- 网络Sun Hung Kai

Its local rival Sun Hung Kai Properties is also embroiled in a corruption scandal after the arrests of members of its controlling Kwok family .
It is bringing only competition and not business , says Joseph Tong , executive director at Sun Hung Kai Financial Group , Hong Kong 's largest local non-bank financial institution .
If I were more positive about HK property prices I would not hesitate to invest with the Kwok 's of SHK Properties .
The two men are existing members of staff who are still learning about the business , according to Margaret Ng , director of corporate communications .
This had been especially true , until recently , of the Kwok family which runs Sun Hung Kai Properties , the city 's biggest property developer with a market capitalisation of $ 42bn .
Among the city 's six dominant conglomerates , three were started by boot-strapping mainland emigrants : Mr. Li 's Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd. , HK - 1.43 % Sun Hung Kai Properties and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises .
Talks are continuing directly with the family , rather than through the company .
On the 27th Feb ABN Amro bank and Sun Hung Kai Financial announced that they had traded a property swap based on Hong Kong 's residential market , marking the first such transaction ever to be done in Asia .
Joseph Tong , chief executive officer for wealth management , capital markets and brokerage at Sun Hung Kai Financial , says : Hong Kong has a very active property market and people get used to new financial instruments quickly .
These firms are accumulating big portfolios of commercial property to lease out , as well as building apartments for sale , modeling themselves on companies like Sun Hung Kai Properties and CapitaLand , the giants of Hong Kong and Singapore .
The earning rebound was sharper than many people thought but I would warn investors to be cautious about the companys second-half performance because [ the ] oil price is rising , said Michael Yuk , analyst at Sun Hung Kai Securities .
Sun Hung Kai Financial-the seller of the derivative-receives a previously agreed basis point spread over HIBOR , the local risk-free lending rate .
However , because this coincided with a broader sell-off of property stocks , it meant that Sun Hung Kai was only trading at a two to three per cent discount to its peers , according to Kenny Tang , property analyst at Tung Tai Securities .
But he admits Sun Hung Kai has had to adjust prices for its latest expensive development , Cullinan , which offers private jet services , a HK $ 500m clubhouse and where a 1,037 sq ft apartment costs at least HK $ 21.2m .
Sun Hung Kai said yesterday it was seeking legal advice .
He maintained an " outperform " rating on the stock , however .
Sun Hung Kai shares rose 0.88 per cent yesterday to HK $ 126.8 .
Friedland Capital and Sun Hung Kai Financial hope to mutually prosper from their strong working relationship .
The company has made a number of major changes to its management structure since the brothers were arrested .
The Kwok brothers control Sun Hung Kai Properties , the world 's second-largest property developer by stock-market value .
Sun Hung Kai also is offering one-year bridge loans for as much as 70 % of an apartment 's value .
More than 120m shares were traded in Sun Hung Kai Properties yesterday , the most since the summer of 1998 .
Sun Hung Kai said in a statement that Mr Chan was arrested on Monday and that normal operations were unaffected .
American based Friedland Capital has reached an agreement with Sun Hung Kai Financial of Hong Kong to engage in future cooperation .
The stock market has been less sanguine ; Sun Hung Kai has lost a fifth of its value since March 29 .
Sun Hung Kai is also offering the early-bird buyer a 11.75 % rebate on the 15 % buyer 's stamp duty .
SHK , which manages more than HK $ 50bn , courts wealthy mainland investors who can invest outside China using foreign currency .
I hereby authorize Sun Hung Kai Properties Insurance Ltd. to charge my credit card account below for the above Travel Insurance premium payment .
Like many foreign brokers and wealth managers , however , the company has so far been barred from directly entering the mainland market .
Sun Hung Kai Properties , controlled by the Kwok family , has lost US $ 7bn from its market capitalisation since the arrests were made .