
ɡōnɡ jī xínɡ wéi
  • aggressive behavior;attack behavior
攻击行为 [gōng jī xíng wéi]
  • (1) [aggression] 心理生物学能力的一种形式,或者是先天性的,或者是由于受挫而引起的反应,或者因受挫而加强,表现为

  • (2) 公开的破坏、打架、加痛苦于人、性暴行或强行夺取

  • (3) 隐蔽的敌对态度、妄想占有或贪心

  1. Web应用系统逐渐被人们接受并使用的过程中,针对该系统的各类恶意攻击行为层出不穷。

    During the time that Web application system has gradually been accepted , various kinds of malicious attack behavior according to the system emerge one after another .

  2. 基于NetFlow流量分析的网络攻击行为发现

    Discovery of Network Attack Behavior Based on NetFlow Traffic Analysis

  3. 学校欺负(schoolbullying)是儿童尤其是中小学生之间经常发生的一种特殊类型的攻击行为。

    School bullying is a special aggressive behavior among pupils .

  4. 5-HT基因多态性与暴力攻击行为的关联性分析

    Analysis of association between violent behavior and polymorphism of 5-HT Gene

  5. 本文首先研究了TCP协议的通信机制,提出一个TCP安全漏洞模型,对安全漏洞原理和典型攻击行为进行了分析。

    Mechanism of TCP communication is studied in this article and a model of TCP security vulnerabilities is proposed .

  6. 因此改进BP神经网络入侵检测方法并提高学习效率,更加有效的检测攻击行为是非常必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to improve BP neural network intrusion detection methods in order to increase learning and detection efficiency .

  7. 其中,通过协同测试方式,可以模拟出比较复杂的DDoS攻击行为。

    By coordinated testing , complicated DDoS attacks can be simulated .

  8. 对FIPA多Agent系统的攻击行为分析

    Analysis of the Attacks to FIPA-Based Multi-Agent Systems

  9. 提出基于Windowsserver2003系统的黑客攻击行为分类法,为黑客攻击行为分类研究提供了参考。

    A basing on Windows Server 2003 approach of hacker 's intrusion is proposed , which provides reference to the research on the attack classification .

  10. 与对照组相比在攻击行为、行为紊乱2个因子的减分的差异具有显著性(P0.05);

    The scores in 2 factors of aggressive behavior and conduct disorder were significant decrease compared with control group ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 多方面详细地研究和分析了Web攻击行为,总结了攻击特点,分析了攻击方法,说明了Web攻击的危害性。

    Many of the detailed study and analysis of Web attacks , summed up the characteristics of the attack , analyzed the methods of attack , shows the dangers of Web attacks .

  12. 在交换机核心上部署IDS的任务是:检测来自全网的攻击行为。

    The task of deploying IDS on the switch core is to detect the attacking actions from the whole network .

  13. 目的探讨CT引导立体定向多靶点联合毁损术治疗伴有冲动攻击行为的难治性精神分裂症的最佳手术方式、临床治疗效果,安全性及其适应证。

    Objective To investigate the best operative manner , clinical therapic effects , safety and indication of intractable schizophrenia treated with united multi-target derogation operation of stereo localization conducted by CT .

  14. 应急方案只是一个可选方案(方案B),以防攻击行为破坏数据或其它资产,从而导致正常业务处理终止和影响生产。

    The contingency plan is just an alternative plan (" plan B ") that is developed in case an attack on the system damages data or any other assets with the result of halting normal business processes and hurting productivity .

  15. DOI双向调节隔离小鼠的攻击行为。

    DOI dual regulated aggressiveness in isolation mice .

  16. 该检测机制的核心是基于DNS协议行为,利用变点检测的相关算法实现对攻击行为的检测。

    The core of this mechanism is based on the inherent DNS protocol behaviors and applies an instance of change point detection algorithm to detect attack behavior .

  17. VaD非认知功能障碍少,可有单一情感异常、人格淡漠、攻击行为。

    While VaD had less impairment of non-cognitive function and possibly with single emotional abnormity , personality apathetic , aggressive behavior .

  18. 结论使用家长评定DIAS攻击行为量表时,其效度系数较为理想,但其在中国应用时尚须进一步修订、完善。

    Conclusion DIAS ( parent ) have higher reliability and validity , but it need to be further improved .

