- 【地】lahar

This sudden abundance of fluid on the flanks of the mountain could only go in one direction : down ; and this it did with enthusiasm , forming four thick and fast-flowing lahars ( rivers of ash , mud and volcanic debris that flow over the land , taking out everything in their paths ) .
A few days later the main eruption occurred and the nearby land was subject to fiery pyroclastic flows , swift-moving lahars and over 10 inches of ash-fall .
Lava flows , pyroclastic flows , lahars and volcanic tsunamis are the major hazards that threaten the life and property of the people .
It was to be the start of a terror that would haunt the people here long after the eruption ceased , Lahars .
Many lives have been lost to the volcano 's frequent eruptions , which are accompanied by high-speed pyroclastic flows and mudflows called lahars .