
  • 网络Sun Hung Kai
  1. 华人置业在香港的竞争对手新鸿基地产(SunHungKaiProperties)也被卷入了腐败丑闻。控制后者的郭氏家族多人被捕。

    Its local rival Sun Hung Kai Properties is also embroiled in a corruption scandal after the arrests of members of its controlling Kwok family .

  2. 香港本土最大的非银行金融机构&新鸿基金融(SunHungKaiFinancial)执行董事唐登(JosephTong)表示:新协议只带来了竞争,而没有业务。

    It is bringing only competition and not business , says Joseph Tong , executive director at Sun Hung Kai Financial Group , Hong Kong 's largest local non-bank financial institution .

  3. 如果我对香港房地产价格更乐观一些,我就会毫不犹豫地投资郭氏兄弟的新鸿基地产(SHKProperties)。

    If I were more positive about HK property prices I would not hesitate to invest with the Kwok 's of SHK Properties .

  4. 新鸿基企业传讯主管MargaretNg表示,二人是公司现有员工,仍在学习有关业务。

    The two men are existing members of staff who are still learning about the business , according to Margaret Ng , director of corporate communications .

  5. 直到前不久,郭氏家族就是这种情况。这个家族掌控的新鸿基地产(SunHungKaiProperties)是香港最大的地产开发商,市值高达420亿美元。

    This had been especially true , until recently , of the Kwok family which runs Sun Hung Kai Properties , the city 's biggest property developer with a market capitalisation of $ 42bn .

  6. 在香港六家占主导地位的大企业中,有三家是由白手起家的大陆移民创办的,分别是:李嘉诚的长江实业(CheungKongHoldingsLtd.),新鸿基地产和周大福。

    Among the city 's six dominant conglomerates , three were started by boot-strapping mainland emigrants : Mr. Li 's Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd. , HK - 1.43 % Sun Hung Kai Properties and Chow Tai Fook Enterprises .

  7. CapCo正直接与郭氏家族进行谈判,而不是与新鸿基地产。

    Talks are continuing directly with the family , rather than through the company .

  8. 2月27日,荷兰银行(ABNAmro)和新鸿基金融(SunHungKaiFinancial)宣布,双方以香港住宅市场价格为基础,进行了一笔“房地产掉期”交易,这是亚洲首笔此类交易。

    On the 27th Feb ABN Amro bank and Sun Hung Kai Financial announced that they had traded a property swap based on Hong Kong 's residential market , marking the first such transaction ever to be done in Asia .

  9. 新鸿基金融财富管理、资本市场和经纪业务行政总裁JosephTong表示:香港房地产市场非常活跃,人们能够迅速适应新的金融工具。

    Joseph Tong , chief executive officer for wealth management , capital markets and brokerage at Sun Hung Kai Financial , says : Hong Kong has a very active property market and people get used to new financial instruments quickly .

  10. 这些公司正在积累用于租赁的大的商业地产组合,还在建造用于销售的公寓楼,他们的目标是成为香港的新鸿基地产(SunHungKaiProperties)和新加坡的嘉德置地(CapitaLandLtd.)这样的巨头。

    These firms are accumulating big portfolios of commercial property to lease out , as well as building apartments for sale , modeling themselves on companies like Sun Hung Kai Properties and CapitaLand , the giants of Hong Kong and Singapore .

  11. 中石化盈利回升的幅度远超过许多人的预期,但我想提醒投资者,要警惕该公司下半年的表现,因为油价正在上涨,新鸿基证券(SunHungKaiSecurities)分析师MichaelYuk表示。

    The earning rebound was sharper than many people thought but I would warn investors to be cautious about the companys second-half performance because [ the ] oil price is rising , said Michael Yuk , analyst at Sun Hung Kai Securities .

  12. 新鸿基金融此款衍生品的卖家将根据之前协议,得到高于香港银行同业拆息(HIBOR,香港本地无风险贷款利率)协定基点的利差。

    Sun Hung Kai Financial-the seller of the derivative-receives a previously agreed basis point spread over HIBOR , the local risk-free lending rate .

