
  • 网络hong kong identity card;HKID
  1. 杜军走进一个狭窄的围栏,把香港身份证插入阅读器,拇指放在指纹扫描仪上,这时一扇小闸门应该会自动打开。

    Du Jun entered a narrow pen , fed his Hong Kong identity card into a reader and put his thumb on a fingerprint scanner , after which a small gate was supposed to swing open .

  2. 因为拥有香港身份证与中国归国人员证,我可以在仅仅10分钟内通过两边的入境检查站。

    With my Hong Kong identity card and China returnee card , I can go through both sides of the immigration in just 10 minutes .

  3. 我有香港身份证,上面清清楚楚地写着:香港永久居民证。

    I look at my Hong Kong ID card , and it says clearly : Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card .

  4. 你需要先填写这张表格,然后请出示商业登记证、香港身份证及住址证明。

    You need to fill in this form , and show us your company 's business registration certificate , your Hong Kong Identity card , and proof of your residence .

  5. 根据现行出入境简化计划的安排,持香港身份证出入境的香港居民已获豁免提交旅客抵港或离港申报表。

    Under the existing arrangements , Hong Kong residents travelling on their Hong Kong identity cards are already exempt from furnishing an arrival or departure card under the easy travel scheme .

  6. 她今年23岁,在香港出生和长大,之前持有英国护照;作为中国香港游泳队的队员,她以前是持香港居民身份证参加奥运比赛。

    Born and raised in the territory , this 23-year-old previously held a British passport and was competing in the national swimming team using her Hong Kong identity card .