
  • 网络reorganization plan;Turnaround Plan
  1. 强制批准重整计划的限制。

    The restriction on the forcing confirmation of the reorganization plan .

  2. 企业破产重整计划强行批准的原则及限制

    Principles and Restrictions of Mandatory Ratification to Reorganization Plan for Enterprise Bankruptcy

  3. 第二章论述了公司重整计划的通过与批准。

    The second chapter expounds the approval and ratification of the reorganization project .

  4. 重整计划。基于协商的上下游供需合作计划模型研究

    Research on Up-Down Stream Collaboration Planning Model Based on Bargaining Game

  5. 公司重整计划执行的监督;液压缸故障诊断信号监测系统的研究

    The Research of Signals Supervise in the Hydraulic Cylinder Malfunction Diagnosis Systems

  6. 法院批准公司重整计划的条件探析

    An Analysis of Conditions of Ratification of Corporate Reorganization Plan by the Court

  7. 第四部分探讨了重整计划的内容。

    The fourth part in detail introduced the content of the reorganization plan .

  8. 在重整计划的表决部分,介绍了重整计划的表决原则、表决分组的方式;

    On the voting stage , it introduces the voting principle and voting way ;

  9. 公司重整计划程序问题研究

    The Studies on Procedure of Corporation Reorganization Plan

  10. 在重整计划的制定部分,介绍了重整计划制定的原则、重整计划制定的立法例;

    On the making stage , it introduces making principle and the legislative example ;

  11. 首先,通过比较分析,笔者界定了重整计划所包含的三个要素。

    Firstly , the writer defines three elements of reorganization plan by comparative analysis .

  12. 其次指出我国现实经济生活中有关现象与重整计划的联系,以进而说明重整计划的研究所具有的现实启发意义;

    Then the author points out the affiliation between Corporate Reorganization Plan and economy life .

  13. 对重整计划的内容,具体分析各种重整措施;

    The contents of the plan of reorganization , analyzing every kind of reorganization measures ;

  14. 其次,论述了重整计划批准,包括正常批准和强制批准。

    Secondly , the writer explains reorganization plan approval , including normal approval and imperative approval .

  15. 公司重整计划执行的要求;

    The requirements of its execution ;

  16. 这是对国家文化瑰宝三年重整计划之后的一项活动。

    It comes after a three-year restoration of one of the country 's leading cultural gems .

  17. 重整计划对有担保债权的限制;

    Restriction from the reorganization plan ;

  18. 管理人自人民法院裁定批准重整计划之日起,终止执行职务。

    The manager stops duty performance since the date when the peoples court approves the restructure plan .

  19. 第三部分介绍了重整计划从制定到产生法律效力的程序性规定。

    The third part introduces the procedural regulation of the reorganization plan from making to produce legal effect .

  20. 各组均通过重整计划草案时,重整计划即为通过。

    Where each group passes the draft restructure plan , the restructure plan will be deemed as passed .

  21. 第三章主体论:上市公司破产重整计划之法律权益。

    Chapter ⅲ is on the subject & legal rights and interests about bankruptcy reorganization plans of listed companies .

  22. 重整计划的启动中包括申请主体、重整原因和重整能力的分析。

    The start of the Reorganization includes the application , the causes of Reorganization and the capabilities of Reorganization .

  23. 第一章:重整计划强制批准制度的基本理论。

    In the first chapter , the writer focuses on the basic theory of the compulsory approval of reconstruction plan .

  24. 因而,研究我国上市公司破产重整计划的法律构建又显得非常地紧迫。

    Thus , the research on the legal construction of reorganization plans of listed companies in China seems very urgent .

  25. 本章主要从程序的角度考察拟定上市公司破产重整计划的要求。

    This chapter , from the respective of the procedures , mainly explores the requirements when designing a reorganization plan .

  26. 上市公司破产重整计划从表面看来是一个重整方案,从实质上讲是一种特殊的协议。

    Bankruptcy reorganization plan of listed companies which appears to be a reorganization program , in essence is a special protocol .

  27. 重整计划的执行是重整程序的最后一环,是由执行机构具体落实重整计划规定的内容之行为或过程,其直接关系到重整目的的实现。

    The implementation of the reorganization plan is the last part of restructuring program . It is implemented by the executing agency .

  28. 最后,论述了美、英、法、德四国对于重整计划强制批准的态度。

    Thirdly , the writer exposes attitudes of USA , UK , France and Germany on the cram-down of the reorganization plan .

  29. 重整计划的讨论中包括重整计划的制定、重整计划的内容和提交时间。

    The discussion of the Reorganization organs , including the formulation of the organs , the content and the filing deadline of Reorganization organs .

  30. 在面临不同的利益诉求时,应当如何通过破产重整计划来寻求一种平衡,是我们理论研究需要思考的一个问题。

    How to establish a balance by scheme of bankruptcy reorganization when facing demands of different interests is the problem for our theoretical research .