
  1. 债权人重整申请的司法审查若干问题研究

    Creditors Re-apply for Judicial Review Research on a Number of Issues

  2. 自利害关系人提出重整申请到法院作出裁定,是重整程序的启动阶段。

    Since the re-filing , to the re-determination of the application is the process to start-up phase .

  3. 设在华中地区武汉市的私有企业&东星航空公司,因为债务过重,在其重整申请于周二被驳回后,正式宣告破产。

    East Star Airlines , the debt-laden private airline based in central China 's Wuhan city , officially went bankrupt after its restructuring application was rejected Thursday .

  4. 人民法院经审查认为重整申请符合本法规定的,应当裁定许可债务人进行重整。

    Where the peoples court , upon examination , considers that the application for restructure meets with provisions in this law , it shall make a decision permitting the debtor to conduct restructure .

  5. 在论述重整申请人时,笔者指出其规定的缺陷,认为应赋予股东初始重整申请权。

    When discussing the Reorganization applicant , the author pointed out the shortcomings and believed that shareholders should be given the right to apply for the initial Reorganization .