
  • 网络new ceramics;modern ceramic
  1. 现代陶艺在环境艺术中的运用

    The Exercise of the New Ceramics Art for the Environment Art

  2. 现代陶艺在建筑环境艺术设计中的应用研究

    Applicability Research on the New Ceramics Art in Architectural Environment Design

  3. 论中国民间艺术精神和现代陶艺创作

    Discussion On Spirit of Chinese Folk Art and Modern Ceramic Art

  4. 建筑空间环境中的现代陶艺元素

    The elements of modern ceramic art in space environment of buildings

  5. 釉在现代陶艺创作中的个性追求

    Superficial Talk about Glaze 's Individual Pursuit in Modern Ceramic-art Creation

  6. 第二部分是现代陶艺的概述。

    The second part is the summary of modern ceramic technology .

  7. 现代陶艺的世界性、民族性、地域性及个性

    Universality , nationality , locality and personality in Chinese Ceramic Art

  8. 论平面构成在现代陶艺创作中的运用

    On the Use of Plane Constituted in the Modern Ceramic Art

  9. 在中国现代陶艺创作中同样有着明显的写意性体现。

    Freehand brushwork is also embodied Chinese modern ceramic art creation .

  10. 现代陶艺与传统文化资源的思考

    A Meditation on Modern Art Pottery and Traditional Cultural Resources

  11. 现代陶艺介入建筑与环境装饰艺术的研究

    Study on modern ceramic arts involved in architectural and environmental decorative arts

  12. 论现代陶艺中构建意象的纽带&想象

    Discussion on the tie of image emergence in modern ceramics-imagination

  13. 民间美术在现代陶艺创作中的理性表达

    Discoursing on acculturation of folk art and modernization ceramic art

  14. 大众文化在现代陶艺中得到了新的阐释。

    Mass culture in the modern ceramics to be a new interpretation .

  15. 窑火正红&浅论现代陶艺创作

    Kiln is firing & on discussing creation of modern ceramics

  16. 抽象表现主义对中国现代陶艺的影响

    The Influence of the Abstract Expressionism to the Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art

  17. 介入与融合&现代陶艺的公共艺术观

    Intervention and Combination & the public art concept of modern China art

  18. 深层意义上的形式和内容的多样化&关于现代陶艺

    Modern Ceramics-Diversity of Form and Content in a Deeper Sense

  19. 伯纳德·里奇&英国现代陶艺运动的先驱

    Bernard Rich & A Pioneer in British Movement of Modern Pottery Art

  20. 论现代陶艺在审美意义上的本质特征

    Discussion on Essential Characteristics of Modern Ceramic from Perspective of Aesthetic Significance

  21. 现代陶艺对现代生活的影响及存在意义

    The Influence of the Modern Clay-ware Upon Modern Life and Its Existential Significance

  22. 对现代陶艺东方之路的思考

    Ideas of modern ceramic art & road to East

  23. 环境艺术与现代陶艺的比较研究&浅谈环境艺术与现代陶艺的关系

    A Comparative Study of Environmental Design and Modem Ceramics

  24. 综合材料在现代陶艺中的运用

    The utilization of comprehensive materials to modern ceramic art

  25. 现代陶艺中的传统文化价值观思考

    Thinking for Traditional Culture Value Of Modern Ceramic Arts

  26. 民俗陶艺是现代陶艺的重要组成部分。

    Folk-custom pottery art is a significant constituent part of modern pottery art .

  27. 釉色在现代陶艺创作中的运用与表现

    Application and performance of glazes in Contemporary Ceramic Creation

  28. 中国才慢慢出现了现代陶艺影子。

    China slowly emerged in the modern potters shadow .

  29. 偶然流溢在现代陶艺中的艺术魅力

    Artistic appeal about contingency in today 's ceramic art

  30. 现代陶艺在环境空间中的应用

    Application of modern ceramic art in the environmental space