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  • Lava flow;lava layer
  1. 上升熔岩流到海底并堵住了裂隙,结果把海水封在里面

    Rising molten rock flows out on the ocean floor and caps the fissures , trapping the water .

  2. 但危险的是,他们低估了如被飞石砸伤、吸入有毒气体或被熔岩流阻断去路的风险。

    But they dangerously underestimate the risks such as being injured by flying rocks , the threat of toxic4 gas or getting cut off by lava5 flows .

  3. 变质作用是由喷发的熔体被掩埋到20km或更深,深埋的熔岩流使得玄武岩被重新加热到变质温度形成的。

    This metamorphism resulted from the eruption and subsequent burial of lava flows to depths of 20 km or more and that deeply buried basalts were reheated to their melting points .

  4. 科学家们将从熔岩流中获取更多数据。

    The scientists will take more readings from the lava flow .

  5. 我见过火山喷发出的熔岩流。

    I 've seen the stream of lava from a volcano .

  6. 帕霍霍熔岩流是非常不稳定,容易流动。

    Pahoehoe lava flows are highly fluid , flowing easily .

  7. 它们的方向分布反映了该区域熔岩流的张裂特点。

    Their direction distributions reflect the characteristics of fissures in the area .

  8. 一次熔岩流构成的一个冷却单元称之为一个岩流单元;

    One molten melt which is cooled be called a lava unit .

  9. 熔结凝灰岩的液态熔离&泡沫熔岩流成因

    Ignimbrites from liquid immiscibility : origination of pumiceous lava flow

  10. 这是顺利熔岩流帕霍霍知道。

    This smooth flowing lava is known as pahoehoe .

  11. 既有喷发熔岩流(主导),也有一些浅源上侵的次火山岩体;

    And there are also eruptive lavas ( dominant ), and some subvolcanic rocks .

  12. 熔岩流可以烧毁,粉碎并埋葬沿途的所有东西。

    Lava flows can burn , crush , or bury anything in their path .

  13. 琼北全新世火山区熔岩流流动速度的恢复与火山灾害性讨论

    Flow Velocity and Hazard Assessment of the Holocene Lava Flows in the Northern Hainan Island

  14. 炽热的熔岩流从夏威夷火山国家公园的启劳亚火山喷涌而出。

    A flow of glowing lava issues from Mount Kilauea in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park .

  15. 经过了几百万年,火山及熔岩流才筑就了今天的冰岛。

    It 's taken millions of years for volcanoes and lava flows to build Iceland .

  16. 熔岩流单元测井响应模式

    Logging response model for lava flow unit

  17. 熔岩流及泥石流谷的特点之一是横剖面为u型。

    One of the characteristics of lava and debris valleys is a U-shaped transverse profile .

  18. 在夏威夷,熔岩流缓慢接近Pahoa镇的居民。

    In Hawaii , lava flows are inching closer to residents in the town of Pahoa .

  19. 义大利斯特龙博利岛的火山冒出不祥的烟雾,火山冒出的熔岩流到斯特龙博利岛附近海域。

    Steam rises ominously as flowing lava hits the sea off the Italian island of Stromboli .

  20. 这是十五年来这个夏威夷区域首次出现这样的熔岩流。

    It has been 15 years since this part of Hawaii has seen lava flow like this .

  21. 讨论了漫流、溪谷熔岩流和潜流三种流动方式。

    Overflow , rivulet-val-ley flow and undercurrent which are three flowing mode as lava flow are discussed .

  22. 溢流式喷发以夏威夷型喷发为主,产物组成盾形火山和熔岩流。

    The effusive eruption is dominated by the Hawaiian type which generated scutulum volcanoes and lava flows .

  23. 在熔岩流单元中黑曜岩位于其顶部和底部。

    Dating for Children The obsidian appears on the top and the bottom of lava flow unit .

  24. 最惨烈的则是1841年,当时诸多熔岩流埋葬了一个乡镇,杀死1200人。

    The most destructive was in 1841 , when lava flows buried a town , killing 1,200 people .

  25. 熔岩流呈致密厚层与薄层相间产出,塑性流动构造发育;

    The lava flows include the thick layers and thin layers , and the well-developed flow banding is present .

  26. 除了熔岩流,埃特纳也几乎稳定、有节奏地喷发蒸汽、火山灰和熔融的岩石。

    Besides lava flows , Etna produces an almost constant , rhythmic discharge of steam , ash and molten rock .

  27. 当局说,这些岛屿上的熔岩流移动速度每小时大约10到15码。

    Authorities say the lava flow on these islands is moving at a rate about 10 to 15 yards an hour .

  28. 在野外实地地质考察和借鉴前人工作的基础上,阐述了五大连池火山区的自然地理和地质的概况,总结了熔岩流的研究进展,解释了五大连池新期火山熔岩流的典型的地质现象;

    In this paper , I expatiate the physical geography and geological background , and summarize the researches on the lava flow .

  29. 其中对人类生命财产构成严重威胁的火山灾害有熔岩流、火山碎屑流、火山泥流和火山海啸。

    Lava flows , pyroclastic flows , lahars and volcanic tsunamis are the major hazards that threaten the life and property of the people .

  30. 五大连池火山1720~1721年喷发时玄武质熔岩流阻塞的河流不是白河,而是乌德邻河;

    The river was blocked up by basalt melter rock flow during eruption from 1720 that to 1721 that is not the Bai river .