  13. 然而,东泰证券(tungtaisecurities)地产行业分析师邓声兴(kennytang)表示,由于地产类股在此期间普遍遭遇抛售,这意味着新鸿基的股价只比同类股票低了2%至3%。

    However , because this coincided with a broader sell-off of property stocks , it meant that Sun Hung Kai was only trading at a two to three per cent discount to its peers , according to Kenny Tang , property analyst at Tung Tai Securities .

  14. 但他承认,新鸿基不得不调整最新高价开发项目天玺(Cullinan)的价格,该项目是价值5亿港元的俱乐部会所,提供私人飞机服务,一套1037平方英尺的公寓售价至少为2120万港元。

    But he admits Sun Hung Kai has had to adjust prices for its latest expensive development , Cullinan , which offers private jet services , a HK $ 500m clubhouse and where a 1,037 sq ft apartment costs at least HK $ 21.2m .

  15. 新鸿基上周四表示正寻求法律建议。

    Sun Hung Kai said yesterday it was seeking legal advice .

  16. 不过,他对新鸿基股票维持“跑赢大盘”的评级。

    He maintained an " outperform " rating on the stock , however .

  17. 新鸿基股价周二上涨0.88%,至126.8港元。

    Sun Hung Kai shares rose 0.88 per cent yesterday to HK $ 126.8 .

  18. 福瑞兰德资本公司和新鸿基金融集团将会本着互惠互利的原则展开合作。

    Friedland Capital and Sun Hung Kai Financial hope to mutually prosper from their strong working relationship .

  19. 自郭氏兄弟被捕以来,新鸿基已经对公司管理结构进行了数次重大调整。

    The company has made a number of major changes to its management structure since the brothers were arrested .

  20. 亿万富豪郭氏兄弟都属于香港最有权势的房地产开发商。郭氏兄弟掌控着新鸿基地产发展有限公司,这是按市值计全球第二大房地产开发企业。

    The Kwok brothers control Sun Hung Kai Properties , the world 's second-largest property developer by stock-market value .

  21. 新鸿基地产提供一年期过渡性贷款,额度最高可达房屋价值的70%。

    Sun Hung Kai also is offering one-year bridge loans for as much as 70 % of an apartment 's value .

  22. 昨日,新鸿基地产股票的成交量超过1.2亿股,这是自1998年夏天以来的最大成交量。

    More than 120m shares were traded in Sun Hung Kai Properties yesterday , the most since the summer of 1998 .

  23. 新鸿基在一份声明中表示,陈巨源周一已被拘捕,但公司正常运营未受影响。

    Sun Hung Kai said in a statement that Mr Chan was arrested on Monday and that normal operations were unaffected .

  24. 美国福瑞兰德资本公司与香港的新鸿基金融集团签了未来的合作协议。

    American based Friedland Capital has reached an agreement with Sun Hung Kai Financial of Hong Kong to engage in future cooperation .

  25. 股票市场则没有这么乐观:自3月29日以来,新鸿基市值已蒸发五分之一。

    The stock market has been less sanguine ; Sun Hung Kai has lost a fifth of its value since March 29 .

  26. 新鸿基地产还将向前期买家退还11.75%的物业买卖印花税。在香港,购房人需缴纳15%的物业买卖印花税。

    Sun Hung Kai is also offering the early-bird buyer a 11.75 % rebate on the 15 % buyer 's stamp duty .

  27. 新鸿基金融的资产管理规模逾500亿港元,其目标客户是可以用外汇在海外进行投资的内地富有投资者。

    SHK , which manages more than HK $ 50bn , courts wealthy mainland investors who can invest outside China using foreign currency .

  28. 本人授权新鸿基地产保险有限公司从本人下述之信用咭账户支取旅游保险保费。

    I hereby authorize Sun Hung Kai Properties Insurance Ltd. to charge my credit card account below for the above Travel Insurance premium payment .

  29. 但与许多外国证券公司和财富管理公司一样,新鸿基金融迄今未能获准直接进入内地市场。

    Like many foreign brokers and wealth managers , however , the company has so far been barred from directly entering the mainland market .

  30. 新鸿基地产由郭氏家族控制,自拘捕事件发生以来,已损失70亿美元市值。

    Sun Hung Kai Properties , controlled by the Kwok family , has lost US $ 7bn from its market capitalisation since the arrests were made .