
chóng zǔ
  • recombination;restructure;reconstitute;regroup;rebuild;retool;recast
重组[chóng zǔ]
  1. 用Red介导的同源重组结合酶切改构质粒DNA

    Reconstruction of plasmid DNA with Red-mediated homologous recombination combined with restriction digestion

  2. 通路克隆系统:DNA重组技术的新进展

    Gateway Cloning System : Recent Advance of DNA Recombination Technology

  3. 去年他们重组这个部门时,衰败就开始了。

    The rot set in last year when they reorganized the department .

  4. 他们正对职工加以重组和裁减。

    They 're restructuring and slimming down the workforce .

  5. 改组的目标是把IBM重组为一个灵活的、相互竞争的子公司联盟。

    The shake-up aims to recast IBM as a federation of flexible and competing subsidiaries .

  6. 沃诺克先生辞职了,因为公司放弃了一项资金重组计划。

    Mr Warnock resigned as the company abandoned a plan to recapitalize

  7. 就这个行业的配销方面来说,重组是必要的。

    Reorganization is necessary on the distributive side of this industry .

  8. 本年度意大利银行业将进行大规模重组。

    This should be the year of a big shake-out in Italian banking

  9. 4,000名士兵被重组成为一支战斗部队。

    Four thousand troops have been reorganized into a fighting force

  10. 他管理上的重大失误使公司陷入亟须重组的境地。

    His gross mismanagement left the company desperately in need of restructuring .

  11. 在消费结构重组方面,英国也落后于人。

    The restructuring of the pattern of consumption in Britain also lagged behind

  12. 重组引起社会福利工作发生了重大变化。

    The changes in social work consequent upon reorganization have been considerable .

  13. 布里斯托尔在地方政府重组过程中重新获得了自己作为一个城市的法律地位。

    Bristol regained its status as a city in the local government reorganisation .

  14. 他说该站的重组将使员工成为多面手。

    He said restructuring at the station would lead to increased multi-skilling among staff

  15. 他计划对保险基金进行重组。

    He plans to recapitalize the insurance fund .

  16. 正在对医疗设施进行重组和升级。

    Medical facilities are being reorganized and upgraded .

  17. 这个40岁的歌手重组了他的乐队。

    The 40-year-old singer reformed his band .

  18. 对于重组体dna问题,我们需要有一个全面的估价,而且最好由联邦政府主办。

    We need a comprehensive assessment of the recombinant DNA issue , preferably under the auspices of the federal government .

  19. 他发现重组隐性性状和显性性状的模式与重要性。

    He discovered the patterns and importance of recombinant recessive and dominant traits .

  20. 我们正在经历着的不仅仅是又一轮的商业周期,而是一次经济秩序的重组。

    We are experiencing not merely another turn of the business cycle , but a restructuring of the economic order .

  21. 在他的辞职信中,摩根称重组“不可行”。

    In his resignation letter , Morgan called the reorganization " unworkable " .

  22. 而大多数情况下,重组就意味着更加重视团队建设。

    And for the most part , restructuring meant putting more emphasis on teams .

  23. 在备课的过程中,他们重组自己的知识并且増强了自身的理解。

    While preparing to teach , they organize their knowledge and improve their own understanding .

  24. 其中近一半的受访者说他的公司正在进行重组或即将开始重组。

    Almost half of those surveyed said their companies were either in the middle of restructuring or about to embark on it .

  25. 克利夫兰诊所,一家医院运营商,已将其医务人员重组为不同的治疗团队,专门负责特定的治疗领域。

    The Cleveland Clinic , a hospital operator , has reorganised its medical staff into teams to focus on particular treatment areas .

  26. 杠杆资本重组的大行其道有好几个原因。

    Leveraged recaps have become popular for a number of reasons .

  27. 合并之后的公司要进行重组

    The company will be retooled after the incorporation .

  28. 债权人之间的分歧会加大重组的费用

    Disagreements among creditors can be costlier still .

  29. 结论:重组人肝再生增强因子可预防免疫损伤性肝纤维化的形成。

    Recombinant human augmenter of liver regeneration may prevent the formation of immuno complex induced liver fibrosis .

  30. 重组家庭需要增进感情,而想要让家庭成员之间关系更亲密,度个“家庭蜜月”是最好不过的办法。

    Newly-blended families are built on bonding , and there 's few better ways to bring everyone close than with a familymoon vacation .