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  • 网络Mare Anguis
  1. 你被血所沾污的发丝将我封印在一片蛇之海。

    Your bloodstained hair sears me in a sea of snakes .

  2. 蛇头为逃避水警追截,不惜推女人蛇落海。最少有六人溺毙,另有四人失踪。

    At least six women from the mainland were drowned and four others were missing yesterday after human smugglers forced them to jump into the sea while fleeing Taiwanese coastguard patrols .

  3. 这种蛇非常适合海中的生活

    This snake is superbly adapted to life underwater ...

  4. 到那日、耶和华必用他刚硬有力的大刀、刑罚鳄鱼、就是那快行的蛇、刑罚鳄鱼就是那曲行的蛇.并杀海中的大鱼。

    In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent , even leviathan that crooked serpent ; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea .