
xiānɡ liào zhí wù
  • Spice plant;herbs
  1. 天然香料植物的超临界CO2萃取及应用问题

    Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction and Application of Natural Aromatic Plants

  2. 云木香为菊科植物木香AucklandiaLappaDecne的干燥根,是重要的中药材和香料植物。

    Radix Aucklandia , the roots of Aucklandia Lappa Decne , a plant of compositae , is an important traditional Chinese medicine and a raw material of perfume .

  3. 汉中地区香料植物资源的开发利用

    The Development and Use of Perfume Plant Resources in the Hanzhong

  4. 33种药用及食用香料植物的抑菌活性研究

    Study on Antimicrobial Activities of 33 Herbal and Edible Spice plants

  5. 香料植物。肉豆蔻,肉桂,丁香,香料或青椒。

    Spice Plants-Nutmeg , Cinnamon , Clove , Allspice or Pimento .

  6. 香料植物。生姜,黑胡椒,戏弄,辣椒。

    Spice Plants-Ginger , Black Pepper , Caper , Cayenne Pepper .

  7. 食用香料植物在食品工业中的开发与应用

    Development & Application of Food Flavoring Plants in Food Industry

  8. 互叶白千层组培苗嫩梢扦插育苗技术研究香料植物互叶白千层的引种栽培及利用研究

    Study on Cutting Technology of Melaleuca alternifolia plantlet Shoot via Tissue Culture

  9. 甘肃天然香料植物资源

    Resource on the flora of natural perfume resoures in Gansu

  10. 缬草属香料植物种类与人工驯化栽培研究

    The Study of Perfume Plant Species Valeriana and Artificial Cultivation

  11. 河南省桐柏山香料植物资源的调查研究

    Study on the Perfume Plant Resources in Mt. Tongbai of Henan Province

  12. 本文对内蒙古香料植物进行了初步研究。

    The Perfume plant resources are rich in Inner Mongolia .

  13. 芳香植物是兼有药用植物和香料植物共同属性的植物类群。

    Aromatic plant is an important flavor and medicinal plant .

  14. 香料植物桂花野生种群分布格局的分形分析

    Fractal Properties of Distribution Pattern of Natural Osmanthus fragrans Populations

  15. 该地区香料植物的开发利用具有广阔前景。

    They have broad development and utilization prospects .

  16. 新疆塔额垦区野生香料植物资源调查及开发利用研究

    Research on the Wild Perfume Plant Resources and Developing Utilization in Ta'e Area of Xinjiang

  17. 贵州地衣香料植物研究

    Study of lichen perfumery plant in Guizhou

  18. 热带香料植物开发利用研究

    Utilization of tropical spice and beverage crops

  19. 任何一种用草木香料植物作原料的作为开胃酒或混合饮料的白酒。

    Any of several white wines flavored with aromatic herbs ; used as aperitifs or in mixed drinks .

  20. 根据初步的化学分析和评价,隶属于4个科的8个属的许多种地衣植物均能作为地衣香料植物资源加以开发和利用。

    Many species from 8 genera of 4 families can be used for producing lichen perfumery products based on the preliminary chemical analysis and evaluation .

  21. 精油也称为芳香油,它是以香料植物的花、根、叶、茎等为原料,经蒸馏、萃取或压榨等工艺提取的具有香味的油性物质。

    Essential oil , also known as fragrant oil , is a fragrant oily substance extracted from flowers , roots , leaves or stems of perfume plants through the techniques such as distillation , extraction , and compression .

  22. 我国姜科植物有21属,216种,有许多是重要的药用、观赏和香料植物,产西南部至东南部各省区,以广东、广西、云南的种类最为丰富。

    In china , there are 216 species belonged to 21 genera , most of which are important medicinal , spices or ornamental plants distributed throughout southwest and southeast of china , especially in Guangdong , Guangxi , Yunnan province .

  23. 植物天然香料与植物内生真菌的研究进展

    Study on the natural fragrance and the endophytic fungus of plant

  24. 口味特征–水果,花卉,香料,植物,柞木,除外;

    Flavor characteristic – fruit , floral , spice , vegetal , oak , other ;

  25. 简述了新型催化剂在表面活性剂、除草剂、除虫剂、食品添加剂、医药、橡胶材料、增塑剂、香料、植物生长调节剂等精细化学品合成中的应用。

    The present situation of application of new-catalyse in synthesis of surfactant , weedicide , disinfestant , food additives , medicine , materials of rubber , plasticizer , perfume , growth conditioner of plant was introduced .