
  1. 苗族、布依族的原始信仰,以多神崇拜为特征。

    The primitive beliefs of the Miao and Buyi had characteristics of polytheism .

  2. 试论土族服饰中蕴含的原始信仰审美观

    The aesthetic opinion primitive beliefs that is included in the dressing and adornment

  3. 基于原始信仰的巫,从它诞生之日起,就和舞蹈结下了不解之缘。

    Based on primitive beliefs , the Wu ( sorcerer ) had a close relation with dance from its birth .

  4. 由少数民族的神话史诗和原始信仰所表现出来的原始哲学,有两个突出的主题。

    Represented by the ethnic groups ' myths and epics and primitive faiths , Primordial Philosophy has two obvious themes .

  5. 我国古代南方众多的少数民族,他们各有自己的原始信仰和祭祀活动、宗教仪式。

    The various national minorities in South China in ancient times had their own primitive beliefs , sacrificial ceremonies , and religious rites .

  6. “祭鼓”和“祈愿”仪式中的音乐事象,比较典型地反映出这两个民族原始信仰的内涵。

    Music played in the ceremonies of the drum worship and supplication typically show the connotation of the primitive beliefs of the two peoples .

  7. 当原始信仰和巫术发展到一定高度时,其审美的或民俗寓含的意义才逐渐凸现出来。

    When the original beliefs and witchcraft develops to a certain altitude , its aesthetic or folk combine with significance only began to find out .

  8. 可乐套头葬俗与南夷原始信仰试析

    A Brief Analysis on Funeral Custom of Putting Metal Tools Round Head of the Dead in kele Town and Ancient Belief of the South Ethnics

  9. 最初的原始信仰随着人类的诞生而出现并发展,其表现形式是最原始,最为自然的,因而反映了最自然而原始的世界。

    The earliest primitive beliefs originated and developed since the birth of human beings , with the form of reflecting the most natural and primitive world .

  10. 古时嘉兴一带求雨,以“龙”为对象,反映了原始信仰对传说中的龙的祟拜。

    Jiaxing area in ancient times the rain , with " Dragon " as the object , to reflect the original belief of the legendary dragon worship .

  11. 少数民族宗教自古以来就有追求和平崇尚和谐的传统,所以,在其原始信仰或宗教教规教义中蕴含着丰富的有关和谐的训导与启示。

    Minorities ' religion has a tradition of pursuing for peace and harmony . Therefore , there are so much discipline and inspiration about harmony in their original faith or religious rules .

  12. 彝族地区巫文化的产生,与以祖先崇拜为核心,集自然崇拜、图腾崇拜和灵物崇拜为一体的彝族民间原始信仰不可分割。

    The formulation of witch culture in Yi district , is based on the folk primitive faith of Yi , an organic whole of worshipping the ancestor , nature , totemism and efficacious things .

  13. +、■形崇拜在北方民族中十分盛行,是一个源远流长的原始信仰符号,其基本内涵是原始宇宙观&宇宙数字。

    The worship of " + " and "■" were very popular in the northern nation . They were longstanding original belief symbols , their basic content was the original world view-the universe figures .

  14. 第四章,解读几个相关母题,揭示故事中蕴藏的原始信仰、仪式、习俗等的丰富内涵及其演变的规律。

    In the chapter four , interprets the cultural connotation concerning the motif of the story , and point out the connotation and changes law of the ancient beliefs , ritual and custom in the story .

  15. 在中国少数民族哲学这一研究课题中,少数民族神话史诗和原始信仰所表现出的哲学思想,应当区别于受汉族文化影响的少数民族哲学思想。

    In the research project of Philosophy of Chinese Ethnic Groups , the philosophy that represent by the myths and epics and primitive faiths should be differ from that which has been influenced by the culture of Han-nationality .

  16. 从朝鲜民族和满族的建国神话及始祖神话中可以看到,两个民族的原始信仰最初表现为对天的崇拜,同时因鸟作为天界与人世间来回的使者而被崇拜。

    From the Manchu and ancestor of the founding of the Korean nation and can be seen in the myth , human primitive beliefs first manifested on the day of worship , and bird as the Angel of the day room and was worshipped .

