
  • 网络high strength steel wire
  1. 研究了氯化物浓度、外加剂、电位、pH、偶合金属以及氧、氮等对高强钢丝应力腐蚀开裂敏感性的影响。

    The effects of chloride concentration , admixture , electric potential , pH , coupling metal , O_2 and N_2 on susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking of high strength steel wire are studied .

  2. 电化学方法检测混凝土横梁中高强钢丝的腐蚀

    Electrochemical determination of corrosion for the high strength steel wire in concrete crossbeam

  3. 但PC棒的强屈比和均匀伸长率略低于高强钢丝,延性相对不如后者。

    But PC steel bars ' tensile ratio and uniform elongation slightly lower than high-strength steel wire , and its tensility inferior to high-strength steel wire .

  4. 带托架H型钢屋架厂房结构的实用计算方法以高强钢丝代换预应力砼托架下弦冷拉Ⅳ钢筋的设计与施工

    A PRACTICAL CALCULATING METHOD FOR H ROOF BEAM STEEL INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS WITH THE LATTICE GIRDERS Design and construction of the using hight strength cable to replace cold drawn bar ⅳ in bracket member of prestressed concret

  5. 本文研究的PK预应力叠合楼板是通过不断改进传统预应力叠合板后研制的一种新型叠合楼板结构,其预制构件为带肋薄板,预应力筋采用螺旋肋消除应力高强钢丝。

    PK prestressed composite slab is a new composite floor structure by improving the traditional prestressed composite slab , its precast slab is a prestressed ribbed panel of which prestressed steel is a spiral ribbed high-strength wire , which make the precast component a higher stiffness and buckling capacity .

  6. 高强钢丝钢绞线在海洋环境中的腐蚀试验

    Corrosion Tests of High strength steel strand wires in Marine Environment

  7. 高强钢丝和钢绞线拉索的分析比较

    Comparison and Analysis of High - tensile Steel Wires and Strand Cables

  8. 光面高强钢丝的握裹锚固的分析

    Analysis of Bond and Anchorage for High-Strength Smooth Wire

  9. 高强钢丝在海工预应力混凝土中的应力腐蚀破裂行为

    Stress corrosion cracking behavior of high strength steel wire in prestressed concrete for Ocean Engineering

  10. 钢丝网夹芯岩棉复合板的力学性能和热工性能研究高强钢丝网耐火砂浆加固混凝土梁的受弯试验

    Experimental study on flexural behavior of concrete beam reinforced by high-strength steel mesh and fireclay mortar

  11. 分析比较高强钢丝网聚合物砂浆加固普通钢筋混凝土梁与预应力钢筋混凝土梁的基本性能;

    The flexural behaviors of RC beams and PRC beams strengthened by HSWM-PM were analyzed and compared .

  12. 相对高强钢丝、钢绞线等常用的索材,钢棒有一定的刚度,严格意义上讲,属拉弯构件。②具有明显的非线性特征。

    Comparing to the steel wire and string , rod owes certain rigidity , strictly belonging to tension-bending component .

  13. 由此预应力高强钢丝代替冷拉预应力钢筋是我国钢筋发展的趋向。

    Therefore It is development trends in our country that using hight strength cable to replace cold drawn bar .

  14. 预应力高强钢丝绳加固桥梁动静态力学性能的测试分析

    Experimental Analysis on Dynamic / Static Mechanical Properties of a Bridge Strengthened with Prestressed High Strength Steel Wire Rope

  15. 对比分析高强钢丝网聚合物砂浆加固与粘钢加固梁的异同;

    The similarities and differences of danaged beams strengthened by HSWM-PM and by gluing steel plates were analyzed and compared .

  16. 高强钢丝在模拟海工预应力混凝土的溶液中应力腐蚀开裂的研究

    The research of stress corrosion cracking of high strength steel wire in the solution simulating prestressed concrete for Ocean Engineering

  17. 索缆一般是由平行的高强钢丝组成。在施工现场将一根根单独的高强钢丝编在一起,并捆扎成索。

    The cable normally consists of parallel wires of high tensile steel individually spun at site and bound into one unit .

  18. 以高强钢丝代换预应力砼托架下弦冷拉Ⅳ钢筋的设计与施工

    Design and construction of the using hight strength cable to replace cold drawn bar ⅳ in bracket member of prestressed concret

  19. 本文讨论和分析了在先张预应力混凝土构件中混凝土和光面高强钢丝之间的握裹和锚固应力的情况。

    In this paper , bond and anchorage stress conditions between concrete and high-strength smooth wire for pre-tensioned concrete members are discussed .

  20. 采用高强钢丝Φ5~k,取代原Ⅰ、Ⅱ级钢筋制作大型屋面板,结果表明。

    High tensile steel wire φ _5 ~ k was used to replace reinforce bar of I II class in producing huge roof board .

  21. 国家标准GB/T18365&2001《斜拉桥热挤聚乙烯高强钢丝拉索技术条件》已在国内发布实施。

    The national standards GB / T18365 - 2001 Technical Conditions for Hot - extruding PE High Tensile Cables of Cable Stayed Bridges has been published in china .

  22. 悬索桥利用高强钢丝制成的缆索作为主要的承重构件,以其强大的跨越能力而著称。

    Suspension bridge is famous for its powerful capability to cross , because the main load-bearing component of which is the cable which made of high-strength steel wire .

  23. 支撑结构采用预应力锚索(18Φ5高强钢丝)和钢管支撑(Φ600)两种形式,施工取得了很好的效果,较好地控制了基坑的变形。

    Two types of prestressed anchor stay ( 184 Φ 5 ) and steel pipe support ( Φ 600 ) are used for structural support with good results achieved .

  24. 通过研究,对高强钢丝在海工预应力混凝土中的应力腐蚀开裂敏感性、影响因素和防护措施等有了一个初步的认识。

    Through the study , informations for susceptibility influence factors and protective measures to stress corrosion cracking of high strength steel wire in prestressed concrete for ocean engineering are obtained .

  25. 本文研究了热轧F+(M+B)双相钢线材的生产及其在高强钢丝上的应用。

    This paper studies the drawing deformation behavior of the as-rolled dual phase steel wire with F + ( M + B ) microstructure and its application in high strength steel wire .

  26. 模型以相似理论为设计基础,采用铝合金和钢结构来代替原桥的混凝土材料,模型斜拉索采用和实桥同样的材料&高强钢丝制作。

    The design basis of model is similarity theory , the model adopt aluminum alloy and steel structure in place of the concrete of actual bridge , backstay cable of model and actual bridge adopt the same material & reinforcing wire .

  27. 指出在悬索跨越设计中用钢丝绳作主索的局限性很大,而对大管径、大跨度悬索跨越工程采用高强钢丝平行束作为主索势在必行。

    Points out that using wire rope as main span wire is of great limitations in suspension crossing design and high-strength steel wire of parallel bunch as main span wire is imperative to large pipe diameter and large span suspension crossing engineering .

  28. 本文就水泥碱含量、高强钢丝的扭转和氢脆灵敏性、骨料碱活性、砂浆及混凝土中氯离子含量等特殊要求及其控制进行分析。

    In this paper , the special requirements and controlling have be analysed , which include the alkali content of cement , the retortion and hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity of steel wire , the alkali active of fine or coarse aggregate , the cl content of cement or concrete .

  29. 高强弹簧钢丝网水泥混凝土桥面铺装层疲劳试验研究

    Fatigue Test Study of High-Strength Spring Steel Wire Mesh Concrete Deck Pavement

  30. 高强镀锌钢丝疲劳可靠性研究

    Investigation on fatigue reliability of high strength galvanized steel wires