
  • 网络Qingshuihe county;Qingshuihe Condado;Xian de Qingshuihe
  1. 本文对出土于内蒙古清水河县后城嘴墓地的4例成年女性个体颅骨进行了体质人类学研究。

    In this article , four ancient human skulls ( 4 female ) unearthed from the Warring states period cemetery at the Houchengzui site in Qingshuihe county , Inner Mongolian Province were studied .

  2. 在内蒙古清水河县、赤峰市敖汉旗对人工栽培牧草传粉蜜蜂进行调查,经整理鉴定有35种。

    Bee & pollinators of artificial cultivated herbage were investigated in Qingshui county , chifeng city , Inner mongolia . Through diagnosis , the bees belong to 35 species .