
  1. 他想用这些从贵州买回的傩戏面具装饰书房。

    He wants to decorate the study with Nuo opera masks bought in Guizhou province .

  2. 安徽池州傩戏面具随着历史的变迁而不断发展,显示了傩文化、傩戏的不朽魅力和独到的特色。

    In Anhu , Chizhou Nuo drama mask 's development continuously shows the immortal vitality , the symbolization and decoratlization of color shows ancient romantic imagination .

  3. 在造型和装饰方面,池州傩戏面具也表现出了丰富的想象力、地域特征和民间艺术特色。

    In the aspects of style and decoration , the mask of Chizhou Nuo Drama also represents abundant imagination , regional features and folk art charateristics .

  4. 而与此同时,我们应该弘扬民族文化,尤其是将土家族傩戏面具所代表的中国传统文化发扬光大,向世人展示我们引以为豪的民族艺术。

    Meanwhile we should carry forward the national culture , especially the Tujia Nuo Mask which represents the Chinese traditional culture to show the world that we are proud of the national art .

  5. 大量资料显示,我国包括传统工艺、民族艺术等在内的民族民间文化遗产,正面临后继无人、管理混乱和大量流失的严峻形势,建立中国傩戏傩面具博物馆十分必要和紧迫。

    Today , many of our national heritages , including the Nuo art , are facing a grave situation of lacking successors and disappearing out of the historical stage .