
  • 网络fuselage;aircraft fuselage;Aeroplanes
  1. 问题原来是飞机机身出现金属疲劳。

    The problem turned out to be metal fatigue in the fuselage .

  2. 目前,连续体拓扑优化形成的孔洞多为不规则形状,而飞机机身龙骨结构多为规则栅格状。

    At present , holes generating in topology optimization is mostly irregular geometric . However fuselage keel structure is generally regular grid .

  3. MD-82型飞机机身下部蒙皮腐蚀原因分析与防腐改进措施

    Corrosion Analyses and Improved Anticorrosive Measures on MD-82 Airplane Fuselage Lower Skin

  4. 录相还隐示,坠誉的MD-11飞机机身躺正在机场毗邻的一片潮做农田外。

    Footage also showed the wrecked MD-11 fuselage lying in a wet field adjacent to the airport .

  5. 飞机机身中有特殊用途的隔间。

    A compartment in an aircraft used for some specific purpose .

  6. 飞机机身的腹部擦过树顶。

    The underpart of the plane 's fuselage scraped the treetops .

  7. 某型飞机机身等直段充压疲劳试验

    Pressurize fatigue test of the liner part of a fuselage

  8. 第一句,飞机机身很多时都含有铝。

    First statement : Aircraft bodies usually consist of aluminum .

  9. 它们与单翼飞机机身上的结构铁管相符。

    They match structural iron tubing from the single-winged plane 's fuselage .

  10. 飞机机身大迎角气动力实验研究

    Experimental Study of Aircraft Fuselage Aerodynamic Forces at High Angles of Attack

  11. 废弃的飞机机身截面本身可能真的没什么用处。

    A section of airplane fuselage is pretty much useless on its own .

  12. 推动水平轴会使飞机机身旋转。

    This turns the plane spin or roll .

  13. 战斗机上圆顶形的封闭式结构,炮手的位置,从飞机机身上突出。

    A domelike gunner 's enclosure projecting from the fuselage of a combat aircraft .

  14. 飞机机身的任何一方的水平机翼。

    One of the horizontal airfoils on either side of the fuselage of an airplane .

  15. 为特殊场合或用途而设置的。飞机机身中有特殊用途的隔间。

    For a special service or occasion . a compartment in an aircraft used for some specific purpose .

  16. 旅客登机桥是广泛应用于各大航空机场的辅助设备,它是连接侯机大厅和飞机机身的一种桥梁设备。

    The boarding bridge is an auxiliary equipment widely used in airfield , and it connects the hall for passengers and the body of the plane .

  17. 女性的无名指通常比食指短,或和食指一样长,但男性的无名指普遍比食指长。【航空】细度比,径长比(指流线型飞机机身长度同宽度的比例)

    In women the ring finger is commonly shorter or the same length as the index finger , while in men the ring finger is generally longer .

  18. 在飞机机身等大部件位姿调整、对接及精加工等装配过程中,如何保持调整后的飞机部件位姿不变并对其进行可靠固持一直是个技术难题。

    How to keep and fasten reliably the adjusted posture of large components such as airplane bodies is a key issue in the application of posture adjustment and fixture .

  19. 当地电视台播放的镜头显示,飞机机身顶部烧毁,飞机尾部折断,而机翼则完整无损。

    Local TV footage showed that the top of the fuselage of the plane was burned out , its tail was also gone , but the two wings appeared intact .

  20. 为减小发动机传递至飞机机身结构的振动,设计了金属橡胶减振器用于航空发动机安装。

    In order to reduce the vibration the engine transfers to the fuselage structure , a metal rubber damper is designed and used in the installation of a jet engine .

  21. 也有朋友反映,飞机机身的后半部分偏软,如果可以做的刚性更好一点,飞行的效果就更好了。

    On the other hand , we also found that the fuselage is a little bit soft on the tail part , the airplane would be better if we can improve it .

  22. 周六发生的最新事故中,印度航空公司一架飞机机身一块4英尺乘8英尺大小的板件脱落,事故发生在飞机从新德里飞往班加罗尔的途中,当时机上共载有148名乘客和机组人员。

    In this latest incident Saturday , a four foot by 8 foot panel fell off the fuselage of air Indian plane , on its way from Delhi to Bangalore with 148 passengers and crews onboard .

  23. 实践表明,喷气发动机的J.E.M效应,尽管对飞机机身散射的有用信号是个大的干扰,但调制谱对目标识别是十分有用的。

    E. M effect is a big interference to useful signal scattered by an jet aircraft body , but its modulation spectrum is advantageous for target recognition . The engine intake is equivalent as a waveguide model .

  24. 在数字化装配技术的应用方面,组建了针对大型飞机机身壁板零件的数字化装配系统平台,并且分析了该平台在飞机零部件装配应用中的特点。

    In the application of digital assembly technology , it builds a cell of digital assembly system for fuselage wainscot parts of large size airplane , and analyses the application specialties of the cell in airplane parts assembly .

  25. 根据流场的叠加原理,用平面点源、点汇、二元直匀流叠加而成的流场模型,模拟某型飞机机身的表面流场。

    The pressure of a certain airplane surface is calculated . Based on the superpose principle of current field , a two-dimension model with a planar point-fountain , a point-converge and a constant current of current field is established .

  26. 系列飞机的机身、中央机翼盒及舱门将由沈阳飞机工业(集团)有限公司(shenyangaircraftcompany)开发提供,这是中国航空工业对西方商用喷气机项目的最大规模参与。

    The CSeries fuselage , centre wing box and doors will be developed and supplied by Shenyang aircraft company , with the Chinese aerospace industry making its biggest engagement in a western commercial jet programme .

  27. A319飞机后机身意外损伤及修理

    A-319 Aircraft Rear Fuselage Sudden Damage and Repair

  28. 它使用相同的J-85发动机当做它的动力但是双发飞机,机身上的倾斜垂尾类似波音F/A-18。

    It uses the same J-85 engine as its propulsion system but has a twin , outwardly canted vertical tail similar to the Boeing F / A-18 .

  29. 通过飞机前机身形状的建模仿真,验证了该方法的正确实用。

    The algorithm is verified to be feasible through an application on the front fuselage of aircraft .

  30. 大展弦比直机翼双机身飞机中机身与机翼的最佳布置问题

    Optimal Layout about Wing & Fuselage on Bi - Fuselage Aircraft with High Aspect Ratio Straight Wing