
diào qī jiāo yì
  • swap;swap dealing
  1. 具有AAA评级的美国国际集团是掉期交易中有吸引力的交易对手。

    With a triple A rating , AIG was an attractive counterparty for swap transactions .

  2. 我们的例子检索存储在DB2中的一个XML交易记录的子集,而一个更加一般的、涉及所有信用违约掉期交易的查询,将会返回所有40个交易记录。

    Our example retrieves a subset of one XML trade record stored in DB2 , while a more general query involving all credit default swap trades would return forty full trade records .

  3. WHERE子句将更新限制到一个涉及AgriumInc.的特定信用违约掉期交易。

    The WHERE clause restricts the update to a specific credit default swap trade involving Agrium Inc.

  4. 但预计AIG在多部门CDO上的大多数掉期交易对手都会将手头的证券出售给新的机构,解除信用违约掉期(CDS)合约。

    But most of AIG 's swap counterparties on the multisector CDOs are expected to sell their securities to the new facility and cancel the credit-default-swap contracts .

  5. 美联储这么做的想法是,像利率掉期交易这样的特定交易本来用无风险利率更好一些,然而由于不存在其他选项,市场参与者只能选择Libor。

    The idea is that certain transactions like interest rate swaps would be better served with a risk-free rate but since no alternative exists , market participants have been left using Libor .

  6. 欧盟竞争委员会专员杰奎因•阿尔穆尼亚(JoaquínAlmunia)说得对,在其他方面对等的情况下,对投资者来说,交易所掉期交易的成本应该低于银行的场外交易市场。

    Joaqu í n Almunia , the EU competition commissioner , is right that exchange-trading of swaps should be cheaper for investors than the banks " over-the-counter market , all other things being equal .

  7. 一个交易商指出,目前的现货交易和票据市场的价值保持一致,另一个则指出作为煤炭掉期交易的标准的API2指数是从现货实际交易中产生。

    While one trader said that current physical deals were aligned with paper values , another pointed out that the API2 index , against which coal swaps are settled , is derived from spot physical trades .

  8. 比如,大宗商品支持贷款有时候被结构化为衍生工具或掉期交易。

    For instance , sometimes commodities loans are structured as derivatives or swaps .

  9. 首先要解释甚么是掉期交易。

    Let me first explain what a swap is .

  10. 包括单纯远期及外汇掉期交易。

    Includes outright forwards and foreign exchange swaps .

  11. 交易商称,上周债券收益率创下新高后,投资者进行了大量掉期交易。

    Traders reported heavy swap activity last week as bond yields cracked new highs .

  12. 在掉期交易改革中,欧洲落后于美国,但却走在同样的道路上。

    Europe lags behind the US in swaps reform but is on the same path .

  13. 掉期交易中的汇价差额货币期货,外汇期货,汇率期货

    Exchange rate differential currency futures

  14. 如果你想进行长期掉期交易,那就要选择美国国际集团,他表示。

    If you wanted to enter a long-term swap , AIG was the name , he says .

  15. 委员会成员留意到这些掉期交易涉及的数额不可能会大至足以对市场收益率构成实质影响。

    Members observed that such transactions would be unlikely to be large enough to materially influence market yields .

  16. 掉期交易不得分拆为一笔即期和一笔远期交易统计。

    A swap transaction may not be split into one spot transaction and one forward transaction for statistical purposes .

  17. 他补充说,中银国际还在筹备在新加坡开展铁矿石掉期交易业务。

    He added that the investment bank was also in the process of entering iron ore swaps trading in Singapore .

  18. 除此以外,还有一种选择是,这些银行能借入以本国货币计价的资金,然后利用外汇掉期交易来对冲汇兑风险。

    Alternatively , they can borrow in their native currency and then use foreign exchange swaps to hedge the currency risk .

  19. 该应用程序的一个方面可能需要获得关于信用违约掉期交易中引用的公司的当前市场数据。

    One aspect of this application might need to obtain current market data about the firms referenced in credit default swap trades .

  20. 亚洲第一笔掉期交易价值不到1亿港元(合1300万美元),以全球标准衡量规模较小。

    The inaugural transaction in Asia , at less than HK $ 100m ( $ 13m ), is small by global standards .

  21. 信用违约掉期交易,拍卖利率债券,次级贷,这些也许是世上最不浪漫的市场了。

    Bunches of swaps , sprigs of auction-rate securities and bundles of subprime loans & these are perhaps the hardest markets in the world to romanticise .

  22. 掉期交易市场大多不受监管,一些美国国会议员将其称为投机者的漏洞,并将油价高企归咎于此。

    The swap market is mostly unregulated , which some lawmakers in Washington have described as a loophole for speculators and blamed for high oil prices .

  23. 欧盟已经通过法律,将对掉期交易实施类似改革&让交易通过结算所进行结算,使其更加透明和安全。

    The EU has passed laws that will implement similar changes to swaps trading – making it more transparent and safer by pushing trades through clearing houses .

  24. 然而,随着银行安排掉期交易的费用增加,他们将不可避免地将一些监管成本转移给客户。

    As it becomes more expensive for banks to arrange swaps , however , they will inevitably pass on some of these regulatory costs to their customers .

  25. 高盛的案子使得阻挠该立法提案变得更为困难,例如一个强迫银行成立独立的部门将其掉期交易业务分离出去的提议。

    The Goldman case could make it harder to see off draconian legislative proposals , such as a plan to force banks to divest their swaps-trading units .

  26. 欧盟已经通过法律,将对掉期交易实施类似改革——让交易通过结算所进行结算,使其更加透明和安全。

    The EU has passed laws that will implement similar changes to swaps trading - making it more transparent and safer by pushing trades through clearing houses .

  27. 在Abacus2007-AC1交易中,对冲基金保尔森公司(Paulson&Co)为交易的证券挑选提供了建议,同时又在与高盛的掉期交易中做空该交易。

    In Abacus 2007-AC1 , Paulson & Co , a hedge fund , suggested securities for the deal and also bet against it in a swap with Goldman .

  28. 目前,此类基金约占信贷违约掉期交易额的60%&这种衍生工具提供了一种防范企业不偿还债务的保险。

    Such funds now account for almost 60 per cent of trading volumes in credit default swaps – derivatives that provide a kind of insurance against non-payment on corporate debt .

  29. 持有银行和新兴市场公司股票的高风险基金遭遇滑铁卢,而专注于公用事业、医疗保健和必需消费品行业的普通掉期交易保守投资组合却大放异彩。

    Riskier funds that owned shares of banks and emerging-markets companies got crushed , while safe , plain-vanilla portfolios focusing on utilities , health care , and consumer staples shone .

  30. “在金融市场加强对场外掉期交易和衍生品交易的监管,可以帮助我国金融行业恢复信心、诚信及稳健发展,”哈金说。

    " In the financial markets , stronger regulation of OTC swaps and derivatives transactions can help to restore confidence , integrity and soundness to our nation 's financial sector ," Harkin said .