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  1. 陕西凤翔民间木版年画的艺术特色

    The Art Characteristic of Feng Xiang Folk Woodcut Spring Festival Pictures

  2. 辽宁抚顺市区凤翔路地裂缝诱因分析

    Analysis of geofracture incentive cause on Fengxiang Road in Fushun city

  3. 采自宝鸡地区凤翔县的3份样品3种病毒均未检出;

    The 3 samples collected from Fengxiang county were virus free ;

  4. 浅谈凤翔县小流域综合防治体系和治理模式

    Discussion on Comprehensive Management Model of Fengxiang County Small Basin

  5. 任职凤翔府签判时期,是苏轼诗歌创作历程中的重要驿站。

    Being and assistant in Fengxiang is important stage of Sushi 's poem writing .

  6. 浅析凤翔泥塑对现代设计的启示

    Implications of Fengxiang Clay Sculpture for Modern Design

  7. 所以说,凤翔木版年画是散落在民间中华民族精神的一个重要组成部分。而民族精神和涵养正式现在中国特色的艺术形式应该借鉴、传承和发扬的重要部分。

    Therefore , the Fengxiang new-year painting is an important part of Chinese ethnic spirit .

  8. 民俗商品顾客需求特征浅析&以凤翔泥塑为例

    Analysis of customer needs characteristics for folk merchandise & taking Fengxiang clay as an example

  9. 凤翔民间木版年画迄今已有470多年的发展历史。

    Feng Xiang Folk woodcut Spring Festival Pictures has already developed for more than 470 years .

  10. 凤翔和礼泉6月气温持续上升,新梢停止生长日期提前。

    Fengxiang and Liquan June temperatures continue to rise , shoots stop growing to advance the date .

  11. 再也不能凤翔。

    They can never fly .

  12. 凤翔泥塑色彩应用特征与审美内涵的研究

    Color Study of Fengxiang Clay

  13. 并在此基础上对保护凤翔民间传统家具漆画的民俗习惯的历史渊源作了初步探索。

    This essay preliminarily explored the historical protection on this basis of traditional folk furniture lacquer painting in Fengxiang .

  14. 文章探讨的是凤翔泥塑在纹饰、色彩、造型三个方面带给现代设计的启示。

    This article discusses the application of veined pattern , color and modeling of Fengxiang Clay sculpture to modern design .

  15. 凤翔民间艺术丰富多彩,以彩绘泥塑最具风格。

    The Fengxiang folk art is colorful , among which the colored drawing on pottery clay sculpture bears the richest style .

  16. 归纳出其具体色值以及色彩运用特征,经整合得出凤翔传统图样色彩谱系。

    Summarize their specific color value and use of color characteristics , obtained by integration of the FengXiang traditional pattern color pedigree .

  17. 凤翔泥塑作为一种符号现象被现代设计加以运用,不能不说是民间传统手工艺术在现代的一次回归浪潮。

    Fengxiang Clay Sculpture has been used by modern design as a symbol , which represents the return of traditional folk handcraft .

  18. 第三点也是本文的重点,研究分析凤翔木版年画的艺术价值。

    The third value , which is also the priority of this paper , is the artistic value of Fengxiang wooden new-year paintings .

  19. 阐述大口井降水在黑龙江省萝北县凤翔镇排水管道施工中的应用及计算。

    The method and calculation of stage reduction by dug wells in construction of drainage pipelines in Fengxiang town , Luobei county were introduced .

  20. 凤翔教区还有一位主教,是不获政府承认、八十岁已退休的助理主教张志勇,他也有参与投票。

    Retired Coadjutor Bishop Peter Zhang Zhiyong , 80 , who is not recognized by the government , was also present in the election .

  21. 中国西北部陕西省凤翔教区日前召开扩大会议,在「公开、公正、公平和自由」的过程中选出候任主教。

    Fengxiang diocese in central Shaanxi province has elected its coadjutor bishop candidate in an " open , just , fair and free " process .

  22. 凤翔木版年画内容是一部西北人民生活的历史史诗,在不断地熟练与提高中,渐渐成为一门独立的艺术形式。

    The Fengxiang wooden new-year painting is a historical epic of Northwestern people and it has become an independent art form in constant promotion and enhancement .

  23. 一位教会观察家指出,「凤翔模式」及这次选举值得重视,但从中国教会的大环境而言不具有普遍意义。

    An observer who requested anonymity said the election model in Fengxiang was worth attention but it did not have any general meaning to the China Church .

  24. 我们这一代应当肩负起传承保护中华传统文化的重担,结合自身专业优势将凤翔传统图样色彩更好地传承下去。

    Our generation should shoulder the burden of heritage protection of traditional Chinese culture with their own professional advantage will be to FengXiang traditional pattern color heritage .

  25. 本文通过对凤翔县地下水监测研究工作现状进行分析,并针对存在的问题提出了具体对策。

    According to the analysis of Current status of monitoring and study on groundwater of Fengxiang county , the author puts forward some countermeasures in view of the existing problems .

  26. 以陕西凤翔路口至永寿高速公路为例,通过实地调研凤永高速公路建设情况,并运用现代施工机械设备管理理论进行分析。

    Fong Yong highway as an example to investigate and study the highway situation , and will unify the modern machinery equipment management theory the method to carry on the analysis .

  27. 研究将凤翔传统吉祥图样色彩的色彩谱系结合中国传统哲学的五行色彩观念来进行进一步分析解读,并且在研究的同时将不同色彩的不同民俗内涵结合起来。

    FengXiang traditional auspicious patterns color color pedigree combined with traditional Chinese philosophy concept of five elements of color to the combination of discourse and the different colors of folk connotation combine .

  28. 凤翔地区以炕桌装饰漆画、炕箱装饰漆画为代表的民间匠作画艺是广大下层民众多彩生活的映射,同时也表达了他们对生活的热爱和对美的追求。

    Decorative lacquer paintings in kang table and kang box are the representative arts of fork painters which indicate the colorful life of common people . It also expresses their love for life and the pursuit of the beauty .

  29. 凤翔泥塑的当代变迁为民间艺术的发展提供了可资借鉴的经验,也对新时期民族文化的振兴和建设有现实的参考价值。

    This change provides a new pattern of culture industry with diversity that will serve as valuable experience for the development of the folk art , reference for the revitalization and construction of national culture in the new era .

  30. 本文研究凤翔木版年画的价值是多方面的,第一点可以归纳为历史的价值,凤翔木版年画孕育在有古老周文化发祥地的黄土高原上,有着文深厚的化底蕴。

    The first value could be concluded as historical value . Fengxiang wooden new-year paintings are nurtured on the Loess Plateau , which is the birth place of ancient culture of Zhou Dynasty , and the Fengxiang painting develops on profound cultural basis .