
duō xiè
  • Thank you very much;thanks a lot;Thanks a lot!;many thanks;Many thanks!;tell;Thank you so much;advise
多谢 [duō xiè]
  • (1) [thanks a lot;many thanks]∶表示感谢的客套话

  • (2) [advise;tell] [古]∶嘱咐;劝告

  • 多谢后世人,戒之慎勿忘。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

多谢[duō xiè]
  1. 哦,对不起。多谢了。

    Oh , I 'm sorry . Thank you very much .

  2. 多谢你,真好吃。伯特。

    Thank you very much , Bert . Lovely stew , Bert .

  3. 多谢,我今天感觉好多了。

    I 'm feeling miles better today , thanks .

  4. 多谢你替我把那封信寄了——省得我跑一趟。

    Thanks for sending that letter for me ─ it saved me a trip .

  5. 多谢多谢!你真是个大好人!

    Thanks ! You 're a star !

  6. 多谢您借钱给我。

    Thanks for lending me the money .

  7. 多谢您的支持。

    Many thanks for your support .

  8. 多谢了,苏兹。你太好了。

    Thanks a lot , Suzie . You 've been great .

  9. “那么,多谢了。再见。”

    ' Anyhow , thanks a lot . Bye bye . '

  10. “您的找头。”——“多谢。”

    ' There 's your change . ' — ' Thanks very much . '

  11. 多谢詹姆·谢泼绘制的地图。最后,非常感谢托尼、威廉、德博拉和贝唐。

    Thank you to Jim Sheppe for drawing the maps . And lastly , a very big thank-you to Tony , William , Deborah and Bethan .

  12. 多谢你的指导。

    I am very grateful to you for your advice .

  13. 多谢您的好意。

    Many thanks for your kind intentions .

  14. 多谢您的大力栽培。

    A thousand thanks for your patronage .

  15. 多谢你的厚意。

    Thank you for your kindness .

  16. 多谢。

    Thanks a lot .

  17. 让您费神了,多谢,多谢!

    Thanks a lot for the trouble you 've taken to help us !

  18. 多谢关照。

    Many thanks for your help .

  19. 多谢你。

    Thank you ever so much .

  20. 多谢您好意相送。

    Many thanks for your kindness in seeing me off .

  21. 而如今,多谢NASA工作人员的兢兢业业,我们已经占领了全球市场的三分之一。

    Today , thanks to groundwork laid by the men and women of NASA , they own more than a third of it .

  22. 多谢一位带着相机到访的美国音乐节目主持人,你可以自己看看《救命!》DVD里面的比赛片段。

    And thanks to a visiting American DJ who brought along a camera , you can see some of the race for yourself on the Help ! DVD .

  23. 其实,我一直在K12,在潜水而已啦!多谢大家的关心!

    Actually , I continuously in K12 , in diving ! Many thanks everybody 's care !

  24. 多谢UNT,希望这个心得分享能够帮助别的不常使用保养品的男士们决定试用看看。

    Thanks very much UNT and I hope this helps other men that might not normally use skincare products decide to try it once .

  25. 当地的基督复临安息日会(Seventh-dayAdventists)教友普遍要比一般的美国人更长寿,这要多谢他们以素食为主的饮食,其中含有大量的坚果、豆类、燕麦、全麦面包和牛油果。

    and Loma Linda , Calif. , where Seventh-day Adventists have a tendency to outlive their fellow Americans , thanks to a mostly vegetarian diet that is heavy on nuts , beans , oatmeal , 100 percent whole-grain bread and avocados .

  26. 我们想多谢主人的盛情款待。

    We want to thank our hosts for their generous hospitality .

  27. 多谢,但是我们明天已经有计划了。

    Thank you , but we already have plans for tomorrow .

  28. 我这一天够兴奋的了,多谢!

    I 've had enough excitement for one day , thanks !

  29. 谨此多谢你的参与和支持。

    Thank you for your support and participation in the survey .

  30. 我欠你一份人情,多谢你的帮助。

    I owe you one , thanks for all your help .