  19. 传输层TCP协议作为面向连接、可靠有序、端对端通信的基础,其安全性极其重要,针对其设计漏洞的攻击行为,给网络安全带来严重危害。

    TCP , which secures connection-oriented , reliable , sequential and end-to-end communication , is one of the most important protocols in transmission layer . However , Attacks on the vulnerabilities of TCP have been endangering the security of network .

  20. 流量标本和IP陷阱是DIDAPPER系统所提出的新概念.它们可以获取和识别异常的流量数据,而且适合于检测大规模网络攻击行为。

    Traffic specimens and IP traps are DIDAPPER 's new concepts , which can capture and recognize abnormal traffics and are suitable for monitoring the large scale network attacks .

  21. 结果显示:①ip氟西汀2.5~10mg·kg-1对隔离小鼠的攻击行为具有完全的拮抗作用,但对小鼠的自主活动和探究行为无明显影响;

    The results showed that ① Flu ( 2.5-10 mg · kg - 1 ) completely antagonized aggressive behaviors in isolation mice , but did not affect spontaneous motor activity and explorative behavior in mice ;

  22. 日本首相鸠山由纪夫(YukioHatoyama)支持韩国对沉船事件的强硬反应,称这一攻击行为是挑衅性的和不可饶恕的。

    Yukio Hatoyama , Japan 's prime minister , has supported South Korea 's assertive response to the sinking , calling the attack provocative and unforgivable .

  23. 目的探讨直接和间接攻击行为量表(DIAS)的信效度及在国内的应用价值,为预防儿童青少年暴力犯罪行为的发生提供依据。

    Objective To explore the reliability and validity of Direct and Indirect Aggression Scale ( DIAS ) and its value of use in China .

  24. 通过Honeypot得到的数据集往往很小,更关键的是它可以发现0-day攻击行为,并将其抽象为规则。

    Honeypot data set obtained through often small , but the key is that it can find 0-day attacks , and its abstract rules .

  25. 结果56例患者的主要相关因素为既往攻击行为史、BPRS的敌对猜疑和激活性、被害妄想等,EPQ-N分、P分,MAOS攻击指数≥9。

    Results The main relative factors of the 56 patients were anamnesis of aggressive behavior , hostile , suspicion , activity and delusion of persecution etc in the BPRS , the scores of N and P in the EPQ and aggressive index ≥ 9 in MAOS .

  26. 在所提出的ISN预测算法的基础上,本文设计了一种Attacker-Agent的分布式攻击行为,通过实现ISN预测算法的计算并行和分布式包发送,达到发送较少SYN-ACK包劫持目标主机TCP连接的目的。

    On the basis of this algorithm , a distributed attack model as Attacker-Agent is designed . By parallel computing and distributed packet sending , no more than 16,000 packets are sent to hijack the victim 's TCP connection .

  27. 采用简明精神病量表(BPRS)及自制一般资料调查表,由3名研究人员分别在干预前和干预后3个月时对患者BPRS总分、服药依从性、疗效及攻击行为变化进行评定。

    The total score of brief psychiatric rating scale ( BPRS ), compliance , curative effect and the change of aggressive behavior were evaluated with the BPRS and self designed questionnaires about the general information by 3 investigators before and 3 months after intervention .

  28. 在对既有基于数据挖掘方法的入侵检测技术进行全面分析的基础上,NAIDS从一个新的角度将关联规则和分类技术应用到网络审计记录数据中以检测攻击行为。

    Based on the detailed and comprehensive study on data mining based intrusion detection techniques , NAIDS apply the association rule and classification techniques into detecting intrusion behavior among network audit record from a new perspective .

  29. 结果:两组以下各项差异显著:有既往攻击行为史及酒滥用史,早年不良家庭环境,精神分裂症、抑郁症病史,BPRS总分、敌对猜疑、焦虑抑郁,PDQ4+中人格障碍等因素。

    Results : Significant differences were found between two groups in previous behavior of assault , alcohol abuse and an early unhealthy domestic environment , schizophrenia and depression , total score , hostile-suspiciousness and anxiety-depression of BPRS , passive aggressive and depressive personality disorder of PDQ4 + .

  30. 体育运动中应激-攻击行为的认知机制

    The Cognitive Mechanism of the Stress and Aggressive Behavior in Sports