
chǔ xù guàn
  • Piggy bank;money-box
  1. 不过,国开行参与交易本身就是一个强有力的信号,表明北京方面有意把该行从服务于政治优先项目的储蓄罐转变为一家更为独立、市场化程度更高的银行。

    But CDB 's involvement in the deal was a powerful signal that Beijing intended to transform it from a piggy bank for pet political projects into a more independent , market-driven lender .

  2. 新兴国家已经怀疑欧元区将imf用作应对自身主权债务危机的“储蓄罐”。

    The emerging world already suspected the eurozone of using the IMF as a piggy bank for its own sovereign debt crisis .

  3. 这不再是小猪储蓄罐了,而是一只独眼怪。

    Instead of " piggy bank ", it 's a " monster bank " .

  4. 用这三个储蓄罐,青少年就会学会怎样节省。

    With three pools , teens learn there are multiple ways of looking at savings .

  5. 人们会送礼物,父母会将这些钱存进银行账户或放入储蓄罐。

    People give gifts and parents put that money into bank accounts or piggy banks .

  6. 我有一个储蓄罐。

    I have a coin collection .

  7. 幸福就像一个储蓄罐,要尽你所能往里面投入幸福的分币。

    Happiness is like a piggy bank , put in it as much as you can .

  8. 我有许多小工艺品,但我最喜欢的是储蓄罐。

    I have a lot of little handiwork , but the favorite one is my collecting-tin .

  9. 妈咪,如果我把钱放进储蓄罐里,我会变富吗?

    Mommy , if I put my money in the piggy bank , will I get rich ?

  10. 我给了不少50便士的硬币,但没有几个存到储蓄罐里。

    Very few of the50 pence pieces and pound coins I have given him have found their way there .

  11. 人们会送礼物,父母会将这些钱存进银行账户或放入储蓄罐。开始储蓄越早越好。

    People give gifts and parents put that money into bank accounts or It is never too early to start saving .

  12. 内幕把戏:想要光滑,有光泽的头发(而不造成断裂),你可能需要动用你的储蓄罐。

    INSIDER TRICK : Brush with greatness ! To get sleek , shiny hair ( without causing breakage ), you might need to dip into your piggy bank .

  13. 这样不需要动一根手指钱就存了起来,你轻而易举就一头扎进储蓄罐里了。

    If the money goes out without you having to lift a finger , chances are that you 'll simply let it head off into the savings pot .

  14. 你可能会笑,但当我们的社会变得越来越无纸化时候,不能想象有一天储蓄罐会消失。当然,也有一些幸存&在古董店里。

    You may chuckle , but as we continue gravitating toward a paperless society , it 's not difficult to imagine a day when piggy banks no longer exist .

  15. 当我们大多数人还处在向储蓄罐里存钱的年纪时,一个来自美国的有事业心的小男孩,已经是一名白手起家的百万富翁了。

    At an age when many of us were dropping loose change into our piggy banks , one enterprising little boy from the United States is already a self-made multimillionaire .

  16. 让银行在每月的月初自动把支票账户里的100元(200或500)转到储蓄账户中。不需费事就把钱存了起来,你轻而易举就一头扎进储蓄罐里了。

    Get your bank to transfer $ 100 ( or $ 200 or $ 500 etc ) from your checking account into a savings account , at the start of each month . If the money goes out without you having to lift a finger , chances are that you 'll simply let it head off into the savings pot .