
  1. 但在此同时,丘东平并没有放弃对文学艺术性的追求。

    At the same time , Qiu Dongping did not give up the pursuit of literary art .

  2. 七月派小说家中成就最高的是路翎和丘东平。

    Of all the July Group novelists , lu Ling and Qiu Dongping are with the highest achievements .

  3. 丘东平生活在一个特殊的斗争年代,他以对祖国对民族的热情始终坚守在革命的最前线。

    Qiu Dongping lives in a special struggle time , the enthusiasm to the motherland onthe national always adhere him to the forefront of the revolution .

  4. 丘东平是中国现代文学史上一个极具特色的作家,他的创作大多以战争生活为题材,用富有力度的刚性文字,描绘了一幅幅极具真实性的战地场景。

    Qiu Dongping is a very unique writer in the history of modern Chinese literature , most of his creative from his life in the war , with the full force of the rigid language , he painted a very authenticity of the battle field scene pieces .