
  • 网络VFX;Visual Effect
  1. 罗伯特·布莱拉克作为卢卡斯工业光魔影业的视觉特效总监,凭借《星球大战》获得奥斯卡视觉特效奖。

    As the VFX supervisor in Lucas Film 's Industrial Light & Magic , Robert Blalack won the VFX Oscar award by virtue of Star Wars .

  2. 我希望费用能更便宜,希望对于视觉特效制作方而言不是个难办的生意。

    I would like it to be cheaper and not a tough business [ for VFX vendors ] .

  3. 工业光魔(industriallight&magic)在视觉特效领域做到了极致。

    Industrial Light & Magic was the last word in visual effects .

  4. 《落日车神》的视觉特效总监JerrySpivack监督了用一个修复的头颅安在数码合成的演员身体上的过程。

    For Drive , visual-effects supervisor Jerry Spivack oversaw the digital compositing of the actor 's body with a prosthetic head .

  5. NUKEX广泛的工具让特效师在具体的视觉特效环境中以有效、互动的方式提高工作效率,这是一般应用程序中少有的特色。

    The extended tools within NUKEX allow artists to work efficiently , interactively and in context of the visual effects process-not easy with a separate stand-alone application .

  6. 为视觉特效领域制订了一个新的标准。

    Created a new standard for realism in visual effects .

  7. 可想而知,影片中满是动作场景以及视觉特效。

    You may imagine there to be many action sequences and visual effects .

  8. 星球大战是视觉特效领域的一次重大事件。

    And Star Wars was such a huge earthquake in the visual effects business .

  9. 抠图与合成是计算机图形学和视觉特效处理中的两个基本操作。

    Matting and compositing are the two fundamental operations in computer graphics and visual effects .

  10. 这些影像被称作是视觉特效。

    They are called visual effects .

  11. 由乔治·卢卡斯负责研发主要用于制作《星球大战》等电影中震撼的视觉特效

    developed under the direction of George Lucas to enhance special effects for movies like Star Wars

  12. 当我完成《碟中谍3》的时候,我们有很令人吃惊的视觉特效。

    When I did " Mission : Impossible III , " we had amazing visual effects .

  13. 新兴技术让不同国家都能在电影中添加视觉特效。

    New technology makes it possible for one film to include visual effects created in different countries .

  14. 因此,这类方法还可以广泛的应用到艺术设计,视觉特效等领域。

    Furthermore , we believe that our technique can be wildly used in art design and visual effects etc.

  15. 表演场地是数字化的。我会使用大量的视觉特效。

    The field will be digital : I 'm going to be using a lot of graphic effects .

  16. 他咆哮着说,同时他的动作以及戏剧性的面部表情都被捕捉记录下来用以协助视觉特效组制作特效。

    He snarls , as his movements and dramatic facial expressions are recorded to assist the visual effects team .

  17. 虽然很多电影都有大量机器人的戏份,但绝大多数“机器人”都是由真人来扮演的,或是运用视觉特效进行塑造。

    While robots have featured prominently in many films , most are played by real actors or created using visual effects .

  18. 即便如此,该片凭借乐趣横生的情节以及出色的视觉特效,可称得上是一部秒杀大多数翻拍片的佳作。

    However , with all the fun and spectacular visual effects , Catching Fire is still more than most adaptations manage to deliver .

  19. 前景提取与图像合成是图像处理中的基本操作,也是视觉特效制作中是最重要和最常用的操作。

    Foreground extraction and image compositing are fundamental operations in image processing , and they have become crucial and frequently used operations in visual productions .

  20. 该电影由阿里巴巴影业投资,共设计了2345个特效镜头,由50位视觉特效师花费15个月辛苦合成。

    Financed by Alibaba Pictures , the movie has up to 2345 special-effect scenes . The scenes took 50 visual effects animators 15 months of work .

  21. 在观看这类影片时,我们往往过于关注视觉特效,为制作团队天马行空的想象力赞叹不已。

    When we watch these kinds of movies , we pay much attention to the visual effects and are often wowed by the filmmakers ' wild imaginations .

  22. 我们也用高速摄影拍下了演员,然后视觉特效组就把这个假头合成到了真头上,制造出了爆头的效果。

    We also photographed Christina at high speed , and then the visual-effects team combined the heads to create the effect of her head being blown off .

  23. 在这些电影中,五角大楼提供专业知识,设备和地点,换来在大银幕上呈现的视觉特效。

    In many of these films , the Pentagon offers its expertise , equipment and locations in exchange for some oversight as to its big screen portrayal .

  24. 事实上,这也是电影特效制作达到顶峰的时刻,特效部门制作的视觉特效甚至比甘道夫(伊恩麦克莱恩饰)的魔法还要奇幻得多。

    Indeed , this is film-making at its most spectacular , with more wizardry wrought by the visual effects department than even by Gandalf the Grey ( Ian McKellen ) .

  25. 星际迷航的传送系统,这个被重现了很多回的特效,而且每回的视觉特效都要重新订制一回,且这个元素采用是这麽的炫酷。

    What special effect has been revisited so many times , and has such a cool factor , that every FX wizard has taken a crack at rebooting it ? The transporter from Star Trek .

  26. 令人惊心动魄的视觉特效以及考究的技术细节使观众们可以体验到广阔的太空以及身在其中的失重状态,同时片中主角的险象环生也引发了观众的强烈共鸣。

    The breathtaking visual effects and accurate technical details allow viewers to experience the weightlessness and vast distances in space , as well as a great connection to the characters as they endure one crisis after another .

  27. 点阵图形的艺术特色有:蒙太奇手法的多元化、传统绘画的再表现、细腻含蓄的层次效果、丰富多彩的视觉特效和“像素艺术”的独特创意。

    The artistic characteristics of the lattice figure are as follows , variety of montage , behavior again of traditional painting , rich and colorful vision , specially good effect and unique intention of picture element art .

  28. 先进的视觉特效打造出的会说话的逼真动物的世界感觉就像自然纪录大片,而且该片很注重活跃气氛,比利·埃希纳配音的风趣又夸张的猫鼬丁满让每个动物都难堪,包括碧昂斯配音的动物。

    Cutting-edge visual effects create a world of talking photorealistic animals that might as well be a nature documentary , and attention is paid to livening up the humor , with Billy Eichner 's funny , overdramatic meerkat Timon showing up everybody , including Beyonc é . 3 . '

  29. 本文建议的中非视觉特效工作室之间的合作并不局限于提供视觉特效服务,还包括使交流更加富有成效的交流项目计划,如培训或交换实习等。

    The cooperation between Chinese and African VFX studios which is proposed in this thesis goes beyond the scope of just offering VFX services , but also propose an exchange program plan such as training or internship for both sides in order to make the cooperation much productive end effective .

  30. 数字媒体艺术系开设游戏视觉艺术、数字视觉特效等专业方向。

    Digital Media Art Department opens some majors such as the game , digital visual special effects and so on .