
  • 网络The Hong Kong Management Association;HKMA
  1. 获香港管理专业协会颁发最佳管理培训奖优异奖。

    Merit awards for excellence in training from the Hong Kong Management association .

  2. 香港管理专业协会于一九六零年成立,是非牟利的专业机构,宗旨是提高本港的管理效率与效绩。这项计划的资助额为非牟利幼稚园平均学费的五成至全数。

    The Hong Kong Management Association is a non-profit-making professional organisation incorporated in 1960 to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of management in Hong Kong . Such assistance is in the form of 50 or 100 per cent of the average of fees charged by non-profit making kindergartens .