
  1. 我们草拟了几个开展员工培训日的可行日期,但我们需要看看哪一天对团队最方便。

    We 've penciled in a few possible dates for our staff1 training day , but we 'll have to see which is the most convenient2 for the team !

  2. 术后第30天对裸鼠行病理检查并测定肝转移DNA含量。

    On the 30th postoperative day , the nude mice were examined pathologically and the DNA content of liver metastases was determinated .

  3. 40年前,“地球日”(EarthDay)作为一个“宣教日”始于美国&在这一天对人们讲解我们的星球在环境方面遇到的挑战。

    Forty years ago , Earth Day began in the United States as a " teach-in "– a day to educate people about the environmental challenges facing our planet .

  4. 分别在注射前及注射后第2、第4、第7、第10天对暗适应ERGB波进行检查。

    Before injection and on the 2nd , 4th , 7th , and 10th day after injection the scotopic b-waves of the ERG were measured .

  5. 《连线》杂志编辑吉姆·班福德(JimBamford)解释了这一项目的漏洞之处,为写这篇文章他耗时三天对斯诺登进行个人专访。

    WIRED writer Jim Bamford , who spent three days interviewing Snowden for the article , explained how such a program could go awry .

  6. 结果表明E的抑制作用非常显著,在不影响细胞正常生长的药物浓度200μg·mL-1下,于实验第九天对HBsAg和HBeAg的抑制率分别为90.9%和84.3%。

    The results showed that E had obvious inhibition on HBsAg and HBeAg on the sixth experimental day , whose inhibiting rate on HBsAg and HBeAg are 90.9 % and 84.3 % ( consistency : 200 μ g / ml ) .

  7. 也许大家都想象得到,过去的几天对我来说是在加入ABB以来压力最大同时也是最伤感的日子。这也是极具挑战性的一周。

    As you can imagine , the past days have been some of the most stressful and emotional ones for me , and my last week at ABB has been challenging .

  8. Severson说,如果你设立的目标只是找到一份工作的话,那么找不到工作的每一天对你来说都是一种失败。

    If the goal is just to land the job , you 're setting yourself up to fail every day you don 't get a job offer , says Severson .

  9. 因为我特地在情人节这一天对你表白。

    Because I chose specially to assert my love to you .

  10. 去海滩呆几天对你有好处。

    A few days at the shore will do you good .

  11. 天对地精确攻击武器末段制导律设计

    A terminal guidance law design applied to space-to-surface precision attack weapons

  12. 这一天对你个人来说有什么特别的意义吗?

    Is there some significance to this date for you personally ?

  13. 这一天对我来说是个典型的工作日,斯佩克说。

    " We had a typical day for me ," says Spake .

  14. 正因为这些缘故,每一天对我都是一场新的挑战。

    For these reasons , every day was a challenge .

  15. 这六天对儿童来说是一个身临其境的体验。

    It 's a six-day immersive experience for the kids .

  16. 这一天对我来说实在太糟了。

    It was a very bad day for me .

  17. 因此,这一天对老师和学生来说都是特别的一天。

    This day is special for teachers and students , thanks to Confucius .

  18. 我知道这一天对我俩来说都挺难。

    I know it 's been a difficult day for both of us .

  19. 每周上课四天对老师和学生来说似乎都是很好的主意。

    A four-day school week sounds like a great idea for students and teachers .

  20. 那么哪一天对您来说合适呢?

    What day would be good for you ?

  21. 他花了三天对这个国家进行了一次陆上环游。

    It took him three days to make an overland journey around the country .

  22. 每一天对我来说都很痛苦。

    And every day it 's a struggle .

  23. 哪一天对你最合适?

    What date will suit you best ?

  24. 我试验过不同的运动量,发现一周运动六天对我的效果最好。

    I 've experimented with different amounts and found six days a week works best for me .

  25. 而另一方面星期天对许多学生来讲似乎是最好的学习日子。

    Sunday , on the other hand , seems to be the best study day for many students .

  26. 目的:观察巴戟天对过度训练大鼠心肌细胞凋亡的影响。

    AIM : To observe the effects of medicinal indianmulberry root on apoptosis of cardiac myocytes in overtrained rats .

  27. 那一天对我的事业很重要,但我觉得这件事更重要。

    The day of my career is very important , but I think this matter is even more important .

  28. 然而,不管是谁,圣诞节这一天对所有的家庭来说都是一个特殊的日子,大家都在准备食物,并交换礼物。

    To all , however , it is a special day of family , food , and exchanging gifts .

  29. 星期五红军将面对上海申花,以及随后星期天对费耶诺德,然后他们就将完成其季前备战。

    The Reds face Shanghai Shenhua on Friday and then Feyenoord on Sunday as they complete their pre-season preparations .

  30. 贝壳确认星期天对马洛卡的比赛是他最后一次代表皇马上阵!

    David Beckham has confirmed Sunday 's clash with Real Mallorca will be his last game for Real Madrid .