
diào qī
  • Swaps;change over
掉期[diào qī]
  1. 假如有这样的规则,信用违约掉期(creditdefaultswaps,简称CDS)现在就可以进坟墓了。

    If there were , credit default swaps would be headed for the graveyard .

  2. 经纪商伦敦航运投资者服务公司(freightinvestorservices)的数据显示,2010年度铁矿石掉期合约昨日的交易价格为每吨125.5美元。

    The 2010 calendar year ore swap traded yesterday at $ 125.5 a tonne , according to freight investor services , a London-based broker .

  3. 除了少数交投极其活跃的权证合约和部分货币掉期(currencyswaps)交易外,中国没有其它金融衍生产品。

    Apart from a few heavily traded warrants contracts and some currency swaps , China has no financial derivatives products .

  4. 考虑这样一个场景,即一个JavaEE应用程序需要访问一项特定交易的信用违约掉期数据。

    Consider the situation in which a Java EE application needs to access credit default swap data from a specific trade .

  5. 新加坡交易所(SingaporeExchange)已经推出了美元计价利率掉期的清算业务,它预期美国和欧洲的银行会希望在亚洲清算此类工具。

    The Singapore Exchange has launched clearing of US dollar-denominated interest rate swaps , anticipating that US and European banks will want to clear such instruments in Asia .

  6. 华尔街正在买入信用违约掉期(CDS),为日本债务危机爆发的那一天做好准备。

    Wall Street is buying protection in the form of credit default swaps to prepare for that day Japan implodes .

  7. 具有AAA评级的美国国际集团是掉期交易中有吸引力的交易对手。

    With a triple A rating , AIG was an attractive counterparty for swap transactions .

  8. 境外人民币NDF和境内人民币掉期之间关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Relationship between Offshore NDF and RMB Swap

  9. 这些举措触及了2008年金融危机暴露出来的一大弱点:在没有足够资本缓冲情况下进行的场外信用违约掉期(CDS)交易,正是这种做法导致美国国际集团(AmericanInternationalGroup)陷于崩溃边缘。

    Such initiatives address one of the biggest weaknesses exposed by the 2008 crisis – over-the-counter trading of credit default swaps without an adequate capital cushion contributed to the near-collapse of American International Group .

  10. 在1998年长期资本管理公司(long-termcapitalmanagement)崩溃和新兴市场危机之后,各种一篮子指数和信贷违约掉期(cds)等新产品被创造出来,以帮助抵消各种风险。

    After the collapse long-term capital management and the crisis in emerging markets in 1998 , new products such as various basket indices and credit default swaps were created to help offset a number of risks .

  11. 印度清算公司(clearingcorporationofindia)于2002年成立,目前已开始清算卢比外汇衍生品,并正在向清算本地利率掉期合约发展。

    The Clearing Corporation of India , which was established in 2002 , has started clearing rupee foreign exchange derivatives and is moving towards the clearing of local interest rate swaps .

  12. 我们的例子检索存储在DB2中的一个XML交易记录的子集,而一个更加一般的、涉及所有信用违约掉期交易的查询,将会返回所有40个交易记录。

    Our example retrieves a subset of one XML trade record stored in DB2 , while a more general query involving all credit default swap trades would return forty full trade records .

  13. 不过,相关官员想给银行足够的刺激,鼓励它们出售这些证券,好让AIG解除掉期。

    However , officials wanted to give banks sufficient incentives to sell the securities so that AIG could cancel the swaps .

  14. WHERE子句将更新限制到一个涉及AgriumInc.的特定信用违约掉期交易。

    The WHERE clause restricts the update to a specific credit default swap trade involving Agrium Inc.

  15. 航运投资者服务公司(FreightInvestorServices)的RaymondLi表示,中国基础设施支出的前景引发了新加坡铁矿石掉期市场的反弹。航运投资者服务公司是中国最大的铁矿石掉期交易经纪商。

    Raymond Li at Freight Investor Services , the largest iron ore swaps broker in China , said the prospect of the infrastructure spending had sparked a rally in iron ore swaps in Singapore .

  16. 如果说这一方案起到了什么作用,那就是它强化了一种观点:在主权债券交易中,私营投资者是二等公民,信用违约掉期(CDS)提供不了什么保障。

    If anything , the deal has cemented the view that private investors are second-class when it comes to sovereign debt deals and that credit default swaps offer little protection .

