
  • 网络camelot;Colette
  1. 苹果正在以这款设备博取时尚和奢侈品市场的好感,包括在巴黎时装周(ParisFashionWeek)期间特意在柯莱特时尚店(Colette)陈列该产品。

    Apple is courting the fashion and luxury market with the device , including a showcase during Paris Fashion Week held at the chic boutique store Colette .

  2. 柯莱特时尚店(Colette)想要我的东西。

    Colette wanted my stuff .

  3. 苏富比(Sotheby)经纪人柯莱特・哈伦(ColetteHarron)例举了目前在康涅狄格州艾塞克斯市(Essex)销售的一幢1870年建成的水岸别墅,这幢别墅要价348万美元。

    Sotheby 's agent Colette Harron cites an 1870 riverfront mansion now on the market in Essex , Conn. , for $ 3.48 million .

  4. 柯莱特描述到自然木乃伊&保存十分完好。

    Colleter describes her as a natural mummy & particularly well preserved .

  5. 我们只有几天时间。柯莱特说。

    We had only a few days to work , said Colleter .

  6. 第四章探讨柯莱特对于女性主体的话语构建。

    The last chapter studies how Colette achieves the discourse construction of female subjectivity .

  7. 柯莱特描述到“自然木乃伊——保存十分完好”。

    Colleter describes her as a " natural mummy -- particularly well preserved . "

  8. 柯莱特表示,样本可以帮助研究人员找出肺结核治愈方法。

    Samples could help researchers looking for a cure of tuberculosis , said Colleter .

  9. 柯莱特作品中所投射出的女性意识完全超越了其所处时代的局限性。

    The female consciousness that Colette has projected in her works transcends the limitations of her age .

  10. 我希望人人都戴帽子。柯莱特女士说,戴上帽子,你顿时就迷人起来。

    I want everyone to want to wear a hat , Ms. Collett said . It automatically makes you more interesting .

  11. 她听到耳语说,一个诅咒,如果她留在她的往下看,柯莱特。

    She has heard a whisper say , A curse is on her if she stay To look down to Camelot .

  12. 1966年,柯莱特在新泽西的一家酒馆杀死3人,因此入狱19年,之后与1985年被释放。

    Carter spent 19 years in prison for three murders at a tavern in New Jersey in 1966 and was freed in 1985 .

  13. 柯莱特通过叙述视角的转化、有侧重的心理透视以及不同的人物意识表现形式给予女性人物更多的话语权。

    Through the change of narrative point-of-view and psychological perspective , as well as a variety of forms to reveal characters ' consciousness , Colette offers women in her works a lot more power of discourse .