
  • 网络shangri-la grand canyon
  1. 香格里拉大峡谷旅游区环境管理体系研究

    Research on the Environmental Management System of Shangri-La Grand Canyon Tourism District

  2. 不同的地方有着各自美丽而神奇的自然风景和传统文化,比如:大理和丽江古城,香格里拉,雅鲁藏布江大峡谷和布达拉宫。

    Concentrations of beautiful and mysterious natural landscapes and traditional cultures developed in various sites , including Dali old city , Lijiang old city , Shangrila , Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon , Potala Palace .

  3. 近期大香格里拉圈、怒江大峡谷国家公园的建立、新农村的建设战略和基础设施的不断改善都为旅游的发展提供了良好的机遇。

    In recent years , the Great Shangri-la Eco-tourism Circle , national park of the great Nujiang canyon will be established , the new rural construction strategy , and continuous improvement of basic facilities , all of which provide an excellent opportunity for the tourism development .