
kǎn fá
  • fell;fell(trees);lop
砍伐 [kǎn fá]
  • [fell(trees)] 用锯、斧等把树干锯下来或伐倒

  • 砍伐山林

砍伐[kǎn fá]
  1. 我们要砍伐这些大树。

    We will fell these great trees .

  2. 他们三人每天都会去森林里砍伐木材,然后到市场上出售。

    Every day , they would venture into the forest to fell wood to sell it later in the market .

  3. 对树木的大规模砍伐正在破坏环境。

    The broadscale cutting down of trees is damaging the environment .

  4. 热带森林被砍伐,腾出地方做草地。

    Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland .

  5. 他们要求每砍伐一棵树就要补栽两棵树。

    They ordered that for every tree cut down two more be planted .

  6. 他们要求每砍伐一棵树就要补栽两棵树。

    They ordered that for every tree cut down two more should be planted .

  7. 很多高大的橡树在战争中遭到了砍伐。

    Many large oaks were felled during the war .

  8. 这片混合林用于商业砍伐,但与此同时也进行妥善维护以保持景观。

    The mixed forest is cut commercially but is also carefully conserved to look good .

  9. 这些人没有设备或者人手砍伐这些树。

    These people do not have the equipment or the manpower to cut down the trees .

  10. 他说非洲的森林砍伐现象非常严重:每砍伐10棵树,仅种植1棵。

    He said Africa was suffering badly from deforestation : for every ten trees cut down , only one was planted .

  11. 那一丛秃头的柳树,因不断遭受砍伐都失去了天然的形状。

    The pollard willows were tortured out of their natural shape by incessant choppings .

  12. 他在林中忙于砍伐。

    He plies his axe in the woods .

  13. 众所周知,森林的快速砍伐加上化石燃料的大量燃烧是造成不可逆转灾难的爆炸性因素。

    As we know , rapid deforestation combined with the massive burning of fossil fuels is an explosive recipe for an irreversible disaster .

  14. 为了继续生产,该公司种植的竹子比它砍伐的还要多。

    To continue the production , the company plants more bamboo than it cuts .

  15. 许多大象在森林里工作,搬动被砍伐的沉重的树木。

    Lots of elephants work in the forest , moving heavy trees when they are cut down .

  16. 然而,雨林现在正面临前所未有的困境——由于砍伐或烧毁,雨林正在迅速消失。

    However , rainforests are in trouble now — they are disappearing very fast because they are cut down or burnt every day .

  17. 弗兰克:这是一个原因,另一个主要原因是人类砍伐了大量的竹林,导致熊猫没有足够的食物可吃。

    Frank : This is one of the reasons . Another main reason is that humans cut down lots of bamboo forests , and pandas don 't have enough food to eat .

  18. 去年,巴西原始森林损失的比例占所有损失的三分之一以上,其主要缘由是为了农业生产砍伐森林。

    Brazil accounted for over a third of all losses last year , with deforestation for agriculture the main motive2 .

  19. 该委员会表示,目前用来保护它们的政策没有奏效,委员会提出了一些保护考拉的建议,包括建设新的国家公园和减少对森林的砍伐。

    The committee said current policies to protect them were failing and made a number of recommendations to safeguard them , including establishing new national parks and reducing land clearing .

  20. 地球正迅速接近“不可逆转的临界点”。砍伐森林、污染河流和海洋、开垦草原导致自然资源正在“消失殆尽”。

    The planet was rapidly reaching a " point of no return , " cutting down forests , polluting rivers and oceans , and ploughing grasslands " into oblivion . "

  21. 庄子对着山中一棵因大而无用而免遭砍伐的大叔叹息说:“这棵树恰巧由其不成材而享有天年。”

    Zhuangzi sighed at a big tree in the forest that escaped the destiny of being chopped due to its uselessness . He said , " it is its uselessness that the tree could have the chance to enjoy its natural span of life . "

  22. 世界野生动物基金会说每分成钟有25到50英亩的热带雨林树(tree)木被砍伐或烧毁。

    The World Wildlife Fund says that every minute , 25 to50 acres are cut or burned to the ground .

  23. 现在,WTO正在协商消除木质产品的关税,而这也正意味着增加木材的需求和砍伐森林的逐步升级。

    The WTO is currently negotiating an agreement that would eliminate tariffs on wood products , thus increasing the demand for timber and escalating deforestation .

  24. 这就是“减少森林砍伐和退化产生的排放”(reducingemissionsfromdeforestationanddegradation)计划,用付钱的方式鼓励当地人保护森林。

    It is called the initiative for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation , where local population would be paid to protect forests .

  25. 虽然太阳活动降低了,但是我们燃烧化石燃料和砍伐树木引起了CO2的快速升高。

    This small weakening of the sun , however , has been outpaced by the rapid increase in CO2 levels from all our fossil fuel burning and tree-cutting .

  26. 此外,林地内的土壤元素含量在病害侵入前后也会发生一定的变化:受到轻度砍伐的林地内其P、K含量较高,有利于提高树木对病虫害的抵抗能力。

    Furthermore , proportion of total N 、 available P 、 available K in soil are dissimilar after the disease invaded : Capacities of resistance on disease will be enhanced if infect trees are cut appropriate .

  27. 预计到2040年,数值还将增长40%,热带雨林面临砍伐过度的险境,并且将进一步加重室内污染问题&室内污染已成为致使该地区人口早夭的第二大原因,仅次于艾滋病(AIDS)。

    The projection is that figure will rise 40 percent by 2040 , putting tropical forests at risk and further contributing to indoor pollution that is already the second biggest cause of premature death behind AIDS in the region .

  28. 这份报告的作者说,如果财政激励足够逆转森林砍伐的政治和经济原因,那么REDD可能有助于减少碳排放。

    The authors of the report say REDD can help reduce carbon emissions if financial incentives are sufficient to overturn the political and economic causes of deforestation .

  29. 论文的共同作者、巴西农牧业研究院(Embrapa)的JoséSilva说,巴西政府已经采取了一些措施,更有效地控制森林砍伐。

    Co-author Jos é Silva of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation ( Embrapa ) says that the government has taken some steps to control logging more effectively .

  30. 由于燃烧化石燃料和砍伐森林引起CO2浓度升高并随之带来全球气候变化,陆地植被生态系统,尤其是森林的生长与碳循环之间的关系成为陆地生物圈与全球变化研究中的主要内容。

    The increase of CO2 content caused by the usage of fossil fuel and forest destruction has lead to global climatic change . The relationship between land vegetation , especially forest growth and carbon circle is the main content for the study on land biosphere and global variation .
