
  1. 意大利和西班牙的GDP料将大幅下滑,而法国和德国将呈停滞状态。

    GDP is forecast to fall sharply in Italy and Spain , and stagnate in France and Germany .

  2. 全球农产品价格料将上涨。此前,美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)在其最新市场数据中强调,玉米、小麦和大豆的库存低于预期。

    The world faces higher agricultural commodity prices after the US Department of Agriculture highlighted smaller-than-expected stocks of corn , wheat and soyabeans in its latest market update .

  3. 将于7月出炉的第一季度GDP数据料将显示,新西兰经济在过去3个季度里有两个季度出现了萎缩。

    GDP figures for the opening quarter of the year , due out in July , are expected to show that the economy contracted in two of the past three quarters .

  4. 尽管存在这些分歧,将于周五在华盛顿召开的g20会议料将能够避免破裂的结果,并就衡量全球经济失衡的一些技术方法达成一致意见。

    Despite the differences , the G20 meeting on Friday in Washington was expected to avoid a breakdown and instead agree on some technical methods to measure imbalances in the global economy .

  5. 如果没有起到应有作用,银行危机之类的事情料将发生。

    If not , something like a banking crisis could ensue .

  6. 今年的通胀水平料将达到9%,而且还会继续提高。

    Inflation is due to rise 9 percent this year and to continue climbing .

  7. 两党的国会议员料将在削减国防支出问题上相当犹豫不决。

    Lawmakers from both parties will probably be very hesitant about reducing defense spending .

  8. 当婴儿潮一代人退休时,我们的债务比例料将大幅上升。

    Our debt ratios are set to increase dramatically when the baby boomers retire .

  9. 如果两党能够达成妥协,资本利得与股息税率料将小幅上升。

    A compromise could conceivably lead to a modest rise in capital gains and dividend taxes .

  10. 进入2014年,美国经济料将较去年大为好转。

    Going into 2014 , the economy is poised to do a lot better than last year .

  11. 该计划料将引起争议,特别是在美国和其它国家不采取类似措施的情况下。

    The proposal will be controversial , especially if it is not accompanied by similar movies in the US and elsewhere .

  12. 2000年美国的工资水平是中国的近22倍,但到2015年这个倍数料将降至4。

    In 2000 US wages were almost 22 times higher than China ' s. By 2015 that multiple will have declined to four .

  13. 联邦公开市场委员会一如所料将联邦利率调高0.25%至2.75%。

    As had generally been expected , the Federal Open Markets Committee lifted the Federal Funds rate by 0.25 % to 2.75 % .

  14. 未来数月中国料将发布一项计划,其目标预计将是解决以下问题:发展中的城市如何避免患上目前困扰北京的大城市病。

    Within a few months , China will release a plan expected to address how growing cities can avoid the big city disease afflicting Beijing .

  15. 2007年世界经济增速料将放缓,特别是在2006年房地产市场走弱、新屋开工量减少的美国。

    The world economy is expected to slow in 2007 , led by the US , where the housing market and housing starts weakened in 2006 .

  16. 而拥有庞大客户群的电商巨头阿里巴巴的进入料将使艺术领域的创新项目大大向前推进。

    But the entrance of e-commerce giant Alibaba , with its massive audience , is expected to give a boost to such projects in the arts industry .

  17. 吉乌利阿尼据料将在竞争越来越激烈的共和党市长初选中,与劳德-化妆品皇后埃斯蒂劳德之子-一较短长。

    Ciuliani is expected to face off against lauder , son of cosmetics queen Estee lauder , in what is becoming an increasingly bitter GOP mayoral primary .

  18. 10年以后,沥青路面实施养护工程所产生的旧沥青混合料将达到近亿立米,届时通过再生利用每年可节约材料费400亿元。

    After ten years , the old asphalt mixture annually by recycling will reach about a hundred million cubic meters ; 40 billions yuan can be saved .