  17. 根据债务价值调整,大银行的营收受到一项会计规则的不利影响,这项规则要求它们在信用违约掉期(CDS)下跌时确认负营收。

    With DVA , the big banks ' revenue lines are adversely affected by an accounting convention that requires them to recognize negative revenues when their credit default swaps tighten .

  18. 开始时,出现在次级抵押贷款上的问题,蔓延到了债务抵押债券(collateraliseddebtobligations),危及了市政及抵押担保保险公司和再保险公司,并可能危及规模数万亿美元的信贷违约掉期市场。

    What started with subprime mortgages spread to all collateralised debt obligations , endangered municipal and mortgage insurance and reinsurance companies and threatened to unravel the multi-trillion-dollar credit default swap market .

  19. 伦敦的一些经纪人称,紧缩方案公布后法国债券的信贷违约掉期(CDS)息差反而跃升至创纪录的236个基点。

    After the announcement , the cost to insure French debt using credit default swaps jumped to a record 236 basis points , according to brokers in the city of London .

  20. 法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)已售出40亿美元的法国国债信用违约掉期,占全球总额12%。

    French bank BNP Paribas has sold $ 4 billion in protection on French government debt , 12 % of the global total .

  21. 但预计AIG在多部门CDO上的大多数掉期交易对手都会将手头的证券出售给新的机构,解除信用违约掉期(CDS)合约。

    But most of AIG 's swap counterparties on the multisector CDOs are expected to sell their securities to the new facility and cancel the credit-default-swap contracts .

  22. 上周五交易中,葡萄牙10年期国债和希腊信用违约掉期(CDS,防范债务违约的一种产品)的收益率(与价格呈反向走势)升至新高。

    Yields on Portuguese 10-year bonds , which move inversely to prices , and Greek credit default swaps , a form of insurance against debt default , rose to fresh highs on Friday .

  23. 数据集团Markit称,过去4年内,信贷违约掉期市场已增长逾一倍。

    The CDS market has more than doubled in the past four years , according to Markit , the data group .

  24. AIG集团在信用违约掉期的资产组合上的投资失败,使其保险偿付能力大大下降,美国政府不得不对其实施近1500亿美元的援救计划。

    AIG Group ' investment failure on portfolio of credit default swap significantly decreased the insurance solvency , the U.S. government had to implement its 1,500 billion rescue plan .

  25. 这部分“敞口”包含了一系列复杂的交易,包括直接持有的公债、摩根士丹利与对手的交易敞口,信用违约掉期(CDS)等衍生品。

    The " bet " is a series of complex transactions including direct holdings of government bet , exposure from transactions the firm has made with counterparties and derivatives such as credit default swaps .

  26. 函数以XHTML格式返回关于从DB2返回的信用违约掉期中引用的所有公司的股票代号、公司名称、最高售价和币种的信息。

    The function returns information in XHTML format about the stock symbol , company name , high sales price , and currency for all firms referenced in the credit default swaps returned from DB2 .

  27. 如果部分银行选择不解除掉期合约,那它们将继续承担AIG日后可能无法偿付债务的风险。

    If some banks choose not to cancel the swap contracts , they would still bear the risk that AIG mightn 't be able to meet its obligations down the road .

  28. 议员们今年早些时候愤怒地获悉,高盛和其它一些银行依靠纳税人的钱,弥补了与破产的保险业巨头美国国际集团(aig)之间信用违约掉期合约的全部损失。

    Lawmakers were furious when they learnt earlier this year that Goldman and other banks were fully reimbursed by the taxpayer on credit default swap contracts with failed insurance giant AIG .

  29. 举例来说,该机构正在收集有关指数基金以及通过“掉期交易商”(swapdealers)进行的其它交易的更详细信息,并计划于9月份向议员提供相关建议。

    The agency , for instance , is collecting more detailed information on index funds and other transactions being conducted through so-called " swap dealers " and plans to provide recommendations to lawmakers in September .

  30. 参与的银行将按照CDO全价或票面价值获得补偿,条件是允许AIG解除此前发行的信贷违约掉期。

    The banks that participate will be compensated for the securities ' full , or par , value in exchange for allowing AIG to unwind the credit-default swaps it wrote . '