
rónɡ yán qiónɡ qiū
  • lava dome
  1. 我们需要的是在云层之下的这个熔岩穹丘的详细图像,从而检查小的特征并弄清在爆发前后发生了什么变化。

    What we needed was detailed images of the lava dome beneath the cloud , to examine small features and tell what changes had occurred during and after the explosion .

  2. 在其他地区,有火山、轮廓清晰的山谷、陨石坑、熔岩穹丘。

    In other areas , you 've got canyons , ripped valleys , meteo craters , uh , lava domes .

  3. 在这场爆发之前的数年中,形成了数百米高的熔岩穹丘。

    In the years running up to the explosion a large dome of lava a few hundred metres across had grown .