
  • 网络storage tank farm;storage depot;tankage;oil storeroom
  1. 但流向储油库和输送管道的汽油供应仍有所增加。

    Still , refiners have been adding more gasoline supplies to storage tanks and pipelines .

  2. 大型地下水封储油库围岩稳定及水封巷道合理设置高度研究

    The Stablity of Large-Scale Water Sealed Underground Petroleum Storage Rock Cavern and the Research of Reasonable Height of Water Sealed Tunnel

  3. 炼油厂、储油库和暂存区域都是设施的实例,如图8中的设施模型所示。

    A refinery , a tank farm , and a staging area are all instances of a facility , as shown in the facility model in Figure 8 .

  4. 原油使用30个电子泵向储油库的储油箱中泵入和从中泵出,这些电子泵由在主要泵送站上运行的软件控制。

    Oil is pumped into and out of the tanks of the tank farm using 30 electric pumps that are controlled by software that runs at the main pumping station .

  5. 汽油和柴油的运送是一个物流活动,需要能够计算在两个位置(在这种情况下,两个储油库设施)之间运送所需的时长。

    Delivery of gasoline and diesel fuel is a logistics activity and requires the ability to calculate the length of time required to move between two locations , in this case , two tank farm facilities .