
Yà zhōu xiànɡ
  • Asian elephant
  1. 一例亚洲象全身冻伤的抢救与治疗

    A case of Salvage and Treatment of an Asian Elephant Systematically Injured by Cold

  2. 亚洲象生境评价

    Evaluation of Asian Elephant 's Habitat

  3. 亚洲象曾经遍布全国多地,对它们而言,迁移是一种正常行为。

    Historically , Asian elephants used to live in many parts of the country .

  4. 象群离家17月,迁移500多公里这14头亚洲象,年龄、体型各异,已经迁移了500多公里。

    The herd of 14 elephants , ranging in age and size , has traveled more than 500 km .

  5. 加快推进亚洲象国家公园创建国家林草局和云南省政府计划开发一处国家公园,为亚洲象群提供栖息地保护,同时促进人象和谐共存。

    The forestry department and the provincial government plan to develop a national park , which aims to provide habitat protection for the elephants and a balanced relationship with residents .

  6. 在西双版纳国家级自然保护区用3S技术规划亚洲象生态走廊带初探

    A preliminary study on designing ecological corridors in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve with 3S Techniques

  7. “南印度的亚洲象低遗传变异被认为与种群繁衍延续方面的问题有关。”Schuster说。

    " The low genetic divergence of the elephants in southern Indian has been suggested as contributing to the problems of maintaining this group as a thriving population ," Schuster said .

  8. 西双版纳野生亚洲象的觅食行为

    Foraging behavior of Asian elephants in Xishuangbanna , Yunnan , China

  9. 亚洲象与非洲象有什么不同?

    What 's the difference between Asian elephants and African elephants ?

  10. 亚洲象被驯养的历史已经有几千年。

    Asian elephants have been domesticated for thousands of years .

  11. 亚洲象生活在亚洲的南部和东南部。

    Asian elephants lives in south and south east Asia .

  12. 有两种典型的象&非洲象和亚洲象。

    The world has two kinds of typical elephant-African elephants and Asian elephants .

  13. 亚洲象繁殖生物学特征探讨

    Characteristics of Reproductive Biology of Asian Elephants

  14. 亚洲象难产转化一例

    Conversion of Dystocia in Asian Elephant

  15. 泰国一组有26头圈养的亚洲象被观察了一年多。

    A group of 26 captive Asian elephants in Thailand was observed for over a year .

  16. 有批评说,大象,特别是母象,是群居类动物,它们需要和同伴们在一起,但是麦吉的伴侣,一头名叫Annabella的亚洲象已经在1997年去世了。

    Elephants , particularly females , are herd creatures and need company , critics have said .

  17. 随着亚洲象群日渐减少,非洲大象成了象牙的唯一来源。

    As Asian elephant herds dwindle , African elephants have become the only source of ivory .

  18. 动物看护人员说,比起世界上其他动物来,亚洲象有最长的怀孕期&22个月。

    Keepers said Asian elephants have the longest gestation period-at22 months-of any animal in the world .

  19. 这名剑桥公爵也希望在访华期间参观亚洲象。

    The Duke is also hoping to see Asian elephants in the wild during his visit to China .

  20. 亚洲象的大体解剖形态观察

    Anatomization of Asian Elephant

  21. 在悉尼动物园里,一头两岁大的亚洲象宝宝正依偎着它的妈妈。

    A2-day-old baby Asian elephant snuggles up against his mother , Thong Dee , at Taronga Zoo in Sydney .

  22. 亚洲象成年时,面积相对较小的表皮下包裹着笨重无比的身躯。

    Fully grown Asian elephants thus pack a lot of mass into a body with a relatively small surface area .

  23. 之后又将该血红蛋白和与它们形似的亚洲象的血红蛋白作对比,观察它们在37℃、25℃和10℃环境条件下的差异。

    Then they compared mammoth hemoglobin to that of their living cousins , Asian elephants , at37,25 and10 degrees Celsius .

  24. 大象有两种,分别是非洲象和亚洲象(也叫印度象)。

    There are two kinds of elephant , the African elephant and the Asian elephant ( or Indian elephant ) .

  25. 在华盛顿,三只亚洲象入住史密森尼国家公园。

    Also in Washington , three Asian Elephants are settling into their new digs at the Smithsonian 's national zoo .

  26. 看那边!那些是亚洲象,个子比非洲象要小一些,性格也比较温顺。

    Look there ! Those are Asian elephants , a bit smaller in size and milder in temperament than the African type .

  27. 让六只亚洲象在装上了受力感应装置的路上走动或者跑动,同时科学家利用高速摄像机监测大象们的步态。

    Six Asian elephants walked or ran over a sidewalk equipped with pressure sensors , as the scientists used high-speed video cameras to monitor their gait .

  28. 然而今天早些时候,这头18岁高龄的亚洲象在长达九天的漫长挣扎后产出了一头雄性幼象。

    However , earlier today the18-year-old matriarch of the Asian elephant herd at Taronga gave birth to a male calf after a protracted labour lasting nine days .

  29. 女爵是头43岁高龄的亚洲象,多年来,她靠仅剩的一只眼睛来稍稍分清黑夜与白天。

    The 43-year-old Asian elephant , who only has the one eye left , had been able to do little more than distinguish between light and dark for years .

  30. 当一头亚洲象因为附近的一只狗或者一条蛇而感到焦虑时,它的耳朵和尾巴就会突出来,甚至可能会发出吼叫声。

    When an elephant became stressed by something like a nearby dog or snake , its ears and tail would stand out and it might even emit a roar .