
  1. 陇东黄土湿陷过程的CT结构变化研究

    Research on CT structure changing for damping process of loess in Longdong

  2. 基于BP人工神经网络的非饱和黄土湿陷系数计算方法

    Study on Artificial Neural Network Method for Calculation the Coefficient of Loess Collapsibility

  3. 通过对黄土湿陷性影响因素的综合分析,认为湿陷性影响因素可以用宏观物理指标含水量(w)、孔隙比(e0)和塑性指数(IP)表示。

    On the basis of general analysis of the factors affecting loess collapsibility , it is believed that the physical factors mainly are water content , void ratio and plasticity index .

  4. 最后利用回归方程和数据挖掘中的BP神经网络法建立了黄土湿陷系数的预测模型。根据检验结果表明,预测模型的误差小,精度高,可以给工程建设提供一定的依据。

    Last based on the regression equation and BP neural network establish prediction model for coefficient of collapsibility , according to the test results , the predicted error is small and precision is high , it can give some opinions for engineering construction .

  5. 析黄土湿陷性曲线评其工程意义

    Analyzing the curves of collapsing loess and assessing its engineering significance

  6. 关中地区黄土湿陷性的模糊综合评判

    The Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation on Collapsibility of Loess in Guanzhong Area

  7. 黄土湿陷变形量计算方法的改进

    The Improved Calculation Method of Collapsibility in Loess Foundation On Quantity

  8. 论新近堆积黄土湿陷系数δs的最佳测定压力

    On optimum measuring pressure of collapsible coefficient of lately accumulated loess

  9. 不同起始饱和度条件下黄土湿陷性的试验研究

    Experimental study on the collapsibility of loess under different initial saturations

  10. 基于特征选择的黄土湿陷性预测研究

    Study on the prediction of loess collapsibility based on feature selection

  11. 黄土湿陷敏感性的实质及评价

    The Essence of the Collapse Sensibility of Loess and Its Quantitative Determination

  12. 兰州Ⅲ级阶地黄土湿陷性初步试验研究

    Preliminary experimental investigation of wet-collapsibility of third grade tableland loess in Lanzhou

  13. 非饱和原状黄土湿陷变形及孔隙压力特性

    Collapse deformation and pore pressure characteristics of unsaturated intact loess

  14. 黄土湿陷性试验中两个问题的探讨

    Two Problems in the Tests of the Loess Saturated Yielding

  15. 复合地基处理黄土湿陷性的机理研究

    A study on the mechanism of disposing collapsible soil with composite foundation

  16. 黄土湿陷的诱因是力和水。

    The cause of loess collapse is attributed to stress and water .

  17. 黄土湿陷机理和影响因素分析

    Analysis of the Collapsible Mechanism and Effect Factors of Loess

  18. 黄土湿陷性的微结构不平衡吸力成因论

    Synthetic effect of microstructure and uneven suction on Loess subsidence

  19. 用弦线模量法计算地基沉降和黄土湿陷变形

    Application of Chord-Modulus for Computation Soil Deformation and Loess West-Slumping-Settlement

  20. 基于广义塑性力学的黄土湿陷变形本构关系

    An constitutive relation for collapsible deformation of loess based on generalized plasticity

  21. 旋喷桩加固黄土湿陷变形地基工程实例

    The Project Example for Jet Grouting Pile Stabilization Loess Collapse Deformation Foundation

  22. 试论可溶盐与黄土湿陷机理

    On soluble salts and the mechanism of loess collapsibility

  23. 考虑非饱和土与结构特征的黄土湿陷性讨论

    Discussion Water Collapsibility of Loess Considering Unsaturated Soil and Structure Characteristics of Loess

  24. 黄土湿陷变形本构关系研究

    Study of constitutive law for collapsible deformation of loess

  25. 提出了一种模拟黄土湿陷变形的简便合理的新方法&模量折减法。

    Modulus reduction method was put forward to simulate collapsible deformation of loess .

  26. 基于模糊信息优化技术的黄土湿陷性评价

    Evaluation of loess collapsibility based on the application of fuzzy information optimization technique

  27. 黄土湿陷和黄土喀斯特现象形成的原因和机理

    Cause and mechanism of loess collapsibility and loess karst

  28. 黄土湿陷变形的结构理论

    A Structure Theory for Collapsing Deformation of Loess Soils

  29. 黄土湿陷性的模糊数学评判

    The fuzzy mathematics judgement of the collapsibility of loess

  30. 用湿陷起始压力确定黄土湿陷类型

    Determination of the Types of the Wet Loessial Sinkings by the Starting Pressure