
  • 网络jalalabad;Jalal-Abad
  1. 他们在达喀尔(Dakar,塞内加尔首都)和托拉博拉(ToraBora,巴基斯坦边境小镇)的会面堪称疯狂,之后有一天夜里在贾拉拉巴德(Jalalabad,阿富汗城市),面对分手,她痛哭至深夜。

    There were frenzied meetings in Dakar and Tora Bora and a night in Jalalabad when they split up and she cried into the small hours .

  2. 阿富汗东部贾拉拉巴德市一北约驻阿富汗基地遭到塔利班武装分子的自杀式袭击。

    Taliban militants armed with suicide vests and weapons have stormed an Afghan-NATO base in Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan .

  3. 阿富汗最大的城市是它的首都喀布尔,此外还有Herat、贾拉拉巴德(Jalalabad)、马扎尔沙里夫(Mazar-eSharif)和坎大哈(Kandahar)。

    The major cities of Afghanistan are its capital Kabul , Herat , Jalalabad , Mazar-e Sharif and Kandahar .

  4. 来自贾拉拉巴德的报导说,抗议者与临时的内务部长格斗,并在星期六冲进地方办公室。

    Reports from Jalal-Abad say protesters scuffled with the interim interior minister and broke into a regional government office Saturday .

  5. 在星期三全国爆发造成人员死亡的抗议活动之后,巴基耶夫总统逃到了贾拉拉巴德地区,据说他正在召集支援者。

    President Bakiyev fled to the Jalalabad region after deadly protests swept the country Wednesday and is said to be rallying supporters .

  6. 在阿富汗的主要城市中,政府仍然控制着喀布尔、北部的马扎里沙里夫和东部靠近巴基斯坦边界的贾拉拉巴德。

    Of Afghanistan 's major cities , the government still holds Kabul , Mazar-i-Sharif in the north and Jalalabad near the Pakistani border in the east .

  7. 阿富汗官员说,一组自杀爆炸手袭击了东部城市贾拉拉巴德的一处警方设施,造成至少五名警察死亡。

    Afghan officials say a group of suicide bombers has attacked a police base in the eastern city of Jalalabad , killing at least five officers .

  8. 随着国际部队撤出国际合同变成一纸空文,一排排重型建筑设备在喀布尔贾拉拉巴德公路边闲置着。

    Row upon row of heavy construction equipment lies idle along Kabul 's Jalalabad Road as international contracts begin to dry up with international forces pulling out .

  9. 在一家砖厂,在阿富汗贾拉拉巴德劳动者,就看在他对阿富汗的喀布尔郊外的工地,星期六,2009年9月26日。

    An Afghan laborer at a brick factory in Jalalabad , looks on at his work site on the outskirts of Kabul , Afghanistan , Saturday , Sept.26,2009 .

  10. 密封的票箱被视为在一个堆放在楠格哈尔省贾拉拉巴德,喀布尔东部,周二阿富汗选举委员会办公室,2009年8月25日。

    Sealed ballot boxes are seen piled up at an election commission office in Jalalabad , Nangarhar province , east of Kabul , Afghanistan on Tuesday , Aug.25,2009 .

  11. 吉尔吉斯斯坦领袖巴奇耶夫在上月的起义中被推翻。他的支持者闯入南部地区贾拉拉巴德和巴特肯的政府办公室。

    Supporters of Kurmanbek Bakiyev , Kyrgyzstan 's leader deposed in an uprising last month , have broken into government offices in the southern regions of Jalalabad and Batken .

  12. 今天关于4名记者在从贾拉拉巴德前往喀布尔途中遇害的消息显示出了在阿富汗报道反恐怖战争的危险性。

    The news that four journalists were killed on the road from Jalalabad to Kabul today tragically demonstrate the perils of reporting the war on terrorism from inside Afghanistan .