
pào pào tánɡ
  • bubble gum;bubble chewing gum
  1. 除了棒球手套,Day还收到了T恤、火箭炮人物主题抱枕。猜猜看还有什么?当然是一大堆泡泡糖了!

    Along with the baseball glove , Day also received t-shirts , a Bazooka Joe-themed pillow , and - you guessed it - plenty of bubble gum .

  2. 是的,我的兄弟们把泡泡糖粘到我的头发上。

    Yeah , my brothers put bubble gum in my hair .

  3. 我把泡泡糖弄到了娜娜的车座上。

    I got bubblegum on the seat of Nanna 's car .

  4. 本公司主要出口棉花糖、棒棒糖、泡泡糖、巧克力、儿童玩具等

    Our company specialize marshmallows , lollipops , bubble gums , chocolates and toys with candy .

  5. 它外表看起来像水果泡泡糖,但每块都含有50毫克咖啡因、10毫克维生素B6和100毫克的茶氨酸(绿茶中也含有此类氨基酸)。

    With a texture similar to gum drops , each cube contains 50 mg of caffeine , 10 mg of Vitamin B6 , and 100 mg of L-Theanine , an amino acid found in green tea .

  6. Winickoff提醒到,制造电子香烟的芯盒可做成各种气味,包括巧克力味、薄荷味和泡泡糖味。

    Winickoff noted that cartridges fore-cigarettes are available in flavors , including chocolate , mint and bubblegum .

  7. 神话的曲风并不固定,初期他们推出的是当时颇为流行的泡泡糖摇滚乐(如歌曲《Eusha,Eusha》),在第四张专辑《Hey,Comeon!》中,他们也推出了不少常规的流行乐。

    Shinhwa has changed musical styles many times throughout their existence , beginning with typical bubblegum pop songs ( as seen with their song Eusha , Eusha ) like other pop singers at the time . They also did regular pop songs as well , with the release of their 4th album Hey , Come On ! .

  8. 我没有和你说话,我在嚼泡泡糖。

    I am not talking to you . I am chewing bubblegum .

  9. 孩子们识破了杰克喜欢吃泡泡糖的秘密。

    The boys got wise to jack 's fondness for bubble gum .

  10. 但是勇敢的泡泡糖王子没有害怕。

    But the bubble gum Prince wasn 't afraid .

  11. 这个男人参加泡泡糖公司60年前的竞赛,竟然还获奖了

    Texas Man Enters Gum Company 's Contest 60 Years Late , Wins Prize

  12. 得用货真价实的泡泡糖。

    You got to use real bubble gum .

  13. 我给孩子们买来带泡泡糖香味的牙膏

    I bought my children bubble gum flavored toothpaste

  14. 把我变成什么泡泡糖舞曲偶像。

    turn me into some poppy bubblegum wannabe .

  15. 但你仍然是个轰动一时的泡泡糖舞曲偶像

    yet you 're this pop bubblegum sensation ,

  16. 过敏性接触皮炎发生在吃泡泡糖孩子的嘴唇周围。

    An allergic contact dermatitis developed around the lips of children who chew bubble gum .

  17. 是的,我喜欢泡泡糖。

    Yes , I like bubble gum .

  18. 你喜欢泡泡糖么?

    Do you like bubble gum ?

  19. 就像青苹果泡泡糖

    Tastes like green-apple bubble gum .

  20. 和泡泡糖合为一体。

    Become one with the gum .

  21. 双重的泡泡糖能吹双重的泡泡。

    Double bubble gum bubbles double .

  22. 在角落摆放着一台大泡泡糖机;墙上挂着彩色画。

    There was a big bubble gum machine in the corner and colorful pictures hung on the walls .

  23. 这种奇怪的多重味道让你感觉更像是在吃甜点:牛奶沙司、水果布丁、异或甚至是泡泡糖。

    This odd combination makes it taste more like a dessert : custard , fruit pudding or even bubblegum .

  24. 把你的头沾满肉汁酱,包裹上泡泡糖,邮递到海军!

    Stick your head in gravy , wrap it up in bubble gum and send it to the navy !

  25. 但长大之后,我们却不嚼泡泡糖,转而喜欢可以清新口气的口香糖。

    But by the time we reach adulthood , we 're not normally chewing bubble gum , but the kind that freshens breath .

  26. 售货小车里全是些多味豆、泡泡糖、巧克力青蛙糖、南瓜馅饼、大煎饼,棒冰之类的,还有些他从没见过的奇形怪状的食品。

    Pumpkin Pasties , Cauldron Cakes , Licorice Wands , and a number of other strange things Harry had never seen in his life .

  27. 在坟上,我要弄个类似泡泡糖自动贩卖机的东西来分发我的骨灰。

    And at that site , I would like to have my ashes in a dispenser of some kind , like a bubblegum machine .

  28. 我给孩子们买来带泡泡糖香味的牙膏,教他们如何用牙刷转圈儿刷牙以免得蛀牙。

    I bought my children bubble gum flavored toothpaste and I taught them how to brush their teeth in tiny circles so they wouldn 't get cavities .

  29. 不要担心未来;或者担心吧,但是你要知道但心的效果就好像用泡泡糖来解决代数问题一样。

    Don 't worry about the future ; or worry , but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum .

  30. 我们的天然无氟儿童牙膏使用钙和硅土达到温和清洁的目的。美味的天然水果口味相对于人工发泡,泡泡糖口味的牙膏更能吸引孩子。

    We use calcium and silica to gently clean , and our delicious real fruit flavor appeals to your child 's taste-not artificial sparkles and bubble gum flavors .