
zhǐ gǔ
  • phalanx
趾骨 [zhǐ gǔ]
  • [phalanx] 脚趾上各块骨的统称,拇趾两块,其他各趾均三块

趾骨[zhǐ gǔ]
  1. AO微型钢板内固定治疗掌指骨跖趾骨骨折庶的,跖的属于或关于庶骨的

    AO Miniature Steel Plate Internal Fixation Treating Palm Phalanx Bone Fracture

  2. 取自体移植组20只和猪小肠黏膜下层移植组20只鸡的左、右足第3趾,于中节趾骨处切断趾深屈肌腱并造成2cm的肌腱缺损模型。

    The third toe of the left and right feet was chosen from 20 chicken respectively of autologous transplantation group and porcine small intestinal submucosa group , flexor digitorum profundus muscle tendon was cut off at middle phalanx , and 2 cm tendon defect model was created .

  3. 结论Keller手术通过(足母)跖近节趾骨截骨及(足母)跖趾关节成形,以达到(足母)外翻矫正的目的。

    Conclusion The Keller 's operation can reach the goal of the complete correction of the first phalanx-mete-tarsal joint through the osteotomy of the first proximal phalanx .

  4. 应用茜素红染料对胎鼠进行骨骼染色后观察显示各DBTD处理组导致胎鼠趾骨骨化延迟,但均未观察到外部畸形及其他骨骼畸形。

    The results showed that exposure to DBTD resulted in embryonic toxicity for rats . Delayed ossification of fetal phalanges was observed in all DBTD groups , but no visible malformation or disfigurement in other skeleton after Alizarin Red S staining .

  5. 近节趾骨截骨是手术成功的关键。

    The osteotomy of the first phalanx is key for successful operation .

  6. 跖趾骨正常变异的X线研究

    Radiologic study of normal variations of metatarsal and phalangeal bones

  7. 跖趾骨生长发育的组织学观察

    Histological observation of growth and development on metatarsophalangeal bones

  8. 尺骨或者趾骨上没有压迫性骨折。

    No compression fractures to the ulna or phalanges .

  9. Ⅵ型,跖趾骨关节炎型。

    Type ⅵ has metatarsal - phalangeal osteoarthritis .

  10. 大趾有两节趾骨。

    The big toe has two phalanges .

  11. 正常儿童青少年足跖趾骨长度的X线测量

    Radiographic Measurement of the Length of Metatarsal and Phalangeal Bones of Normal Children and Adolescences

  12. 那里还有一根趾骨,髋骨在这边。

    And then there 's a piece of the pubis , the hip bone right here .

  13. 许多人的趾骨都受过伤,但他们中间大部分人不会有我的严重。

    Loads of people get metatarsal injuries , but they are normally not as bad as mine .

  14. 骨盆带骨由骼骨、坐骨和趾骨组成;

    The pelvic girdle is called the coxae which is formed by the ilium , ischium and pubis .

  15. 足拇趾甲瓣与第2趾趾骨皮瓣组合再造拇指术

    Thumb reconstruction with combined free hallux toe-nail flap and bone and skin flap of the 2nd toe transplantation

  16. 跖骨近、中、远节均有血管孔,其中滋养孔数目不恒定,趾骨中段滋养孔出现率为42.0%。

    The appearance rater of the nutrient foramen is 42 % in the middle part of phalanges of toes .

  17. 以骨灰分含量(胫骨灰分和趾骨灰分含量的平均值)为指标时分别为100、93、92、81;

    100,93,92 and 81 when bone ash content ( the average of tibia ash and toe ash ) was employed ;

  18. 那是一个人类的脚骨模型,用不同的颜色强调出跗骨、骨和趾骨。

    It 's a skeletal model of a human foot , with the tarsals , metatarsals and phalanges highlighted in different colors .

  19. 对不分性别的指骨(1688根)和趾骨(803根)共2491根的滋养孔的数目、位置和方向进行了研究。

    1688 hand phalanges and 803 foot phalanges of unknown sex were studied for the number , position and direction of the nutrient foramina .

  20. 结果①误漏诊部位以跖趾骨、掌指骨、肋骨、锁骨、股骨颈为多见。

    Results ① The most common sites of misdiagnosis and underdiagnosis of fracture included metatarsals , metacarpals and phalanges , ribs , clavicles and femoral cervix .

  21. 如果是趾骨球(足大拇指后方的趾关节)或其他部分磨损的最厉害,最有可能的就是穿这双鞋的人没有运用最佳的脚法攀爬。

    If there 's more wear on the balls of the feet ( or someplace else ), chances are that the wearer of these shoes is not using optimal climbing footwork .

  22. 病变发生于不同的解剖部位,包括胫骨、股骨、锁骨、颅骨、上颌骨、跟骨、指(趾骨)、掌骨和骶骨。

    The lesions arose in a variety of anatomical locations , including the tibia , femur , clavicle , skull , maxilla , calcaneus , phalanx , metacarpal , and sacrum .

  23. 贝尼特斯已经损失了杰拉德(趾骨骨折),他最不愿意看到的就是在一个如此美妙的开局之后,自己的明星球员们却遭伤病的袭击。

    Benitez is already without Steven Gerrard with a broken toe , and the last thing he needs is injuries to his star players undermining an impressive start to the season .

  24. 和趾骨球相比,大脚趾可以让攀岩者在更小的点上准确的站立和有力移动。

    The big toe also allows the climber the ability to stand with precision on and move with force off of much smaller holds than the ball of the foot does .

  25. 趾骨截面积的平均值在26~37MM2之间。结论跖侧软组织厚度明显大于其他侧别。

    The average sectional area of third toe bones was 25 mm ~ 2 to 37 mm ~ 2.Conclusion The plantar soft tissue of third toe is thicker than that of other position .

  26. 属非特异性骨关节改变者48例(88.9%),以跖趾骨多见,也侵及跗骨和踝关节。

    Fourty eight cases , being in 88.9 % , had nonspecific changes in the metatarsal and phalangeal bones and only a few of the cases showed changes of tarsal bones and ankle joints .

  27. 诊断(足母)外翻和反映跖骨相对长度变化的客观指标。同时也是跖趾骨生长发育研究的重要标志。

    These measurements were also used in the diagnosis of hallux extroversion and changes in relative length of metatarsal bone , which was important in the study of growth and development of metatarsal and phalangeal .

  28. 股骨骨折4例,胫骨骨折6例,肱骨骨折3例,桡骨骨折2例,趾骨骨折1例;

    Among 16 cases , there were femoral fracture in 4 cases , tibial fracture in 6 cases , humeral fracture in 3 cases , radial fracture in 2 cases and metatarsal fracture in 1 case .

  29. 三年后,马克斯·普朗克的研究团队重构了一名男性尼安德特人的完整基因组。这些基因来自西伯利亚阿尔泰山脉发掘的一块距今至少5万年的趾骨。

    Three years later , the Max Planck team reconstructed the complete genome of a male Neanderthal from a toe bone dating back at least 50000 years , which had been discovered in the Altai Mountains of Siberia .

  30. 目的:探讨鸡跖或趾骨骨折伴肌腱断裂采用不同的内固定方法,并修复肌腱,与术后发生肌腱粘连的相关性,以期为临床手部内固定方法的选择提供理论依据。

    Objective : In Chicken model fracture of metatarsal bone and rupture of tendon was made . The correlation of fracture healing and tendon adhesion are investigated in different internal fixation methods which will afford an reliable basis for clinical application .