  17. 简论菲律宾民族的原始宗教信仰

    On the Primitive Religious Belief of the Philippine National ity

  18. 这体现出的是原始思想信仰与巫术的巨大影响。

    All these show the great effect of primitive belief and witch craft .

  19. 火历新探&对荆楚文化和原始宗教信仰的思想史研究

    New Research on Fire - Calendar

  20. 传承形式可分为纯正传承型的与原始宗教信仰粘合在一起的毕摩的各种祭辞的传承;

    One is purity initiation and inheriting mixtured with the words from offering sacrifices to gods of originality religion belief ;

  21. 为我们研究原始宗教信仰、民族审美心理、民族风俗习惯和民族性格提供了珍贵资料。

    Meanwhile , it can also offer precious materials for the research of the folk custom , original religion , national aesthetic mentality and national character .

  22. 苗族原始宗教信仰的现代歧异性变化&以湘西腊尔山苗族为例

    The Variety of Modern Deviation in Miao 's Primitive Religion and Faith : with an Example of Miao in La Dongshan in the West of Hunan Province

  23. 从民众时间意识的起源上看,自然时序、原始宗教信仰以及社会生活节奏是形成民众时间观念的三大要素。

    The natural season , primeval faith and social life cadence are three element which came into being the time ideal of demos from origin of time consciousness .

  24. 它既是基于受众对大众传媒的原始文化信仰,同时更是对受众理性批判力可能缺失的重要弥补。

    It is based on the original audience of the media cultural beliefs , but also for rational criticism of the audience may be missing an important bridge .

  25. 华夏民族文化演绎的“龙情结”是远古先民在同自然环境作斗争过程中寄托民众意愿的图腾崇拜,是先祖在生命精神需求和原始宗教信仰上的一种信念寄托。

    The " Dragon love knot ", generated by Chinese national culture , was a life worship of the ancient ancestors who fought against the natural environment with their good wishes .

  26. 在这种影响下,苗族传统的万物有灵基础上的原始宗教信仰发生了局部的歧异性变化,但苗族信仰的根本性质依然较为完整地保持不变。

    Under this kind of affect , Miao 's primitive religion and faith based on the traditional Everything has a mind took place to the part 's deviation , but the basic kind of Miao 's faith is still completely kept .

  27. 景颇/克钦族是一支历史悠久的跨境民族,居住在中国、缅甸、印度的交界地区,他们独特的社会结构和原始宗教信仰曾引起人类学和社会学研究者浓厚的研究兴趣。

    Jingpo / Kachin is a cross-border ethnic group with long history , reside in the border area among China , Myanmar and India . Their unique social structure and primitive religious belief have aroused great interests of anthropology and sociology researchers .

  28. 魔幻现实主义作家注重于对生死轮回的原始宗教信仰的描写与挖掘,并以此作为表现民族文化的实质性的内涵,实现民族文化的艺术追求目标。

    Magical Realism writers insist on depicting and digging up the faith of life and death cycle in primitive religion , and take it as real contents that display national culture and as the goal of realizing artistic pursuits of national culture .

  29. 现代意义上的神话解释一方面重视通过神话去还原各民族的原始文化信仰,另一方面则重视探讨神话思维的诗性自由特质,强调神话与文艺创作之间的联系。

    As to myth , its modern interpretations lay stress on the restoration of primitive cultural beliefs on one hand and attach great importance to the study of the poetic freedom of mythological thinking and to the ties between myth and artistic creation on the other hand .

  30. 第八章对儒学及原始宗教信仰在西夏的发展及多种文化相互融合、并存发展的状况作了论述,并阐述了以佛教为主的多元文化在河西地区丧葬习俗中的具体表现。

    Chapter Eight investigates the development of Confucianism and other primitive religions and the syncretism and co-development of diverse cultures in the Xi Xia regime , and then discusses the multi-cultures , as reflected in the funeral conventions in Hexi Region , with Buddhism playing a major role .