  19. 此外,美国的产能利用率料将升至80%以上,从历史上来看,这通常意味着成本推动压力。

    Moreover , the US capacity utilisation rate is set to rise above the 80 per cent level , which historically has been associated with cost-push pressures .

  20. 经济前景料将继续好转,分析师表示,7月份的预期数据有可能转入正值,为两年来首次。

    The outlook is set to continue improving , with analysts saying this measure might move into positive territory for July , the first time in two years .

  21. 印度、越南以及中国的出口增势料将最为强劲。这三个国家未来七年的年均出口增速预计都将达到两位数。

    Export growth would be strongest in India , Vietnam and China , all of which are expected to post double-digit annual growth over the next seven years .

  22. 该公司分析师刘浩波表示,由于投资者开始担忧房地产交易量大幅下跌和新股发行的节奏,市场情绪料将保持悲观。

    " Sentiment will be negative as investors begin to worry about slumping property sales and the pace of new share sales , " analyst Liu Haobo said .

  23. 就美国而言,机械、汽车、飞机、航空航天设备以及计算机等行业的出口增长料将继续保持强劲,技术创新对于这些行业至关重要。

    The US would continue to see strong export growth in industries such as machinery , motor vehicles , aircraft and aerospace equipment and computers , where technological innovation is vital .

  24. 英国和荷兰必须决定,是接受冰岛议会本周料将批准的修正协议,还是甘冒协议泡汤的风险坚持原协议条款。

    Britain and the Netherlands must decide whether to accept the amended agreement set to be approved by the Icelandic parliament this week or to risk its collapse by demanding original terms be met .

  25. 大多数工业化国家出口的产品和服务,主要是面向其他发达经济体。鉴于发达国家正在挣扎着从全球金融危机中复苏,其进口需求料将疲软。

    Most industrialised nations tend to sell the bulk of their goods and services to other advanced economies , in which demand is set to be weak as these nations struggle to recover from the global financial crisis .

  26. 据分析师称,全球大型铁矿石生产商今年的铁矿石产量料将比去年增加1.26亿吨,同比增加14%。

    The world 's top iron ore producers are set to produce an additional 126 million tons , or 14 % more , iron ore by the end of this year compared with last year , according to analysts .

  27. 不过,2008年中国贸易顺差的增长料将有所缓和&这不仅是受海外需求走软的影响,还受人民币不断升值的影响。人民币不断升值导致出口价格上涨,但使得中国的海外购买力增强。

    However , growth in the trade surplus is expected to ease in 2008 - impacted not only by weaker overseas demand , but also by the effect of a strengthening yuan , which makes exports more expensive but gives China more buying power abroad .

  28. 然而,随着政府支出日益增加、库存不断下降及出口料将在今年第一季度下降26%后企稳,许多分析师认为,最糟糕的时候已经过去,当前这一季度,日本经济可能已重返增长轨道。

    However , with government spending growing , inventories falling and exports expected to stabilise after falling a record 26 per cent between January and March , many analysts believe that the worst is over and the economy could already have returned to growth in the current quarter .

  29. 此次会议仅仅是欧佩克成立47年以来的第三次峰会。目前,油价朝着每桶100美元的创纪录水平疾升,根据美国政府的最新数据,欧佩克今年的原油收入料将升至6580亿美元,较2006年增长近9%。

    The summit - only the third in Opec 's 47-year history - comes as oil prices race towards a record $ 100 a barrel and with Opec crude oil revenues set to rise to $ 658bn this year , an increase of almost 9 per cent from 2006 , according to the latest US government figures .

  30. 比如,普罗恩萨·施罗(ProenzaSchouler)的设计师杰克·麦克卢尔(JackMcCollough)与拉扎洛·赫南德兹(LazaroHernandez)说,他们2013春夏系列的设计就从Tumblr上得到了灵感,并说社交媒体平台出人意料地将想像力与无穷无尽的内容融为一体。

    For example , the Proenza Schouler designers Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez claimed Tumblr as a point of reference for their spring 2013 collection , citing the social media platform 's unexpected juxtapositions of imagery and all-but-infinite content .