation , Dai zhen thoughts from five aspects respectively . 1 .

  19. 其深刻的经济义理表现为有助于效益的提高,减少交易费用,提高成交量。

    Helpful to augment efficiency , lessen dealing Costs , promote exchanging amount are its economic feature .

  20. 最后,在研究历史中,采用考据的治史方法,在考据中阐发义理。

    At last , he used the method of textual research in studying history and elucidated argumentation .

  21. 北宋学者对儒家经典的研究侧重于探讨义理,苏轼亦如此。

    The scholars in the Northern Song Dynasty prefered to probe into the significance of the Confucian classics .

  22. 如果取得的方法不合乎义理道德,我宁愿舍弃它,去做自己所爱的事。

    If riches are obtained using immoral or unethical ways , I would rather do what I love .

  23. 戴震不满二者学术各有偏废,于是将“制数”与“义理”结合起来,创建了一种融二者于一体的“新理学”。

    So he combined the logos with the philology and set up his own " New Neo-philosophysm " philosophy s.

  24. 譬喻是《法华经》的主要表法方式,是佛学义理和文学性高度结合的体现。

    As the main method of expressing the Buddhism , Metaphor embodies the thought and literature in Lotus Sutra .

  25. 它主要通过以佛教义理对现代科学的诠解,实现佛教在科学时代的宗教功能。

    Through the interpretation of modern science by Buddhist theory , Buddhism realizes its religious function in the scientific era .

  26. 佛家这些义理和认知思维,蕴涵丰富的人文生态思想,为中国古代文人士大夫所崇奉。

    These principles and cognitive thinking reflected rich cultural and ecological connotation and was adhered to by the ancient Chinese scholars .

  27. 他提倡从象数和义理这两方面研习易学,并应将易学提升到了天人之学的高度加以理解和践行。

    In addition , he suggested we comprehend and practice Yi-ology by upgrading it to the learning of heaven and humanity .

  28. 但其良知(智的直觉)坎陷说无论从内在义理还是事实情况都有不可克服的理论困难。

    The self-denying theory of conscience ( intellectual intuition ) has unconquered theoretical difficulties from inner mechanism or the matter fact .

  29. 而这些佛教义理的传达与作者所采用的表达方式密切相关。

    It is obvious that the delivery of the Buddhist doctrines is related to the expressive skills which the author adopts .

  30. 融合中西的义理阐释方法&以民国学术研究为例

    Elucidatory Methods of Argumentation Crossing China and The West & An Example from the Academic Research of the Republic of China