
  1. 最近在北京举行的迷笛音乐节上,有照片拍到一群年轻人在遛白菜。

    A group of youths were recently photographed walking cabbages at a music festival named the Midi Music Festival in the Chinese capital Beijing .

  2. 用ASP设计有照片的人事记录的翻页浏览程序

    Design of Turnover and Browsing Program for Personnel Records with Photos ASP

  3. 有照片为证,我拿给你看

    There 's a picture . I 'll send you the ad.

  4. 莱斯利好对付而已-我们有照片

    Lesli 's just easy pickings . - We have a picture .

  5. 我家里有照片,要不要来看看?

    You can come over and take a look if you like .

  6. 法院有照片证实这种暴行。

    The court had graphic examples of that brutality .

  7. 有照片就好了,知道吗?

    I wish I had pictures . You know ?

  8. 有照片吗没有都烧掉埋了

    Are there pictures ? No. Burned . Buried .

  9. 看照片你能认出来吗?有照片?

    Could you recognize him from a photograph ? Do you have one ?

  10. 他玩大号,有照片为证。

    He played the tuba . I have pictures .

  11. 有照片吗?

    Do you have pictures ? Mark : Yeah .

  12. 他们有照片和银行收支报告。

    They 've got pictures and bank statements .

  13. 这里有照片。

    Joe : Well , the photograph here .

  14. 监考人员要求每个学生出示帖有照片的身分证。

    Proctors asked each student to produce an ID card with an attached photo .

  15. 我办公室里有照片,也许它们能帮你想起来。

    I got the pictures in my office , if that 'll help you remember .

  16. 不断有照片从几千英里、甚至几百万英里外发回地球。

    Photographs are regularly flashed to the earth from thousands and even millions of miles away .

  17. 有照片吗

    Do you have any pictures ?

  18. 吉恩克雷恩探员:孩子不见了!你们有照片!快去找!

    AGENT GENE CRANE : The kid 's on the loose ! You have the photo ! Move !

  19. 你能收集的某些珍宝有照片、票券、特别活动的计画表,或者是明信片。

    Some treasures you might collect are photographs , tickets , programs from special events , or postcards .

  20. 她把手伸进袋里。拿出一个项链盒子。里面有照片。

    Goes in her pocket , pulls out a tiny necklace locket , it 's got a picture .

  21. 护照粘贴:将护照本人信息页复印并适当裁减后粘贴在有照片的表格背面。

    Passport Copy Required : Please stick one copy of your passport personal page onto the back of the form .

  22. 本应该有照片佐证的,但是,实在贪吃,就把这事忘了,见谅见谅!

    PS : supposedly , some pictures should be attached , but forgive me for my gluttony while forgetting about it !

  23. 如果美国人必须在登机或买啤酒时出示有照片的身份证明,那投票时也并不困难。

    If Americans must show a photo ID to board a plane or buy a beer , they can easily show one to vote .

  24. 虽然有照片永远是件好事,但对这些“全棕色”,看起来非常类似的鸟,我们不能低估叫声的重要。

    Whilst photos are always nice , you cannot underestimate the importance of calls with these " all brown " birds that look very similar .

  25. 你还要说明确切的时间、地点、人物、说过的话或做过的事。有照片或录像的话就更加有利了。

    You also need to state where , when , who was involved , what was said or done . Photographic or video evidence boosts your case .

  26. 提供身份证明(护照复印件、有照片的身份证件、驾驶执照、入境机票等)。

    Providing identity certificate ( the copy of passport , the identity credential with photo on it , the Driving License , the entry air ticket , etc. ) .

  27. 根据官方媒体新华社周一的一则报道,江西省的一名官员被免职,因有照片显示他被人背着探视洪涝灾区。

    An official in flood-hit Jiangxi province was relieved of his post after a picture showed him accepting a piggyback ride , according to the official Xinhua news agency on Monday .

  28. 该应用就会给你发一条通知,点击就可以查看最好最应时的推文&有照片、视频、评论,当然还有笑话,全都侧重在那场篮球比赛上。

    The app would send you a notification , tap to see the best tweets timed to the moment & with photos , videos , commentary and , of course , jokes all focused on that event .

  29. 陈述中,戴维斯还说:“他拧着我的脖子,想让我窒息,有照片为证。”

    In the report , Ms Davis also states : ' He [ Jose ] grabbed me by the neck while twisting it , as if he was choking me and I have pictures of these aggressions '

  30. 想象能够改变图标的颜色文件夹,让你的财政文件夹,可绿(如金钱)和你的文件夹,其中有照片的家庭,可红(也许真爱?)。

    Imagine being able to change the icon color for folders so that your Financial folder can be green ( like money ) and your folder which has photos of family can be red ( maybe love ?) .