
zhǐ ɡāo qì ánɡ
  • 熟语pompous;arrogant
  1. 米兰达的谱曲包括了Destiny’sChild风格的节奏布鲁斯,当代百老汇合唱叙事曲,趾高气昂的乔治三世演唱的《你们会回来的》(You’llBeBack)散发着六十年代Brit-pop气息。

    Miranda 's score includes Destiny 's Child-style R & B , choral ballads in a contemporary Broadway vein and , in the case of " You 'll Be Back , " " sung by a haughty King George III , chiming " 60s Britpop .

  2. 他讨厌那些趾高气昂的小军官。

    He resented bitterly the authority of the petty officers .

  3. 时间流逝,辛巴长成了一只趾高气昂的小狮子。

    Time passes , and Simba grows into a cocky young cub .

  4. 他这几天有点趾高气昂。

    He is on his high horse these days .

  5. 她趾高气昂,大步地走出房间。

    With her head in the air , she stalked out of the room .

  6. 她走路非常有自信,趾高气昂的。

    She walks like she is very sure of herself , very tall and proud .

  7. 在酒店中庭,有几只孔雀走来走去,就像给客人卷雪茄的“卷烟师”(torcedor)那样趾高气昂。

    In the atrium , peacocks strutted as a " torcedor " rolled cigars for guests .

  8. 今天是学校颁奖日…一年中只有这天艾丽克斯会趾高气昂地走路。

    Awards day at school -- The one day of the year Alex has some real swagger .

  9. 大理城的街道热闹非凡,到处是林立的店铺和趾高气昂的江湖客。

    Dali City streets hot topic everywhere is the proliferation of shops and toe-expensive gas off the lakes .

  10. 我不喜欢查尔斯,他总是很气人,而且讲起话来趾高气昂的。

    I don 't like charles , he is really irritating and speaks just to give himself airs .

  11. 我姐姐自从得到那份有很多人申请的新工作之后就趾高气昂,自命不凡。

    My sister has had a big head since she got the new job that many people had applied for .

  12. 如果他不是在这儿趾高气昂地把我们当私人军队训练,这些决不会发生。

    If he hadn 't been strutting around treating us like his personal army , this would never have happened !

  13. 她在纽约时装秀上趾高气昂地走着猫步,她还是玛丽亚·凯莉和卡梅隆·迪亚兹最好的朋友。

    She struts the catwalk at New York fashion shows and she 's best friends with Mariah Carey and Cameron Diaz .

  14. 她一副趾高气昂、目中无人的样子,好像自己是女王一样。

    She had her chin up and nose high up in the air , like she 's the queen of the world .

  15. 趾高气昂地走伸展台跟走第五大道有什么不一样?

    What 's the difference betweenstruttingdown a runway ... and the way you strut down Fifth Avenue ? Strut ? Do I strut ?

  16. 不久前还因股市估值(从地产业到航空业)大幅上升而趾高气昂的商界人士,如今也围拢在他们身边寻求政府的支持。

    They have also been besieged by business people not long ago riding the high of pumped up stock market valuations from property to airlines seeking state support .

  17. 与克里姆林宫趾高气昂、裸露上身的领导人相比,白宫谨慎而专业的领导人显然更好地从这些输掉的战争中汲取了教训。

    The cautious , professorial leader in the White House has apparently learnt the lessons of these failed wars far better than his swaggering bare-chested rival in the Kremlin .

  18. 要去想出那个人可以进行的一切改变来不那么令人烦恼、趾高气昂、被动敌意、傲慢等等很容易。

    It 's easy to come up with a mental catalog of all the ways in which that person could change to be less annoying , domineering , passive-aggressive , arrogant , etc.

  19. 在1977年澳大利亚的一场半球比赛举行期间,一位名叫葛瑞格·恰波的板球运动员决定更好地运用他的板球球棒——他实在看不下去了,将他手中的球棒用作那个趾高气昂行走在板球赛场上的裸奔者的“遮羞棒”。

    During a cricket match in 1977 , an Australian cricketer by the name of Greg Chappell decided to put his cricket bat to better use when an unfortunate fellow by the name of Bruce McCauley decided to strut his stuff on the cricket pitch .