
  • 网络Huangpu Park
  1. 吴淞口、黄埔公园的潮位站数据与成灾台风直接经济损失对应性较好。

    The data observed at Wusong and Huangpu Prak tide gauge stations are of a good corresponding relationship with the direct economic loss resulted from disastrous typhoon .

  2. 本文以上海市某代表站的年降水量、汛期雨量和黄埔公园年最高潮位三个系列为研究对象,建立中长期水文预报模型,对上海市的水情进行预测研究。

    In this paper , a set of medium-and-long-range hydrologic forecast models were established for predicting water regime in Shanghai , including three hydrological series , annual rainfall and rainfall during flood season for one representative station and annual maximum water tide level at Huang-pu park .