
  • 网络Aggression;Aggressive behavior;aggressive behaviour
  1. 20世纪以来,攻击性行为的发展与控制问题一直是发展心理学、教育心理学非常重要、非常活跃的研究领域之一。

    From 20 century , the development and control of aggression behavior are one of the main researches of developmental psychology and educational psychology . As we all known , aggression behavior is very common among children and adolescents .

  2. Dyer的团队提出,看到像小宝宝这样可爱事物照片之所以会产生攻击性行为,这是因为人有想要照顾它们的冲动。

    Dyer 's suggests that one reason we have so much pent-up aggression over cute pictures is that seeing something cute , like a baby , drives us to want to take care of it .

  3. 具有不同的年龄、性别、母亲文化程度、父亲职业、母亲职业、家庭月收入的学龄前儿童攻击性行为得分的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    The scores of aggressive behavior problem showed significant difference between different background information such as age 、 gender 、 education degree of mother 、 career of mother 、 family income of average month .

  4. 研究发现,个体的攻击性行为倾向性表现出自动化特征,性别因素和IAT测试的联合任务次序不影响IAT效应;

    This study showed that the IAT effect was unaffected by the subjects'gender and order of task-compatibility combinations .

  5. 运动攻击性行为的存在不但违背了fairplay的公平竞争原则,而且容易引发赛场暴力事件,造成运动者的身体与心理的伤害,影响了竞技运动事业的正常发展。

    Campaign not only against the existence of sexual assault " fair play " in the principle of fair competition , and easily trigger violence and resulting movement of the physical and psychological damage , affecting normal development of the cause of athletic movement .

  6. 有研究认为血清低5-羟色胺水平可能与ADHD的攻击性行为有关,国内报道较少。

    Some studies suggest that decreased serum 5 hydroxytryptamine ( 5 HT ) level is related to aggressive behavior in ADHD , but no relevant report is available in China .

  7. Baumeister对传统观点提出质疑,他认为高自尊导致攻击性行为,因为攻击需要勇气,而这正是高自尊者的表现。

    Baumeister raises question about the traditional viewpoint that he thinks high self-esteem leads to aggressive behaviors because it needs courage to raise attack which is exactly the performance of high self-esteem .

  8. 在当前我国青少年攻击性行为上,身体攻击相对较多;

    On aggressive behavior , today adolescent had more physical aggressionrelatively ;

  9. 其二是影响攻击性行为的人格因素的研究。

    The other was on the influence factors of aggressive behaviors .

  10. 工读学生攻击性行为社会认知特点的研究

    Studies on Character of Gong-du Students ' Social Cognition on Aggressive Behavior

  11. 幼儿攻击性行为游戏矫正的倒返设计研究

    A Return Experiment Research on Game Remedy of Infants ' Attacking Behaviors

  12. 法利说,科技可能会加剧攻击性行为。

    Mr Farley says that technology may exacerbate aggressive behaviour .

  13. 对动作的认知儿童青少年攻击性行为归因与对策侵袭性纤维瘤病

    Attributions and Response Strategies towards the Children and Teenagers ' Aggressive Actions

  14. 浅析大学生攻击性行为的心理成因

    On the Psychological Reasons of Assaulting Behavior in College Students

  15. 不同项目、不同性别运动员攻击性行为差异研究

    Athlete aggressive behavior differences among sports events and genders

  16. 足球比赛中观众攻击性行为及其控制与预防

    Research Into the Audience Aggressive Behaviors in Football Match

  17. 运动在衰老过程中的对抗性作用试论对抗性运动项目中的攻击性行为

    Exercise . The antagonistic role of sport in aging

  18. 内隐社会认知中攻击性行为的性别差异研究

    Sexual Distinction in Attacking Behaviour in Implicit Social Cognition

  19. 初中学生的攻击性行为一直是学校教育所面临的一个问题。

    Aggressive behaviors of middle school students have been a problem for school education .

  20. 工读生和普通生攻击性行为归因方式的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Attribution Style on Aggressive Behavior between Gong-du and normal Students

  21. 攻击性行为主要有三种表现,分别为:口头攻击、身体攻击、自我发泄;

    Aggressive behavior has three factors : verbal aggression , physical aggression and self-aggression .

  22. 观众攻击性行为产生原因及防范

    Reasons and Precautions of spectators ' Aggressive Behaviors

  23. 工读生是指那些有严重的情绪和行为问题的特殊学生,而攻击性行为在工读生中是一种比较突出的行为表现方式。

    Gong-du students refer to a special group whose emotion and behavior are considered problematic .

  24. 运动攻击性行为的理论发展及控制方法

    The Development of the Theory of the Aggressive Behaviors in Sport and the Control Strategies

  25. 儿童攻击性行为及其矫正

    Children 's Aggressive Behavior and its Correct

  26. 3~6岁幼儿对攻击性行为的认知评价分析

    Evaluation of Aggressive Behavior Among Preschool Children

  27. 欺侮是指强势个体对弱势个体持续施行的故意的攻击性行为。

    Bullying is an intentional and continuous aggressive behavior from robust individual to weak individual .

  28. 证实了攻击性行为社会认知实验性分离的存在。

    The experimental dissociation in social cognition of aggression behavior was verified to be in existence .

  29. 近年来,对人类攻击性行为根源的探讨再度引起研究者的关注。

    The exploration of human aggressive behaviors ' roots had drawn the researchers ' interest again .

  30. 运动攻击性行为的假设模式包括本能理论、驱力理论、社会学习理论等。

    Movement model assumptions include sexual assault instinct theory , the theory-edge , social learning theory .