
  • 网络FLYING PIGEON;IPMsg;Pageflakes
  1. 我们正打算订购你方的飞鸽牌自行车。

    708 We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles .

  2. 车子弄好后的某天,我带着我的飞鸽去路边的一个小修车铺。

    One day , soon after it was finished , I took my Flying Pigeon to a sidewalk repair stop .

  3. 在眨眼间飞鸽和美女就被变出。

    The pigeon and beauty are suddenly out without blinking your eyes .

  4. 所有飞鸽用户之间可以相互交换信息。

    You can exchange messages between all IPMsg members .

  5. 翻飞鸽飞行中会摇摆或翻转的一种家鸽。

    One of a breed of domestic pigeons characteristically tumbling or somersaulting in flight .

  6. 显然,这一种鸽子是斯蒂克博特最好的飞鸽之一。该鸽子从图尔斯赛事飞回来后,颈部气囊感染。

    Apparently this was one of Stichelbaut 's best flyers and had returned from a race from Tours with his air-sacs over inflated .

  7. M:我对你们的“飞鸽”自行车很感兴趣,我认为这其中的一些产品可以在加拿大找到一个既成市场,不过我们的客户最关心的还是需要可信赖的产品。

    M : I am interested in your " flying pigeon " bicycles . I think some of these items will find a ready market in Canada .

  8. 在北京通州区当老师的时候,我的第一件事就是买一辆二手自行车(1970时期的飞鸽牌)。

    When I worked as a teacher in Beijing ( Tongzhou district ), one of the first things I did was buy a used bike ( an old1970 's Flying Pigeon ) .

  9. 在一个没有视频会议、依赖飞鸽传信(可靠性之高令人惊异)的世界中,很难时刻盯牢自己的投资。

    In a world without videoconferencing -- and where note-carrying ravens are a slow ( though bizarrely reliable ) precursor to email -- it 's tough to keep an eye on your investments .

  10. 事实上,我们的产品准则就是质优价廉,“飞鸽”牌自行车是在同等产品中性价比最高的产品。

    As a matter of fact , it 's always our practice to supply high quality goods at reasonable prices . " Flying pigeon " is the best of its kind at the price .