
  • 网络The Snake River
  1. 记得我十二岁的时候顺着蛇河下去探险吗?

    Remember the trip down the Snake River when I was twelve ?

  2. 在她灵敏鼻子的引导下,这只300磅重的庞然大物在蛇河薄冰上步履蹒跚简直充满了危险。

    Let by her nose , she risks a 300-pound bulk on the thin ice of the bend in the Snake River .

  3. 其中,筑在赫奇赫奇&约塞米蒂的“消逝的山谷”的大坝,蛇河、哥伦比亚河、科罗拉多河上的大坝正被考虑拆除。

    Among the dams being considered for removal are Hetch Hetchy , which dams Yosemite 's " lost valley " and dams on the Snake , Columbia , and Colorado Rivers .